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Teaching Plan for a Caregiver

Essay Instructions:

This patient is a 64-year-old caucasian male who presented to the emergency department for evaluation of decreased appetite, shortness of breath and a productive cough that started 3 days prior. He was accompanied by his caregiver from the group facility that he resides in. Other symptoms this patient experienced includes shortness of breath, nausea, constipation, and a sore throat. At his baseline this patient is blind and hard of hearing and has a history of autism. Following further testing, this patient was diagnosed with pneumonia and will be admitted for treatment. His discharge planning includes placement into a skilled nursing facility and follow up with his primary care provider. He will require antibiotics upon discharge as well as a walker and oxygen, which should be present in the facility. There will also be necessary education upon discharge which will require the involvement of his family or current caregiver. education will be on rolling rear walker usage, supplemental oxygen usage, medication education on antibiotics, and the importance of water in his diet because the caregiver stated he drinks Pepsi with every meal. His education materials will be provided through one-to-one instruction and mentoring due to his cognitive abilities and blindness

Briefly describe your patient. Address what your patient’s admitting diagnosis and what their discharge diagnosis is. In describing your patient, you should address any medications that the patient would be going home on, where are they being discharged to (skilled nursing facility, home, with family, etc.), their physical condition (activity level and/or restrictions such as not lifting anything over 10 pounds for 3 weeks), any assistive equipment needed (oxygen, walker, wheelchair, etc.), and any follow up appointments (physical therapy, occupational therapy, outpatient IV infusions, specialist appointments, etc.).

Identify the primary learners. The learners can be the patient, spouse, children, sibling, etc. If you have a patient with a cognitive impairment, please refer to the document on Canvas, under week 15 & 16, titled Tips for the Discussion Board Teaching Project.

Identify and describe the learning assessment related to your patient. On page 425 of your textbook, it explains each component. To achieve full credit for your discussion board ALL 8 components must be addressed.

Learning Needs: What needs to be taught? Is it medications? Is it the importance of follow-up visits? Is it new activity restrictions? Diet?

Education about his medication regimen

Is he going back to the facility with antibiotics?

Is he taking his current medications as prescribed?

Explore current side effects he’s experiencing and if that affects how he takes his medication

Can discuss with doctor about alternatives if current regimen is not tolerable

Important to follow up with PCP

Educate on proper diet and necessity of proper fluid intake (waterrrrr)

Family or other caregivers should be involved in the education process due to his physical (blindness/HOH) and cognitive (autism) limitations

Activity restrictions depend on tolerance and symptoms (SOB?)

Activity is encouraged once he recovers from the pneumonia itself

Educate on the necessity of turn/cough/deep breathing daily

Knowledge level: Determine what the client already knows so that you can reinforce knowledge or adapt the teaching plan to the client’s learning needs (What caused the health problems? How has this affected you, as the patient? What concerns do you have?)

Concerns about placement in a different facility

Health beliefs and practices: Ask about how they stay healthy, any lifestyle changes they are ready to make?

Explore current activity level

Physical and emotional factors (p. 425)/readiness (p. 417):

Address motivation, readiness, physical condition, and emotions.

Evaluate his readiness to learn

Ability to learn: Consider cognitive abilities and Developmental Stages on page 419-422. Consider adults, older adults, and children, as well as the stages of cognitive development. How do they learn best, by memorizing or recall, by problem-solving or applying information. How well do they recall presented information? Ask for any family members who need to be there for teaching to be present.

Include autism in his ability to learn

Health literacy level (p. 422-424): Can they understand basic health information? Can they read and write? What language do they speak? Does the patient have the ability to understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate healthcare decisions?

Incorporate blindess into ability to read/write

Neurosensory factors: What is the patient’s ability to see, hear, feel, and gras? Do they have a medical condition that causes neurosensory compromise?


Learning styles: Ask them, how do you prefer to learn new things? Where do you get new information? Do you prefer to read about them, talk about them, watch a streaming video, be shown how to do it, listen to the nurse, or use a computer?

Identify barriers you, as the nurse, may encounter as well as the barriers the learners (patient/family) may encounter. Briefly describe how to overcome the barriers to provide adequate teaching. Page 424 in your textbook explains barriers to learning and teaching. For example, you as the nurse might have conflicting schedules for when the patient and family would be present such as other patient assigned to you has a MRI scheduled for that time. Another example, the patient might be fatigued when you come to provide discharge teaching.

