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Techniques for Building a Therapeutic Alliance with Rationale

Essay Instructions:

Please all references 5 years or less. You can use more or fewer sources if needed.

Worksheet and scenarios will be attached.

Therapeutic Alliance Worksheet



The purpose of this assignment is to explore techniques for building a person-centered therapeutic alliance with clients based on their diagnoses and individual needs.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO 2: Formulate appropriate diagnoses and evidence-based treatment plans using psychosocial theory, psychotherapy and psychopharmacologic modalities for management of common mental health diagnoses based on the needs of the patient and family. (POs 2, 5) 

CO 4: Apply ethical and legal principles to the healthcare needs and management of acutely ill psychiatric mental health patients across the lifespan, (PO 5) 

Due Date

The Therapeutic Alliance Worksheet is due by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 3.

The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment:

Students are expected to submit assignments by the time they are due. Assignments submitted after the due date and time will receive a deduction of 10% of the total points possible for that assignment for each day the assignment is late. Assignments will be accepted, with penalty as described, up to a maximum of three days late, after which point a zero will be recorded for the assignment. Quizzes and discussions are not considered assignments and are not part of the late assignment policy. 

Total Points Possible

This assignment is worth 100 points.

Preparing the Assignment

Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.

Download and complete the Therapeutic Alliance Worksheet TemplateLinks to an external site. addressing the following.

Review the scenarios provided in an announcement by course faculty. Describe techniques you would use to build a therapeutic alliance with each of the clients in the provided scenarios.

Provide a rationale for why the techniques are appropriate for the client in the scenario.

Include a scholarly source in your rationale. You may use the same scholarly source to support each scenario if relevant. Include a matching reference for each citation using the current APA Style.


Week 3 Therapeutic Alliance Worksheet

Week 3 Therapeutic Alliance Worksheet

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTopic 1: Mood Disorders, Anxiety, and OCD


1. Describe techniques you would use to build a therapeutic alliance for the provided scenario.

2. Provide a rationale for why the techniques are appropriate for the client in the scenario.

3. Include a scholarly source in your rationale and a matching reference.

(Three required critical elements)

18 pts


Three required critical elements are present and thoroughly addressed.

16 pts

Very Good

Three required critical elements are present but addressed superficially in places.

15 pts


Three required critical elements are present but addressed superficially in each element.

9 pts

Needs Improvement

One required critical element is missing.

0 pts


No requirements for this section are presented.

18 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTopic 2: Psychosis


1. Describe techniques you would use to build a therapeutic alliance for the provided scenario.

2. Provide a rationale for why the techniques are appropriate for the client in the scenario.

3. Include a scholarly source in your rationale and a matching reference.

(Three required critical elements)

18 pts


Three required critical elements are present and thoroughly addressed.

16 pts

Very Good

Three required critical elements are present but addressed superficially in places.

15 pts


Three required critical elements are present but addressed superficially in each element.

9 pts

Needs Improvement

One required critical element is missing.

0 pts


No requirements for this section are presented.

18 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTopic 3: Personality Disorder


1. Describe techniques you would use to build a therapeutic alliance for the provided scenario.

2. Provide a rationale for why the techniques are appropriate for the client in the scenario.

3. Include a scholarly source in your rationale and a matching reference.

(Three required critical elements)

18 pts


Three required critical elements are present and thoroughly addressed.

16 pts

Very Good

Three required critical elements are present but addressed superficially in places.

15 pts


Three required critical elements are present but addressed superficially in each element.

9 pts

Needs Improvement

One required critical element is missing.

0 pts


No requirements for this section are presented.

18 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTopic 4: Trauma


1. Describe techniques you would use to build a therapeutic alliance for the provided scenario.

2. Provide a rationale for why the techniques are appropriate for the client in the scenario.

3. Include a scholarly source in your rationale and a matching reference.

(Three required critical elements)

18 pts


Three required critical elements are present and thoroughly addressed.

16 pts

Very Good

Three required critical elements are present but addressed superficially in places.

15 pts


Three required critical elements are present but addressed superficially in each element.

9 pts

Needs Improvement

One required critical element is missing.

0 pts


No requirements for this section are presented.

18 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTopic 5: Substance Use Disorder


1. Describe techniques you would use to build a therapeutic alliance for the provided scenario.

2. Provide a rationale for why the techniques are appropriate for the client in the scenario.

3. Include a scholarly source in your rationale and a matching reference.

(Three required critical elements)

18 pts


Three required critical elements are present and thoroughly addressed.

16 pts

Very Good

Three required critical elements are present but addressed superficially in places.

15 pts


Three required critical elements are present but addressed superficially in each element.

9 pts

Needs Improvement

One required critical element is missing.

0 pts


No requirements for this section are presented.

18 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, Syntax, Spelling, & Punctuation

Scholarly paper has minimal grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation, or APA Style errors*

(*) APA style references and in-text citations are required; however, there are no deductions for errors in indentation or spacing of references. All elements of the reference otherwise must be included.

10 pts


0-1 errors in grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation, or APA Style errors*

8 pts


4-5 errors in grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation, or APA Style errors*

8 pts

V. Good

2-3 errors in grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation, or APA Style errors*

5 pts

Needs Improvement

6-9 errors in grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation, or APA Style errors*

0 pts


10 or more errors in grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation, or APA Style errors*

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLate penalty deductions

Students are expected to submit assignments by the time they are due. Assignments submitted after the due date and time will receive a deduction of 10% of the total points possible for that assignment for each day the assignment is late, up to three days. Assignments will not be accepted after three days late, and a score of zero will be recorded for the assignment. Quizzes and discussions are not considered assignments and are not part of the late assignment policy

0 pts

No Points Deducted

0 pts

Points Deducted

0 pts

Total Points: 100

Essay Sample Content Preview:
NR605 Therapeutic Alliance Worksheet

Techniques for Building a Therapeutic Alliance with Rationale

Mood disorders/anxiety/OCD

First, I would make the teen feel welcome. Some ways to achieve this are to welcome the child using a kind and loving tone as well as ensure the room is warm. Making the teen welcome is intended to make the teen ease her tension. She is already anxious concerning the divorce, and therefore, there is a need to put in necessary measures to ease that tension. A warm welcome has also been shown to increase the likelihood of building a good rapport between a counselor and a teen (Wong et al., 2022). Secondly, I would take the first few sessions to only ask surface questions. Since the teen is anxious about her environment, it is not the best time to bombard her with questions about how she feels. During the first few sessions, the aim would be to make her feel at ease as well as build a good rapport. From then onwards, having established the trust of the client, it will be easier to delve into the subject matter.


To establish a therapeutic alliance with the college student, I would ensure that I give great attention to the caregiver and involve them in decision-making. The caregiver would gain an understanding of the delusional behavior and other characteristics. Involving the caregiver would be in the best interest of the patient since the caregiver would gain an understanding of how to best support the college student. Secondly, after the delusional behavior has significantly subsided, I would involve the student in the process of decision-making. Evidence has shown that clients are more likely to own and implement decisions if they are involved (Browne et al., 2019).

Personality disorder

I would approach the client in two key ways. First, I would be empathetic. I would fit into their shoes and try to understand how they feel. Being empathetic creates an environment where there is no judgment. Empathy has been shown to be a key component for building successful therapeutic alliances (Perrotta, 2020). Secondly, I would focus on the future. Instead of trying to tell the client that...
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