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Technology Applications and Healthcare Management Opportunities

Essay Instructions:

You will conduct research and analysis to support your recommendations to help the selected healthcare organization overcome the opportunity identified. You will identify and justify recommendations to help improve the healthcare organization—from the conception of an idea all the way through implementation.

A. Prepare a report (suggested length of 8 pages) in which you do the following:
1. Identify one of the following healthcare management opportunities you encountered in one of the previous performance assessments completed in this program:
• Applications in Healthcare Values and Ethics
• Applications in Technology Applications in Healthcare
• Applications in Financial Resource Management in Healthcare
• Applications in Healthcare Management and Strategy
2. Identify one of the following professional lenses:
• payer
• manager
• technology professional
• clinical rofessiona
3. Summarize the opportunity selected in part A1 from the perspective of the professional lens selected in part A2.
4. Provide a process overview by doing the following:
a. Describe the process as it is being performed today.
i. Describe the operational environment.
ii. Outline the sequence of events of the process.
iii. Describe the constraints of the process.
iv. Describe risk factors of the process.
5. Propose a process that addresses the constraints and risk factors identified in part A4aiii and part A4aiv by doing the following:
a. Describe the proposed process that addresses the constraints and risk factors identified in part A4aiii and part A4aiv.
i. Outline the sequence of events of the new process.
ii. Identify potential constraints of the new process.
iii. Identify potential risk factors of the new process.
iv. Discuss how this new process impacts its external environment.
6. Develop an implementation strategy for your proposed process from part A5 by doing the following:
a. Describe your implementation strategy for the proposed process.
i. Identify all stakeholders and their roles.
ii. Describe any new technology solutions.
iii. Describe any training impacts.
iv. Describe any operational considerations.
v. Identify all potential costs of implementation (both monetary and non-monetary).
b. Describe how you would deploy the strategy from part A6.
i. Illustrate a phased implementation of the strategy.
Note: A visual timeline, such as a Gantt chart, is an appropriate option for illustrating the phased implementation.
ii. Discuss how to collaborate with the stakeholders identified in part A6ai about the implementation of the proposed strategy.
7. Develop a solution monitoring and control plan.
a. Describe how you will measure and collect process performance data.
i. Describe the research methods (i.e., qualitative, quantitative, mixed method) you would use to collect process performance data.
b. Describe how you will analyze the information.
c. Describe how you will communicate the results to stakeholders.
d. Describe the resources you would need to support ongoing monitoring of your control plan.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Healthcare Management Opportunities
The days of business as usual in health care are passed. Despite the efforts of well-intentioned, well-trained professionals, every healthcare system throughout the world is grappling with escalating prices and unequal quality. As a response, healthcare professionals and legislators have tried a slew of small-scale solutions to combat fraud, minimize errors, enforcing practice guidelines, improve patient "consumer" behavior, and integrate electronic medical records. In this scenario, we will look at the use of Technology Applications in Healthcare as an opportunity through the eyes of clinical professionalism. Throughout the process, we will undertake research and analysis to support our suggestions in various ways.
Technology Applications in Healthcare in Clinical Professionalism Perspective
When it comes to clinical professionalism, the outlook for successful healthcare information and technology system adoption is excellent. In today's healthcare environment, it is still being used to improve legibility, reduce medical errors, cut expenses, and improve healthcare quality (Powell-Cope et al., 2008). However, the same clinical professionalism has faced several obstacles as a result of these technological opportunities, ranging from concerns deriving from the very nature of healthcare information technology to issues relating to healthcare information technology and stakeholders.
Process Overview
As previously stated, clinicians' use of technology can help to prevent errors and adverse events such as medication errors, miscommunications, treatment delays, and adverse events (Powell-Cope et al., 2008). Furthermore, these technologies have been utilized to monitor some infections or diseases in patients. Some of these processes entail each individual assuming responsibility for their responsibilities on a single platform where they can both view and communicate at the same time. For example, when a patient is sent to the next clinician at a large healthcare facility, technology is commonly used. Typically, the first clinician member records and forwards the patients' needs to the other via these platforms, which makes it simple and convenient. Treatment-enrolled patients, such as HIV patients, are constantly informed about their medication process using these technologies. Such information may include, the dosage and nutritional requirements for them to strengthen their immunity.
Taking an x-ray, surgery, and other relevant technology processes in healthcare are also used in these fields. Each one has a distinct process that necessitates specific knowledge and understanding to be completed efficiently and without errors. These technological procedures occur in a certain order. For example, an x-ray is a technical procedure that performs in a certain way depending on the requirement to be addressed, similar to all other clinical technological applications. The clinician-to-patient platform technology is a procedure that can be stated to have a general sequence. Patients meet with the clinician where they will be treated initially in this process. A clinician monitors the patient's health behavior after the therapy and records it at random every time they receive any treatment. If the same sickness appears in the future, the information can be utilized to determine which diseases the patient may be suffering from based on their association. They can also play a role when a clinician is providing a drug to a patient in terms of their comprehension of the potential consequences of the medication.
Nonetheless, a constraint is broadly defined as anything that prevents a system or a process from exceeding its target performance. As a result, for each of the processes listed above, full exploitation or breaking of a system's restrictions is required to boost performance. Physicals, such as a lack of technological innovation, most doctors having a tough time using new technological gadgets given that it is updated now and then, and a deficiency in people required to satisfy the process obligations are some of these restrictions. The second type of limitation is policy constraints, such as operational procedures or management policies, which can lead to resource limits within a healthcare institution. Furthermore, because this technological use in health care is heavily reliant on the storage and sharing of patient data, cybersecurity is a critical risk issue (Meinert et al., 2018). Cy-attacks can strike institutions that store patient data and hospital data, harming the entire society. As a result, patients and the general public's trust in data sharing may be harmed. In the past, incidents like these have been documented, such as the WannaCry ransomware cyber-attack, which affected 80 NHS trusts and over 600 different National Health Service (NHS) organizations in England (Meinert et al., 2018).
Proposed Process
Defining the correct goal is the first step in solving any constraint or risk factor. The lack of clarity regarding the goal, or even the pursuit of the wrong goal, has hampered efforts in healthcare technological applications. In this instance, we need a new approach with new techniques to maximize the value of our physician and patient by attaining the greatest outcome at the lowest cost and in a pleasant setting. Making this shift is a multi-step process that will necessitate reorganizing how health care delivery is structured, measured, and reimbursed utilizing these new technological tools. The main agenda should be viewed from the perspectives of improving cyber security, regularly training clinicians on new technological devices, developing new technological policies that govern both clinicians and patients, and continuously improving the level of technological devices used in the organization. The organization's purpose is to move away from a supply-driven healthcare system centered on what professionals do and toward a patient-centered one oriented on what patients require. By changing the focus away from the volume and profitability of patient services and toward the outcomes obtained. This can only be accomplished by enacting new laws that regulate not only how this equipment should be used, but also how it should help our patients obtain the best possible therapy. Furthermore, we must replace today's fragmented system, in which every local healthcare provider provides a broad range of services, with a system in which services for specific medical conditions are centralized in "health delivery." Instead, the organization’s optimal area will be to deliver high-value care. This will be accomplished by offering frequent training to our clinicians on the value of this opportunity and how to incorporate it into their everyday work. And, with the help of our team's management, putting new policies in place.
Regarding the type of information system in place, this process is anticipated to follow a specified sequence. In...
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