Create a teaching plan that identifies the content being taught (medications? Signs and symptoms of a disease/disorder? Activity restrictions? Diet restrictions? Medical equipment?), scheduling/sequencing (How the information is organized? When is the best time for both the nurse and the learners for the teaching?), and types of instructional materials (handouts? YouTube videos? PowerPoint? Remember, this will also count as your visual material for your in-class presentation). Page 427-428 in your textbook covers the teaching plan.

Ensure your teaching plan identifies a minimum of 4 relevant and appropriate teaching strategies (printed materials, digital sources of information, demonstration and return demonstration, lecture, group meetings/support groups, one on one instruction, and role modeling). This is covered on pages 428-434 in your textbook.

Is your initial post at least 1,000 words? (Do not count headings, in-text citations, and reference citations).

Use spell check to scan for misspellings. Make sure you have punctuation in the appropriate locations. Check for run on sentences. Are you using commas correctly.

Did you respond to two peers? Make sure they are on a different day than your initial post. Are the responses at least 250 words? Do they further the discussion? Did you use in-text citations to back up your statements? Are you replies professional? ALL the following should be addressed in your peer response.

Identifies who should be present at the time of discharge teaching.

Discusses the patient’s diagnosis, care needs and functional abilities with the family/caregiver.

Recommends medication education needing to be provided to the patient at the time of discharge.

Addresses the patient’s physical condition, activity level/restrictions, and any self-care limitations and identifies if any medical equipment will be needed for the patient once at home.

Discusses whether arrangements will be recommended for services needed to help the patient once discharged home (therapy, home health, IV therapy, social worker).

A different teaching strategy than the ones mentioned in the initial post.

Are your in-text citations and reference citations correct (Are the appropriate things italicized? Are the authors listed? Is there a period and a comma after et al?) Are your headings bolded and centered? If using direct quotations, are there quotation marks?

Please refer to the APA help on Canvas and double check your APA format. On the rubric, 3 or less APA errors on your initial and peer responses will not result in any deduction. If you have 6 or more errors in APA format for your initial and peer responses, it will result in a zero for that section.

Discussion Board and Peer Responses

Briefly describe your patient. Address what your patient’s admitting diagnosis and what their discharge diagnosis is. In describing your patient, you should address any medications that the patient would be going home on, where are they being discharged to (skilled nursing facility, home, with family, etc.), their physical condition (activity level and/or restrictions such as not lifting anything over 10 pounds for 3 weeks), any assistive equipment needed (oxygen, walker, wheelchair, etc.), and any follow up appointments (physical therapy, occupational therapy, outpatient IV infusions, specialist appointments, etc.).

Identify the primary learners. The learners can be the patient, spouse, children, sibling, etc. If you have a patient with a cognitive impairment, please refer to the document on Canvas, under week 15 & 16, titled Tips for the Discussion Board Teaching Project.

Identify and describe the learning assessment related to your patient. On page 425 of your textbook, it explains each component. To achieve full credit for your discussion board ALL 8 components must be addressed.

Learning Needs: What needs to be taught? Is it medications? Is it the importance of follow-up visits? Is it new activity restrictions? Diet?

Education about his medication regimen

Is he going back to the facility with antibiotics?

Is he taking his current medications as prescribed?

Explore current side effects he’s experiencing and if that affects how he takes his medication

Can discuss with doctor about alternatives if current regimen is not tolerable

Important to follow up with PCP

Educate on proper diet and necessity of proper fluid intake (waterrrrr)

Family or other caregivers should be involved in the education process due to his physical (blindness/HOH) and cognitive (autism) limitations

Activity restrictions depend on tolerance and symptoms (SOB?)

Activity is encouraged once he recovers from the pneumonia itself

Educate on the necessity of turn/cough/deep breathing daily

Knowledge level: Determine what the client already knows so that you can reinforce knowledge or adapt the teaching plan to the client’s learning needs (What caused the health problems? How has this affected you, as the patient? What concerns do you have?)

Concerns about placement in a different facility

Health beliefs and practices: Ask about how they stay healthy, any lifestyle changes they are ready to make?

Explore current activity level

Physical and emotional factors (p. 425)/readiness (p. 417):

Address motivation, readiness, physical condition, and emotions.

Evaluate his readiness to learn

Ability to learn: Consider cognitive abilities and Developmental Stages on page 419-422. Consider adults, older adults, and children, as well as the stages of cognitive development. How do they learn best, by memorizing or recall, by problem-solving or applying information. How well do they recall presented information? Ask for any family members who need to be there for teaching to be present.

