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The Increase of Marketing Different Medical Facilities and Benefits

Essay Instructions:

According to the James Lind Institute (n.d.), “In the recent times demand for quality in healthcare services has risen due to various market forces such as medical tourism, insurance, corporate growth and competition. As a result of these the expectations of the consumer for best in quality has also risen, which has indeed led to the introduction of national and international accreditation bodies to act as a quality assurance mechanism, thus enhancing customers access to better healthcare services” (para. 1).

Conduct additional research and discuss whether accreditation is a guarantee that quality care is being delivered. In addition, identify measures accrediting bodies can employ to assist healthcare organizations to be prepared (in terms of quality) for another pandemic similar to COVID-19. Be sure to support your analysis with scholarly sources.

James Lind Institute (n.d.). Importance of accreditation of hospitals in healthcare. Retrieved from http://www(dot)jli(dot)edu(dot)in/blog/importance-of-accreditation-of-hospitals-in-healthcare/

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The increase of marketing different medical facilities and benefits led to the rise of expectations in consumers' view. The rise of quality expectations gave birth to what people use as a basis for quality assurance, national and international accreditation. Acting as medium and standard, it is recognized and demonstrated to over-all performance and peer assessment (James Lind Institue, 2011). Information regarding the effectiveness of accreditation as a provider of exceptional medical service and assistance in times of crisis will be discussed.
According to Mosadeghrad (2016), having accreditation performance in every health care facility strengthens their performance quality of care and safety for their patients. With this action evaluating and monitoring all areas in the medical field, each facility's improvement will be prioritized, which benefits the patients and its workers. It also enhances the image of the facilities in the public, leading to more secure health services. Moreover, in the study of Bahadori et al. (2018), having the accreditation process resulted in a positive impact on quality and performance. It was supported by Saleh et al. (2013) as they stated that accreditation was a factor that enhanced their work quality and overall safety.
On the other hand, Mosadeghrad et al. (2018) also showed that accreditation had provided a successful implication in the Tehran hospitals. It presented in their study that the meeting and safety of their patients were significantly improved with accreditation. However, in terms of the workers' job satisfaction and quality, it was less effective according to its results. Another study that performed a better result with the help of accreditation was from El-Jardali et al. (2008) 's works in which their basis for improvement was the quality of care in hospital beddings. They also provided information that a much positive result was handed by the small and medium-sized hospitals rather than the larger scaled hospitals. In another study by Mosadeghrad et al. (2019), they stated that accreditation was hardly effective in hospitals in Iran, and at the same time, the financial qualification needed for accreditation was too costly.
On the other hand, Almasabi & Thomas (2016) stated that the Central Board of Accreditation of Healthcare Institutions (CBAHI) in regards to the process of hospital management provides a positive impact, but when outcomes of quality care are determined, they stated that it does not provide a better result. They also stated that CBAHI focuses more on inspection of hospitals' procedures rather than the continuous quality improvement process. One possible reason for its ineffectiveness in the betterment of quality care can be because it was recently established. With these effects,...
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