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Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Understanding Stakeholders

Essay Instructions:

The readings these last several weeks highlighted the relationship between public and private insurance as well as among the branches of the government. These components and their associated stakeholders are part of a large system. Consider the U.S. healthcare “system.” At the strategic level (macro level), identify the stakeholders (including private and public entities) and their competing objectives. Be sure to include employers, employees, the government branches, and the private insurers. 

Prepare your assignment as an essay addressing the connection and competing areas of concern with each stakeholder. At a minimum, identify six major stakeholders and provide at least one paragraph discussing the prevailing objectives for each one.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

US Healthcare SystemHealth care is provided by many systems in the U.S. comprising many stakeholders. The key players in this sector include the public and the private sectors, but with a high percentage owned by the private sector. The major stakeholders involved in the U.S. health care system would include:1. Consumers2. Employers3. U.S. Government4. Professional Associations like the doctors’ and nurses’ organizations5. Education, Research Institutions and Training Institutions6. Insurance Companies7. Pharmaceutical Institutions1. ConsumersConsidering an organizational structure, the consumer is the most important stakeholder of the healthcare system as they are the primary demand through which the health care system was created CITATION [Kon]Kon. The primary consumers would consist of majorly the patients in need of healthcare services from the professionals and other practitioners or even the hospital itself. If the consumer has the means to pay for the health services, either from the government contribution, from their pocket or even from health insurance companies, the health services will be supplied. The reverse is true if the consumer has no means.2. EmployersThis comprises majorly the public and private sectors. It provides several employment opportunities considering public and private sector may be divided into several subsectors. This may even include the ambulatory services that relies majorly on professionals in that field. Others may include the hospitals, clinics and other in-patient or out-patient facilities that would employ physicians, nurses and even surgeons. These professionals need to be trained before they could be fit for these positions. This is where educational and training institutions enter. Therefore, the educational institutions, professionals and the employers intertwine as they presume to satisfy the consumers’ need.3. U.S. GovernmentThe U.S. Government is a major stakeho...
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