Include autism in his ability to learn

Health literacy level (p. 422-424): Can they understand basic health information? Can they read and write? What language do they speak? Does the patient have the ability to understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate healthcare decisions?

Incorporate blindess into ability to read/write

Neurosensory factors: What is the patient’s ability to see, hear, feel, and gras? Do they have a medical condition that causes neurosensory compromise?


Learning styles: Ask them, how do you prefer to learn new things? Where do you get new information? Do you prefer to read about them, talk about them, watch a streaming video, be shown how to do it, listen to the nurse, or use a computer?

Identify barriers you, as the nurse, may encounter as well as the barriers the learners (patient/family) may encounter. Briefly describe how to overcome the barriers to provide adequate teaching. Page 424 in your textbook explains barriers to learning and teaching. For example, you as the nurse might have conflicting schedules for when the patient and family would be present such as other patient assigned to you has a MRI scheduled for that time. Another example, the patient might be fatigued when you come to provide discharge teaching.

Create a teaching plan that identifies the content being taught (medications? Signs and symptoms of a disease/disorder? Activity restrictions? Diet restrictions? Medical equipment?), scheduling/sequencing (How the information is organized? When is the best time for both the nurse and the learners for the teaching?), and types of instructional materials (handouts? YouTube videos? PowerPoint? Remember, this will also count as your visual material for your in-class presentation). Page 427-428 in your textbook covers the teaching plan.

Ensure your teaching plan identifies a minimum of 4 relevant and appropriate teaching strategies (printed materials, digital sources of information, demonstration and return demonstration, lecture, group meetings/support groups, one on one instruction, and role modeling). This is covered on pages 428-434 in your textbook.

Is your initial post at least 1,000 words? (Do not count headings, in-text citations, and reference citations).

Use spell check to scan for misspellings. Make sure you have punctuation in the appropriate locations. Check for run on sentences. Are you using commas correctly.

Did you respond to two peers? Make sure they are on a different day than your initial post. Are the responses at least 250 words? Do they further the discussion? Did you use in-text citations to back up your statements? Are you replies professional? ALL the following should be addressed in your peer response.

Identifies who should be present at the time of discharge teaching.

Discusses the patient’s diagnosis, care needs and functional abilities with the family/caregiver.

Recommends medication education needing to be provided to the patient at the time of discharge.

Addresses the patient’s physical condition, activity level/restrictions, and any self-care limitations and identifies if any medical equipment will be needed for the patient once at home.

Discusses whether arrangements will be recommended for services needed to help the patient once discharged home (therapy, home health, IV therapy, social worker).

A different teaching strategy than the ones mentioned in the initial post.

Are your in-text citations and reference citations correct (Are the appropriate things italicized? Are the authors listed? Is there a period and a comma after et al?) Are your headings bolded and centered? If using direct quotations, are there quotation marks?

Please refer to the APA help on Canvas and double-check your APA format. On the rubric, 3 or fewer APA errors on your initial and peer responses will not result in any deduction. If you have 6 or more errors in APA format for your initial and peer responses, it will result in a zero for that section.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Patient Education

Your name

Subject and Section

Professor’s Name

November 16, 2023

Brief Description of the Patient

A 64-year-old Caucasian male, blind, hard of hearing, and with autism, presented with symptoms leading to a pneumonia diagnosis. Admitted with respiratory distress and related symptoms, his condition necessitated a comprehensive discharge plan that includes azithromycin administration and continued use of his existing medications. Post-discharge, he will reside in a skilled nursing facility to accommodate his physical and cognitive needs. Restrictions in activities and the need for assistive devices such as a walker and oxygen are noted. Follow-up includes therapy to restore mobility and manage health, emphasizing primary care provider visits to monitor his pneumonia recovery (WHO.Org, 2020).

Primary Learners Identification

In this case, the patient who is also blind, hard of hearing, and has autism, the identification of primary learners is essential for his post-discharge care plan. Due to the patient's cognitive and physical limitations, he is not the most suitable primary learner for his care instructions.

The Caregiver's Role

Accordingly, the caregiver from the patient's group facility or a family member emerges as the primary learner. This individual's role is critical in understanding the patient's care requirements and implementing the treatment plan. They will be responsible for managing the patient's medications, monitoring for signs of complications, and ensuring adherence to the prescribed care regimen.

Caregiver's Educational Needs


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