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Health Policy and the Health in All Policies (HiAP)

Essay Instructions:

Exam Questions each question should be at least 1/2 of page. its 5 questions worth 20points each. if you need any material to answer these questions please let me know.

1. What is "health policy?" Provide, in your own words, a description of health policy that would be understandable to the general public and explain why it is important to ensuring the health and well- being of society.

2. A "Health in All Policies (HiAP)" philosophy is a way to operationalize the manner in which policies can help us effectively address the social determinants of health. Why is this the case? In your explanation, describe one specific policy (health policy or general public policy) and how it helps in society's response to a particular social determinant.

3. Public health describes itself as being "evidence-based." For each phase of the policymaking process (formulation, implementation, modification): select a type of public health evidence (e.g., epidemiologic data, scientific literature, program evaluation outcomes, expert opinion) and describe, using specific examples, how it has been used to inform decisions during that phase.

4. During the early stages of COVID-19, President Trump "ordered governors in the states to open all churches immediately." Many governors said "No!" But a relative of yours calls you on the phone. They are concerned and do not understand how a governor has the right to disregard this order from the President. How would you explain this to your relative in public health terms, taking advantage of the opportunity to educate them on the US Constitution? In your explanation, be sure to identify and describe the part of the US Constitution that gives states, and their governors, this power.

5. Public health ethics may be defined as "the principles and values that help guide actions designed to promote health and prevent injury and disease in the population." Select one COVID-19 specific policy in your local community that you believe has presented ethical tensions between public health and individuals. Describe that policy and its ethical tensions. If you were the public health officer in your community, what would you say to the community members to help them understand that you have considered the ethical challenges but that your policy is necessary?

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Health Policy Midterm Questions
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Question One
Health policy refers to the plans, actions, laws, and regulations put in place to ensure the stipulated goals are achieved to promote health and well-being in society. Health policy is significant because it helps guide health workers, patients, and other stakeholders on healthcare-related services. Some of the healthcare policies include global health policies, drug policies, patient care policies, security and privacy policies, and employee health policies. The different health policies cover various stakeholders based on their position in the healthcare system.
Healthcare policy helps to maintain optimum operation within the healthcare system. The formulated policies benefit all stakeholders, including patients, health organizations, and healthcare workers. The guidelines help minimize errors, optimize operations, and improve communication, thus improving healthcare outcomes. By following the guidelines, administrators are able to make sound decisions and influence future policies.
The global health policy covers the structures that influence healthcare policies worldwide. Drug policies provide a layout of the protocols for receiving, recording, handling, and dispensing drugs. Patient care policies provide guidelines on the treatment of various conditions and how to respond to emergencies. Security and privacy policies cover the measures employees and administrators should take when the facility faces a security threat. The facilities should also ensure data security to protect patient information. Employee health policy covers the well-being of healthcare providers while at work. 
Question Two
Health in All Policies (HiAP) is an approach that integrates health determinants to enhance the health of people and the community at large. HiAP philosophy guides policymakers in making favorable decisions regarding health outcomes, noting that social issues outside the health sector influence health. Social determinants of health are the circumstances under which people are born, brought up, work, live and age. Some social determinants of health include education level, access to quality healthcare, income distribution, living environment, and social and community environment. They are dynamic as they are influenced by economic, political, and social determinants.
For instance, urban planning policy helps in the sustainable development of urban areas to maintain well-organized developments and prevent the cropping up of slums. Sustainable development factors in water and sanitation protocols for the residents. In the long run, it helps prevent the health challenges associated with living in congested areas with inadequate resources. Challenges associated with slums include poor drainage, water and sound pollution, and inadequate waste management. These challenges could individually or collectively lead to health complications such as metabolic disorders associated with the intake of unsafe drinking water and contaminated food.
Question Three
Policy-making should be based on scientific knowledge and never on ideas or intuitions. Public health policy-making should particularly be based on quality scientific evidence that is rigorously analyzed. The policy-making process is segmented into phases: formulation, implementation, and modification. The decisions made in each phase are influenced by scientific evidence.
The formulation phase includes the development of different policy ideas from which a few choices are selected. At this stage, the policymakers do away with infeasible ideas to build on the highly ranked ones. During this phase, epidemiologic data may influence decisions, which involves analyzing the determinants of health-related occurrences in specific groups. For instance, epidemiologic data that showed many smokers started the practice as adolescents were used to formulating clean indoor air laws, policies that led to an increase in tobacco prices, and increased public awareness of the effects of smoking on health. 
The implementation phase refers to t...
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