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Social Problems Assignment: How do You Define Poverty?

Essay Instructions:

Page 1: Read Topic: Then my response, then my peers response, you write what you like/agree with on my peers answer to topic keeping in mind of my answer. 
Topic: How do you define poverty? Discuss how effective or ineffective you feel our government welfare problems are in helping alleviate poverty.
My response: Poverty is the scarcity of material and capital possessions that people would want to fulfill their daily need. The definition combines everything and then narrows to an individual level. However, states have developed their ways of determining whom they consider poor. Some cases define it as living below some dollar amount. These are definitions of the government and it combines the amount of cash needed to support a family or individual per year. It appears general and the former, which considers the definition as living below some sum of money. 
Government welfare problems work to alleviate poverty. These are issues that hinder the right ways of fighting poverty. Some of the challenges are like economic growth problems and unemployment situations. The state has not worked towards altering these situations that remain haunting the society from the past. It is better for them to have these well handled and make economic development improve for every person (National Poverty Center, 2016). The other issue is the high taxation that reduces the money people carry home for their use. Cases of unemployment have been rising without solutions. 
Finally, the state laws are universal to everybody irrespective of the amount of money somebody carries home. When economic laws are oppressive, the poor find it hard to move from their desperate situations. Examples are like paying for business permits. Health insurances are conditions imposed on the people without considering the dangers they impact on the poor maybe; these are what have held the cause of fighting against corruption to meander without successfully reaching the end. The state needs t divert these situations and rolls away other rock barricading the ways to stopping poverty (National Poverty Center, 2016).
My peers response: 
My definition of poverty is when the amount of money coming into the home is not enough to provide an individual or family with what society views as basic requirements for life: food, housing, and clothing. Without these things, a person’s quality of life suffers. To take this a step further, their quality of life often suffers not only because the poor struggle to acquire the basics needs of life, but because they also struggle to afford or access healthcare, thus their health suffers as well.
I struggle to answer how effective or ineffective the government is in helping alleviate poverty due to the fact that their are so many contributing factors. My first impression is that due to the large amounts of Americans living in poverty, the government’s efforts are obviously not completely effective. To me, I think poverty is best alleviated at a local level because people can be more hands-on in helping their neighbor. With that concept in mind, I believe local governments should be investing more in local organizations that serve those in poverty to give them a hand in re-routing out of poverty.
As the book mentions, those who control wealth are often those fully benefiting from a wealthy lifestyle. I have to assume that there is a disconnect and these people often don’t see first-hand the impacts of poverty. Welfare programs certainly have their loopholes which result in those who don’t necessarily need to be in these programs are and are benefitting when others have a much greater need. 
Page 2: 
Discuss the pros and cons of same-sex marriage. 
Page 3: If you have read the book or seen the movie, "The Help" you can see a lot of what life was like before and during the Civil Rights Movement. Where do you see racial and ethnic equality today? (Ex., Try to imagine yourself on an airplane with a group of five or six young Middle Eastern men.) Do you think racism is as abundant today as 50-75 years ago?
Page 4: Write a 300 word summary of what you learned from Chapter 7 (in attachments)
Page 5: Write 300 word summary of what you learned from chapter 8 (in attachments)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social problems
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My Peer defines poverty as when the amount of money coming home is not adequate to cater for human basic requirements, such as food, shelter, and clothing. I agree with my peer definition that poverty is the lack of enough money to fulfill their basic needs. I also like my peer definition that poverty is living below some sum of money that is not adequate to cater for family basic needs. Moreover, I concur with my peer views that apart from poor people struggling to cater for their basic needs, they are also faced with difficulties in accessing healthcare. However, my peer should have noted that poor people also face difficulties in accessing quality education and getting employment opportunities. I concur with my peer outlook that, because of the large number of Americans in poverty the government efforts in addressing the poverty problem would not be sufficient.
Besides, I like my peer view that the government should address the problem by directing more funds to local organizations, which are currently helping poor people. However, I disagree with funding the local organizations to assist in helping the poor as a long-term solution in solving the poverty issue. Nevertheless, government efforts in stimulating economic growth and creating employment opportunities are a long-term solution in alleviating poverty, since it will benefit every person. I concur with my peer view that the wealthy people might be benefitting from government welfare programs channeled to address poverty. Conversely, my peer should have cited the unfair state laws that apply to both rich and poor. For instance, paying of business permits and imposing healthcare insurance without considering people economic difference.
Pros and cons of same-sex marriage
Same-sex marriage is marriage between people of the same gender. Same-sex marriage is a contentious topic that presents a myriad of pros that support the marriage and drawbacks that oppose the marriage. The United States joined other nations that have legalized same-sex marriage in the year 2015, when the United States highest court abolished all state bans on same-sex marriage.
Same-sex marriage is argued to reduce the divorce rate. Research shows that the United States reports higher divorce rates among married couples due to failure of getting children and being incompatible. Consequently, same-sex marriage is viewed to reduce divorce rates, since getting children is not part of their plans. The increase in youth suicide is argued to be caused by children being bullied at school due to their sexual orientation. Hence, acceptance of same-sex marriage will confirm to children that homosexuality is allowed in the society. Finally, same-sex marriages increase the number of adopted children. Since, people in same-sex marriage cannot get children; this will result in many children getting caring parents and families.
On the other hand, a same-sex marriage is argued to deteriorate the marriage institution. Same-sex marriage is depicted as not supporting procreation and might puzzle the future generation of Americans about the function and significance of marriage institution. Children raised by married couples have higher self-esteem and ethical values resulting from good parenting. However, children raised in a same-sex marriage are likely to suffer from low self-esteem and miss emotional security and advice benefitted by children of married couples. Moreover, same-sex marriage cannot get children, hence going against the marriage reflection necessity of opposite union for procreation.
Racial and ethnic equality
Racism and ethnic inequity has been a controversial issue in the United States, since colonial period and slave period. Human rights were granted unfairly among the citizens. Some group of people had access of quality education and granted voting rights and citizenship, while others endured seclusion and discrimination. The civil right movement aided in reducing the racial discrimination against black Americans and other races. However, racism and ethical discrimination has changed over the past years, a large number of Americans admit to have biased viewpoints against some races ...
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