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Technology and Patient Information and Confidentiality

Essay Instructions:

In this assignment, you will select your final topic using the information you prepared in the "Identification of a Research Topics" assignment and create a literature review. To complete this assignment, do the following:
Select one of the three topics from the "Identification of a Research Topic" assignment.
Utilizing the GCU library, locate three additional articles that will complement and support your specific topic of interest.
In a 1,500-2,000-word paper, utilizing the research process, (refer to your text, Understanding Research) include the following:
An introduction to the topic.
An explanation of how the literature review is used in research.
A discussion of the ethical considerations for data collection.
An explanation of what the data reveals in terms of statistical analysis.
An evaluation of whether there is enough information to make a decision on the effectiveness of the specific study.
A summary of the conclusions from the literature review.
NOTE: Do not submit the assignment to the instructor. Post your rough draft to the Peer Review Forum in Topic 3. You should label your paper with your first name and last name (e.g., Karen Palmer's Paper).
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. Instructor is a stickler on citing in APA.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
Here are the three topics to choose from.
Failure To Label Specimens
Dunn, E. J., & Moga, P. J. (2010). Patient Misidentification in Laboratory Medicine. Archives Of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, 134(2), 244-255.
Leaving Medication Unsecured
Using Technology and Protecting Patient Information and Confidentiality
I am sending the info I started on the first part of the assignment. You can choose whatever topic out of the three I have picked to write about. If you need anything please do not hesitate. I found out I need to go out of town for an emergency and will not be able to get this done in time. Thank You!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Technology and Patient Information and Confidentiality
Jeremy Deknegt
Grand Canyon University: HLT-317v
July 24, 2016
Using Technology and Protecting Patient Information and Confidentiality
The development of technology has contributed to improved health care provision. Fundamentally, health professionals can offer personalized service with the help of technology. The increase in the use of technology has led to issues of security electronic medical information. Information in electronic health records is assessed for physicians and other medical personnel in making decisions about patient care. In line with this, the patient has the right to control how and when their health information is shared. The use of technology raises the need for privacy and confidentiality in the use of patient details. Confidentiality in the provision of health care alludes to the obligations of medical professionals who have access to patient records or communications have in holding such information in confidence. Researchers claim that the patient-provider relationship that guarantees confidentiality can be traced back to 4th century BC and the Oath of Hippocrates. Suggestively, the foundation of the medical profession is based on secrecy. Additionally, it is supported in the profession's association code of ethics and the law as a privileged communication that occurs between two individuals in a professional relationship such as that of a patient and a doctor, a nurse or other medical practitioners. Protecting patients’ information also alludes to matters related to privacy, which is different from confidentiality as it is the right of the patient to make independent decisions on how their personal information is shared. The use of technology needs a guarantee that the information is secure, and the means used to ensure that privacy is maintained and allow the medical personnel to hold it in confidence. The concept of security has for long been practiced. For instance, before the massive transfer to electronic systems, the patients’ files were locked in cabinets.
Literature review
The modern society is made up of elite people who have placed a high value on the personal rights, like to make individual choices, and appreciate a secluded sphere that is protected from interruption. Additionally, governments have formulated laws to provide legal bases for these sentiments and ensure the interests of the citizens are upheld in various settings. The prolificacy in the use of information technology in the medical sector has improved healthcare provision and is appropriate for enhancing services offered by the government and other organization due to the simplicity of acquiring credible data. Medical information entails a variety of details that range from names, social security numbers, family members, residence, occupation, financial information among others. The fact that this information is held in electronic systems on hospital networks has made it a prime target for hackers, as well as other actors who may have an interest in such data. A study carried out in 1999 in the USA showed that out of four Americans, three raised worries concerning the confidentiality and secrecy of their health details (Forrester research, 1999). In 2005, following the enactment of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule, it was noted that Sixty-seven percent of the participants were still concerned about the concealment of health details. Additionally, this group raised claims that the privacy rule that had been passed was not sufficient to eliminate the perception people had concerning the privacy of electronic medical records. The study also showed that primary concerns were among the ethical and racial minorities, and only fifty-nine percent of the participants were familiar with the HIPAA privacy protection provisions (Forrester Research 2005). Fundamentally, the Forrester Research of 2005 reported that one out of eight participants in the research admitted to engaging in behaviors that were focused on guaranteeing their privacy even to the extent of exposing themselves to the dangers of experiencing serious health problems. Such acts included lying to physicians about symptoms, denying particular details, or giving incorrect details, making personal payments for some services enclosed by their medical insurance, and others avoided receiving health care altogether. Various scholars have suggested that there the perceived credibility of privacy, confidentiality, and security protection has a significant role in how people view the technologies in use. A survey carried out, alluding to the possibility of the implementation of a countrywide scheme of electronic records found that seventy percent of the participants were concerned that essential private information could be exposed due to a weak data security mechanism. The research also found that sixty-nine of the participants feared that there was a possibility of increased sharing of medical records, ignoring the consent of the patient (Weddle and Kokotailo, 2005).
Weddle and Kokotailo (2005) also noted that confidentiality is an important aspect when it comes to offering adolescent health care services. Young adults make up a significant portion of the population, and their health is critical to the future of a country. Fundamentally, at their stage in life, they face changes that make it difficult for them to handle the situation that might compromise their confidence. Resultantly, when teenagers recognize that health care do not offer trustworthy services, they are less likely to be engaged in seeking alternative care. Particularly, issues of confidentiality are less likely to limit young adults from seeking reproductive health care. Additionally, people are less liable to provide information about their mental health and drug abuse during treatment if they perceive such information could have adverse consequences for confidentiality and privacy are not upheld in the medical records.
Protecting the secrecy of medical information is imperative to certifying that people seek and receive quality medical care. Reviews show that people are highly concerned about other parties such as health insurers and employers retrieving their details without their consent. The fear is as a result of insurance providers and employers discriminating the individuals due to their medical condition. People also perceive that health insurance providers might use genetic information available in their records inappropriately, which has led some people to avoid genetic testing for fear of discrimination. Additionally, the information is targeted by big organizations for advertising and marketing purposes. Data miners are likely to hack and acquire information related to the trend of illnesses among the population. Such information is used to manipulate the sale of drugs, and this might have substantial economic repercussions for the people (Pirnejad, Niazkhani, Sijs, Berg, & Bal, 2008).
The use of technology for health care service and at the same time upholding the patients’ privacy and security is guaranteed by principles of fair information practice. The principles were formulated in 1973 in a consultative report to the United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW). The purpose of this approach is to offer an option for formulating measures that assure the people they have ...
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