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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Using Technology and Protecting Patient Information and Confidentiality

Essay Instructions:

l select your final topic using the information you prepared in the Identification of a Research Topics assignment and create a literature review. To complete this assignment, do the following:
Select one of the three topics from the Identification of a Research Topic assignment.
locate three additional articles that will complement and support your specific topic of interest.
In a 1,500-2,000-word paper, utilizing the research process, (refer to your text, Understanding Research) include the following:
An introduction to the topic.
An explanation of how the literature review is used in research.
A discussion of the ethical considerations for data collection.
An explanation of what the data reveals in terms of statistical analysis.
An evaluation of whether there is enough information to make a decision on the effectiveness of the specific study.
A summary of the conclusions from the literature review.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Using Technology and Protecting Patient Information and Confidentiality
Using Technology and Protecting Patient Information and Confidentiality
Information is currently one of the most important assets that individuals and organizations have. People often go to extra lengths to ensure that their information’s security is guaranteed and will not be available to anyone else but themselves. In today’s world, information has become worth infinitely more than most physical assets but the issue of protection and confidentiality has in a way tainted it. Technology has elevated the value of information and people nowadays pay a lot of money to have data mined and to also have their information protected. On the other hand, some people (hackers) have also developed the habit of making money out of other people’s information. Hackers have necessitated the development of highly secured information reservoirs but some organizations always seem to fall short of the security requirements and upgrades. According to the American College of Healthcare Executives (2012), “healthcare is among the most personal services rendered in our society; yet to deliver this care, scores of personnel must have access to intimate patient information.” The above statement means that hospitals are indeed some of the most information-rich institutions that exist today. When one seeks care, the expectation is that they will divulge most of their personal information to strangers with the hope that it will be kept a secret and offered the protection and confidentiality that it deserves. In this article, the author will assess technology usage and protection of patient information and confidentiality while also elucidating on the current issues that make it easier for malicious people to infringe on other people’s privacy.
Literature Review
According to the University of Toronto (2016), a literature review “is an account of what has been published on a topic by accredited scholars and researchers.” A literature review is a piece of a research paper that is used to convey or show the bigger picture with regards to a particular topic by referencing other researchers’ works. With regards to this particular topic, there have been numerous accounts that explain how vulnerable information reservoirs have become and the need to reinforce and enhance the security measures in place. With each passing day, information confidentiality and protection becomes hard to maintain. Without a shadow of doubt, technology has improved the quality and efficiency of care, but one cannot be faulted when they say that it has also made it vulnerable. A partnership between healthcare and technology is beneficial but unfortunately, it comes with strings attached and in the long-run people might be forced to pay dearly as a result.
Change is contagious and after technology had invaded other sectors, for example, the banking sector and the agricultural sector, it was only a matter of time for it to invade the healthcare sector. Currently, few hospitals still use the old and traditional cabinet storages to keep patient data due to the invention of the Electronic Health Record systems. The technological wave of change docked in the healthcare sector and never left, and currently the access to patient data has been made easy and fast. However, according to Health Information Technology (2015), the issue of trust and integrity of information has always haunted the healthcare sector and some patients have been uncooperative due to these issues. The uncooperativeness of patients is a risk to themselves and others, and hospitals should thus work to ensure that they guarantee confidentiality, accuracy, and protection of patient data.
Protection of patient information led to the enactment of HIPAA or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act in 1996. With regards to this law, patients’ data is the responsibility of the hospital which should ensure that it is always protected and never accessed by unauthorized individuals. HIPAA first explains that all information that a patient discloses to the doctors is confidential and should thus be maintained and protected regardless of the format of delivery and time. Patient data should never be shared in a haphazard manner but as some experts would put it, it should be shared on the “need to know” basis. The above means that only a select few should have access to patients’ data and only when a need arises while also maintaining privacy safeguards. EHRs have indeed made it easier for medical practitioners to retrieve patients’ data but if the correct security measures are not in place then the entire idea of EHRs could be flawed.
Data breaches do occur in organizations and the consequences often include lawsuits as well as financial settlements. Apart from the above two consequences, the most dreaded concern or harm is reputational because it steals all the credibility of an organization and if the issue is not resolved fast the organization might end up closing down operations. Technology is a double-edged sword ...
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