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Genogram Family Analysis

Essay Instructions:

This scholarly paper is an interpretive analysis of the comprehensive genogram illustration which highlights trends in family relationships, marital status, family issues, family patterns of mental illness, and substance abuse.

Develop a scholarly paper that addresses the following criteria:

1. Complete a 5-6 page in-depth analysis of the information gained in the family genogram.

2. Three issues should be addressed in this narrative:

3. Define what the term “family” means to you and describe how your definition of family influenced the content of the genogram. Include cultural, spiritual and ethnic influences in your response.

4. Describe your family’s structure. Include household composition, sibling constellations, unusual family configurations and multiple families, i.e., foster care, adoption, stepfamilies, and god-families. Provide specific examples of open-type, closed-type, or random-type communication and the presence of boundaries, if any.

5. Discuss your reasons for excluding family members that may have been logical to include.

6. Use key terms to interpret the family dynamics and communication and how it impacts the family.

7. Interpret the family’s patterns and functioning between and within generations. Provide specific examples to explain the family’s relationship with each other i.e., relationship dynamics between generations and intergenerational and family member roles. Use key terms to interpret life events like marriages, divorces, transitions, traumas, family secrets, and critical life changes.

//* I know 6 pages, you can keep the extra two.

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Family Genogram Analysis
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June 17, 2022
Understanding the importance of family genograms in clinical practice is essential for any clinician. It allows him to better appreciate both the internal and external circumstances that affect the patient and utilize these circumstances in the treatment. In this article, I will discuss the pertinent learnings from his family genogram. This includes the reasons for choosing certain data, its relevance to possible practice, and its implications for his generational analysis. All in all, I believe that an in-depth understanding of family genograms could help make better clinical decisions for any healthcare professional.
Genogram and the Concept of Family
In its general sense, a genogram is an analysis of family relationships as visualized through the use of standard symbols. However, despite such requirements, the scope and application of relevant information and parties may differ based on their relevance to the patient’s case. In the genogram that I created (where I am the index person), I chose three generations to include in my analysis. Notably, these generations span from my own to my grandparents.
The Concept of Family
In its general sense, the concept of ‘family’ is one of the broadest concepts that could be defined. Recent definitions of a family may include blood relatives, peers, and other friends who are intimately close to oneself. However, for the purpose of a family genogram, I realized that the concept should be given a more specific meaning. Mainly, I believe that the term should mean either blood relatives or foster (or adopted) members who exhibit a certain degree of familiarity, close enough to (1) properly exhibit the patient’s genetic history and (2) influence his psychosocial status. In most cases, I believe that this should cover three generations to be able to become a sufficient indicator (or map) of one’s hereditary composition and be significant enough to affect (socially, psychologically, or emotionally) the individual.
On the one hand, the use of these three generations seems to be a personal choice based on the concept of family and my familiarity with each one’s personal lives. In one study by Yoon and La Ferle (2018), the authors found that Hispanics are highly characterized by family-orientedness and collectivism. These characteristics are evidenced by extended support, more significant emotional attachments, and even increased familial connections between generations of Hispanic families. In my case, I was raised in a highly ‘family-oriented’ household where each generation is close to one another. I was even born and raised in an extended household until the time when we had to migrate to another place here in the United States. We usually visit our immediate relatives and visit them during festivals, celebrations, and holidays, to name a few. I believe this psychosocial and emotional relationship between immediate family members should be one of the primary considerations in any family genogram.
Going back to the family genogram, this “close relationship and familiarity” is one of the main reasons I chose three generations for my diagram. I realized that while I know a lot about my family and relatives up to the third-degree (consanguinity and affinity), I only had a vague idea about those who were more distant. In fact, I was not even able to hear from my cousins for years before making this activity.
On the other hand, I also believe that the use of three generations as the limit is also in line with the standards in making family genograms. Early studies have already shown that three generations are enough for analyzing family histories (Kerr, Bowen, & Kerr, 1988). Accordingly, recent studies show that this number is also enough for it is related to the concept of the “three-generation pedigree,” which helps determine possible hereditary influences on illnesses CITATION Hya19 \l 1033 (Hyatt, Russo, & McDougall, 2019). In other words, by including three generations in a family genogram, the patient’s hereditary and genetic makeup could be analyzed without needing too much information from other members of the family from the fourth generation and above.
All in all, I realized that while the use of a three-generation pedigree in genograms is accepted under the standards of psychiatric practice, it could also reflect the degree of familiarity between the patient and his family members. Thus, while my concept of family extends to anyone who is related by blood, my concept of “close family relationships,” which can have a significant psychosocial influence on me, is mainly limited to three generations.
Family Structure and Relationship
As stated earlier, our family structure is primarily characterized by close relationships, a family-oriented mindset, and extended households. These characteristics are all reflected in the family genogram that I made.
First, in terms of family structure, it could be seen that most of the relationships between members of my f...
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