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Supersize Me: Reflection Paper

Essay Instructions:

Watch the attached video and write a 2-page reflection paper in essay format answering the below questions. The answers to the questions is the reflection paper written in essay format.

What did you learn?

What did you already know?

What was the most surprising part of the show?

The scariest thing you heard?

The most encouraging thing you heard?

How might this change the way you look at weight/food/nutrition/diet/health?

Who might you share this information with?

How do you think we, as health care professionals and consumers, can promote change in America?

Do you think this documentary was reputable? Why or why not?

What questions do you have about the reliability of the information in the documentary?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Super-Size Me
Institutional Affiliation
Super-Size Me
The most evident practice in this documentary is how a company can pursue optimal shareholder value maximization at the consumers’ long-term health expense. Well, at the end of the day, its business, given that they are acquiring their wealth legally, but such operations have ethical and moral implications. This position was learning of the extent to which capitalism is being practiced today, and to some extent, could be referred to as greediness (D’Souza, 2015). Capitalism rewards the hard workers although unfortunately, it facilitates greediness too.
Initially, I was already aware of the adverse impact of fast foods on human beings’ health. Fortunately, I had read an article on the same fast food companies’ approach when advertising their products. In this regard, I remember the author highlighting how the use of happy families is delusionary to the viewers leading to children adopting unhealthy foods at a relatively young age.
The most surprising part is the place where the court dismisses the allegations leveled against McDonald. The judicial institution cited that the plaintiffs lacked sufficient evidence that the company’s food had resulted in their obesity. Surprisingly, the documentary shows that a person gains an enormous amount of weight within a short period. The scariest part of the documentary is the gastric bypass operation. In this regard, the person’s stomach size is reduced to the size of an apple. The most encouraging and inspiring moment was when those who have overcome obesity and being overweight come back to communities as social support groups.
The documentary changes almost every other perception I have about food. More importantly, it gives me the significance and essence of healthy food. Food intake among people is divided into approximately three...
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