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Data Analysis. Study design and bias in the study

Essay Instructions:

Please read the following article, and address the questions that appear below in a four- page paper: Include an outline Song, H., Han, H., Lee, J., Kim, J, Kim, K.B., Ryu, J.P., & Kim, M. (2010). Does access to care still affect health care utilization by immigrants? Testing of an empirical explanatory model of health care utilization by Korean American immigrants with high blood pressure. Journal of Immigrant Minority Health, 12, 513-519. What research question did the authors set out to answer? What research hypothesis was tested in this study? What study design was employed in the study? What (if any) type of bias is inherent to this design? Summarize the univariate findings displayed in Table 1. Summarize the bivariate findings reported in Table 2. What limitations were noted with regard to the study’s findings and conclusions? Assignment Expectations You are expected to incorporate relevant background readings into your responses. Your paper should be written in your own words. This will enable me to assess your level of understanding. In order to earn full credit, you must clearly show that you have read ALL required background materials. Be sure to cite your references in the text of all papers and on the reference list at the end. For examples, look at the way the references are listed in the modules and on the background reading list. Proofread your paper to be sure grammar and punctuation are correct and that each part of the assignment has been address clearly and completely. Length: 4 pages typed, double-spaced.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Data Analysis
In looking at healthcare utilization, it is necessary to highlight on various dimensions of healthcare services. The geographic reach influences accessibility, financial accessibility, acceptability and availability. For immigrant families, availability and accessibility have a direct impact on health care delivery. The culture of immigrants also influences their choice of health care provider. Various cultural factors also influence how KAI (Korean American immigrants ) utilize and access health services. Because of language and cultural barriers, utilization of healthcare services may be prohibited by lack of appropriation targeted at hypertensive KAI. The study relied on a Self-Help Intervention Program for high blood pressure which is consistent with earlier studies on culturally relevant intervention (Hang et al., 2007)
Research question
The authors sought to find out to what extent predisposing factors and enabling factors influenced health care utilization among KAI. The model focused on patients with high blood pressure and healthcare utilization. In formulating the research question, the researchers focused on healthcare utilization as an indicator of access to health, hence, the health service needs of the study participants.
Research hypothesis
In the model, there is a direct correlation between need factors and healthcare utilization among KAI. The researchers hypothesized that and enabling factors influence healthcare utilization. The alternative hypothesis is that there is no significant difference between enabling factors and healthcare utilization. There is a significant difference between predisposing factors and healthcare utilization. The healthcare utilization model focused on the direct and indirect relation between predisposing factors and health care utilization. The alternative hypothesis is that there is no significant difference between predisposing factors and healthcare utilization.
Study design and bias in the study
This is a prospective study focusing on the outcomes and likely effect of risk factors for hypertensive KAI patients. The interplay of predisposing, need and enabling factors affect the outcome of the study. Essentially, the protection factors and risk factors are important to test the validity of the hypothesis. Since, there were 445 participants in the study, the number of outcomes in not small, and hence there were fewer chances of bias (Song et al., 2010). The study also had an advantage unlike retrospective studies, which have potentially more sources of bias. In demonstrating the association of the risk factors and hypertension, the researchers focused on the extent to which these factors increased the risk of hyperextension. Even though, all the subjects had hypertension and the study did not compare with that of another group, it was vital to point out the characteristics that were associated with hypertension in KAI.
This clinical trial is a form of intervention study, aimed at investigating differences in the study groups, with stratification on the basis of sex. Since the subjects are in homogenous strata, stratification improves the population’s representativeness, where the study groups have characteristics that reflect the population. In any case, the researchers relied on stratification to reduce their impact of confounding variables, making it easier for them to rely on the model to interpret relationships. It is important to take note of imbalance in baseline variables though ensuring balance as this minimizes bias (Lewis & Warlow, 2004). The baseline characteristics are important in studies as they enable researchers to assess validity of study results and identifying core features (Han et al., 2007)
The study focuses on the cause-effect relationship as is common in randomized controlled trials. Through defining and selecting the study population, the study results were suitable to minimize the risk of bias. Hence, the participants are chosen on the basis of characteristics that they share, but the researchers did not mention on follow-up since, the study did not involve an intervention, the participants had...
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