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Symptoms, Signs, Diagnosis, and Complications of Cancer

Essay Instructions:

Write a paper (1,250-1,750 words) describing the approach to care of cancer. In addition, include the following in your paper:

1. Describe the diagnosis and staging of cancer.

2. Describe at least three complications of cancer, the side effects of treatment, and methods to lessen physical and psychological effects.

3. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a grading rubric. The main points of the rubric are below. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please use APA paragraph headings

Rubic: Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive; contained within the thesis is the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.

An explanation of the diagnosis and staging of cancers is provided that is offered in a detailed manner, while demonstrating higher level or critical thinking.

More than three complications of cancer are identified with a comprehensive discussion of available treatments, while demonstrating higher level or critical thinking.

Recommendations to address physiological and psychological side effects of care are offered in a detailed manner, while demonstrating higher level or critical thinking.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Approach to Care
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Cancer is an ailment where the cells in a particular part of the body multiply uncontrollably to form swellings of tissues called tumors (National Cancer Institute, 2015). Cancers are fatal, but researches indicate that if a cancer patient is diagnosed early, through appropriate treatment, cancer can be controlled. This paper seeks to analyze the different forms of cancer that have different symptoms although many of them tend to undergo similar stages, diagnosis, and complications. Cancer cases are increasing globally and accounts for 14.6% of all mortalities. Understanding what cancer is and its causes would make people be aware of more ways of preventing cancer.
There are many kinds of cancer. Leukemia is a form of cancer that has no swellings, but it prohibits the normal blood functionality by having abnormal cell division in the blood stream. The swellings grow and releases hormones that affects the body functionality and can interfere with the digestive, nervous and circulatory systems. Benign are tumors that have limited growth. Cancers start from one part of the body and spreads to other parts known as metastasis. There are different types of cancers with its own means of diagnosis and cure. Tumors are malignant if a cell that is cancerous spreads all over the body using the blood or lymph damages well tissues in a procedure known as invasion. New blood vessels made when cells divide and grow feeding themselves a procedure termed angiogenesis.
Symptoms and Signs of Cancer
Cancer symptoms and signs are particular to the kind and rating of the ailment. The symptoms vary and depend on the location of the cancer and its size. Some form cancer show or felt on skin, swelling on testicles or breast is a sign of cancer. Melanoma skin cancer appears as a wart or mole on skin. White patches on tongue or mouth can be an oral cancer. Brain cancer disturbs significant cognitive functions. Pancreas often interferes with the liver functions and often leads to jaundice (Kudo, 2015). Colon cancers can cause signs of constipation, diarrhea, and change in stool size. Prostate or Bladder cancer can cause issues of regular or irregular urination.
Since, cancer cells use the energy of the body it distresses the usual hormone function. The signs are tiredness, weight loss, ache, skin changes, and changes in the functions of the bowel and bladder, abnormal bleeding, insistent cough, vocal change, fever and swellings. The symptoms are common to other disease such as coughing can be cancer of throat or lungs or even a common cold.
Metastasis can affect new areas by appearing as swelling of lymph nodes (Dermime, 2013). Spreading of cancer to the brain can cause headaches, dizziness, or convulsions. When the cancer spreads to the lungs, it causes shortness of breath and persistent coughs. It can cause enlarging of the liver and bones can be weak causing them it to be brittle and painful. Biopsy is examining a sample of alleged cancer tissue from a patient. The process of diagnosing cancer accurately can take weeks or months.
There are five groups that classify cancer. Carcinomas are category of cells that cover the interior and exterior parts of the body in situations of breast, lung, and colon cancer. Cells in bones, cartilage, fat, connective tissue, muscle and supportive tissues are the Sarcomas. Cancers that affect the lymph and immune system tissues are the Lymphomas. Cancers affecting the bone marrow is Leukemia. Adenomas are a type of cancer that affects the glands this is in the thyroid, pituitary, adrenal, and other glandular tissues.
Diagnosis of cancer
The success in treating cancer depends on early detection (Byrd et al., 2010). Practitioners use data from indicators and other processes to detect cancer. The use of imaging methods like X-rays and scans of CT, MRI, PET, and ultrasound diagnose the location of a tumor and affected organs are affected. An endoscopy is a method physician to locate unusual tissues in the body by using a thin tube with a camera and light at the end.
Biopsy and molecular diagnostic tests are procedures that the doctors use to detect cancer (Greene et al., 2010). Molecular tests allow the doctor to examine the bod’s sugar, fat, proteins, and DNA. In prostate cancer, blood tests can show a chemical prostate-specific antigen PSA. After diagnosing, the physicians can check the stage of the cancer.
Staging of cancer
Staging defines the harshness of the patients’ cancer depending on the size and extent it has spread (Trotti et al, 2010). Staging is significant because it assists the physician to plan appropriate treatment. It estimates the person’s diagnosis. The stage of cancer helps identify medical trials that are appropriate cure option for a patient. It allows health practitioners and research team to exchange data on patients, helps in assessing the results of medical trials in comparison with different trials. Staging is the knowledge of how the cancer progresses. Staging process occurs at the diagnostic stage, before providing any treatment. Clinical and pathologic staging are the two types of staging. Clinical staging determines the magnitude of cancer depending on the physical examination of imaging tests and biopsy. The molecular tests are in the particular stage. In this stage, the physician can determine the best method of treatment. It is the standard for comparing the response to treatment.
Pathological staging known as surgical staging depends on the level of cancer during surgery (National Cancer Institute, 2015). This is operation to eliminate cancer and the near lymph nodes. The surgical process occurs to find the cancer in the body and take sample tissues. The stage shows the physicians the exact information to determine treatment and prognosis.
Cancer staging method common ty...
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