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Population Health: Theoretical Framework Paper

Essay Instructions:

The intent of this assignment is to develop a plan on how social and behavioral factors can be addressed to improve the health or individuals, groups, or populations. The paper will explain the plan to implement and evaluate the intervention. This paper is to address the public health problem using a theory from your Glanz textbook as a framework for an evidence-based social and behavioral intervention. Interventions may be new or adapted interventions and must rely on rigorous, scientific methods to provide evidence regarding the effects of the intervention. The topic of interest for me is weight loss maintenance to prevent chronic diseases.

Using Healthy People 2020 at the website listed below, select a public health problem and a particular target population related to one of the health focus areas listed in Healthy People 2020. Healthy People 2030 planning is underway so you can contribute of you would like.


Link (Links to an external site.)

Write a paper in APA format that includes an introduction, conclusion and the APA headings specified below formatted as Level 1 headings. Provide the information in narrative form and answer the questions listed within the corresponding heading. Use your own words, base your information on original sources, and cite sources. The body of the paper is to be no more than six pages long (not counting the cover page, references, and appendices).

Need and Purpose of the Project

What is the need for and purpose of the project? Describe the project and primary target population; include demographic information and data. Describe the significance (scope) of the problem or need that the project will address. Use data to support your ideas such as state or community-level data that provide evidence of need.

Relationship to Healthy People 2020

How does the project strengthen local health goals as described in Healthy People 2020? Describe how the project will advance one or more of the health and/or infrastructure focus areas of Healthy People 2020. Briefly describe the expected achievements or outcomes following successful implementation of the proposed project.

Population Health Theoretical Model

What social and behavioral theory or model will you use to frame and guide your program? Describe basic constructs and propositions of the theory/model. It is fine for you to use the same theory you did in your former paper, but you must make a clear argument why the construct or theory would adequately support the project.

Implementation Plan

What is your implementation plan? Discuss the project’s goals, intervention or prevention strategies, objectives and activities to achieve goals.

Evaluation Plan

What is your evaluation plan? Provide a description of the expected results and outcomes and how they will be measured (include any quantitative or qualitative data that may be needed). Describe how the target population will be involved in the design, implementation, and evaluation of the project.

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Population Health: Theoretical Framework Paper
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Population Health: Theoretical Framework Paper
Chronic diseases in the U.S. affect a large number of people. According to the CDC (2021), 6 in 10 adults in the U.S. have a chronic disease. The CDC also indicates that 4 in 10 adults have two or more chronic diseases. The CDC continues to indicate that the major lifestyle risks for chronic diseases include tobacco use, poor nutrition, lack of physical activity, and excessive alcohol intake. One aspect of people’s lifestyle that is associated with some of the risks highlighted above is weight. Few people understand the impact that their weight has on their health. Weight is directly associated with conditions such as stroke, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and cancer. So, this project will be centered on the idea of weight maintenance as an intervention to prevent or reduce the prevalence of chronic diseases.
Need and Purpose of the Project
As already indicated, weight is directly related to some of the most dangerous chronic diseases. So, there is a need to develop mechanisms to help reduce the prevalence of chronic diseases. This project focuses on weight maintenance as an intervention to prevent chronic diseases. The primary target of this project includes adults or individuals who are 28 years old and above. As per the statistics provided above, many adults live or learn to live with chronic diseases throughout their lives. The above happens because of a lack of understanding on their part about the need to practice healthy living and how weight is a major risk factor. Raghupathi and Raghupathi (2018) write that nearly half of Americans have a chronic disease. With such numbers, there is a need to act and promptly, to help reduce people’s prevalence of chronic diseases.
Relationship to Healthy People 2020
This project does strengthen the local health goals as described in Healthy People 2020. First, it highlights the need to keep the nation healthy by creating awareness regarding weight maintenance as an intervention for chronic diseases. Furthermore, it advances or enhances the Healthy People 2020 indicator of nutrition, physical activity, and obesity. As the healthypeople.gov (2020) website indicates, obesity has recently been on the rise. Between 2013 and 2016, obesity among adults above 20 years “increased by 13.9%, from 33.9% to 38.6%.” Such a statistic is alarming and one that speaks to a problem that this project seeks to alleviate. The expected achievements or outcomes of this project are that people will start eating responsibly by following healthy diet programs. Second, the project seeks to create awareness of how weight is a major risk factor for chronic diseases. The third outcome or achievement involves getting people to embrace exercise as a way to practice healthy living.
Population Health Theoretical Model
The social and behavioral theory or model that coincides with this program is the health belief model. The...
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