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Structural Transformation Of The Healthcare Systems

Essay Instructions:

Write a scholarly essay that clearly answers and addresses the following questions/requirements:

1) Within the context of the background material, what conclusions can you draw regarding Providence's purpose and rationale for initiating their information systems analysis project/s?

2) What connections can you make regarding the project types, stage, and organizational levels?

Describe any apparent life cycle methodology presented in the Providence case.

3) What, if any, systems life cycle analysis do you think was apparent in the Providence case?

Where any effects of prior automation evident? If so, what were they?

4) Describe any additional aspects from background material that you feel is significant to the Providence case.

Be sure to support your positions and arguments with convincing evidence, examples and explanations.

Assignment Expectations

Use information from the modular background materials and case assignment narrative as well as any quality resources you can find via the online libraries or the Internet.

LENGTH: 3-4 pages typed and double spaced using 12pt Times New Roman font and 1 inch page margins.

The following items will be assessed in particular:

Understanding of Systems Analysis as well as its purpose and application.

Identification and description of relevant information systems and projects.

Integration of the concept of systems life cycle analysis into your explanations and discussions.

Incorporation of project planning concepts and identification of key tools useful for managing projects.

Use and application of literature, expert opinion and references from your research to support your position, key points and explanations. Follow APA format for your paper including in-text citations and references.

Your case paper will be further evaluated based on the rubric.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
                  (CASE) Systems Analysis Overview and Foundation Concepts Name Institutional Affiliation                   (CASE) Systems Analysis Overview and Foundation Concepts Within the context of the background material, several conclusions can be drawn from Providence’s rationale and drive for initiating analysis of their information systems as drawn from the background material. The background study acknowledges that the healthcare facility has been instrumental in the structural transformation of the healthcare systems within the province and the country at large. The structural transformation, otherwise called regionalization has overseen the integration of all health care facilities and services into regional based structural organizations (Soares, Finotti, da Silva, & Alvarenga, 2013). For instance, Providence pioneered the consolidation of all health care services to come up with regional frameworks such as Community Health Councils and Community Health Services Societies. Additionally, Providence Health care is tasked with the responsibility of managing and providing for patients with acute rehabilitation services and provision of inpatient services to several communities it diligently serves (Soares et al., 2013).  The organizational learning and restructuring system adopted by Providence Health Care is a blueprint for the development of organized systems that are aimed at combating diseases and ensuring excellent patient outcomes.  Notably, the health care facility provides health care services to all. Soares et al. (2013) identify that the spectrum of activities within the Providence Health care facility entails service to diverse populations within Canada and people of all ages that visit the healthcare facility to seek medical attention. Providence Health care offers a wide range of services and programs to all its clients. Some programs and services include the provision of both primary and secondary care, rehabilitation services as well as community-based outreach missions and home-based care for everyone in the communities they serve. Several connections can be made in reference to project types, stage and organizational levels exercised by Providence Health Care. Monitoring and control have been presented in the Providence case as viable life cycle methodologies (Alter, 2013).  Effective management is necessary for achieving success. The providence Health care facility has a good management system that has overseen the success the health care facility in offering excellent health care services. Imperatively, the Providence Health care facility carries out time to time review and survey of their services to patients who visit the healthcare facility. More so, Alter (2013) maintains that those in the rehabilitation section are frequently put on tests to determine the success of thei...
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