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Community Nursing: Social Media Campaign

Essay Instructions:

Social Media Campaign

(B) Community Health Nursing Diagnosis Statement: My subject is obesity all age groups. Identifies the affected group, community, suggests cause, logically discusses the evidence and/or support for diagnosis.

(B1) Health Inequity/Disparity

Explain how the health concern from your community health nursing diagnostic statement is linked to a health inequity or health disparity within the target population.

(B1a) Primary community and Prevention Resources

Discuss the primary community resources and primary prevention resources currently in place to address the health concern.(Obesity)

(B1b) Underlying Causes

Discuss the underlying causes of the health concern. OBesity

potential contributing factors for the health concern and logically proposes the underlying causes for the health concern based on the potential contributing factors

(B2) Evidence-Based Practice (Lesson 4 in your Cos)

Discuss the evidence-based practice associated with the Field Experience topic (obesity)

(B2a) Identification of Data

Include data at the local, state, and national level and compare the levels. Discuss your findings. (This may be repetitive if you have addressed this in the previous section of your paper). I live in Clearwater, Florida, Pinellas county

(C1)Social Media Campaign Objective

(C2)Social Marketing Interventions

Recommend two population-focused social marketing interventions and justify how each would improve the health message related to your selected Field Experience topic.

(C3) Description of Social Media Platform

Describe a social media platform you would use that is appropriate for communicating with the target population.

(C3a) Benefits of Social Media Platform Outlines benefits of the social media platform for supporting preventative healthcare and logically describes how each benefit applies preventative healthcare

(C4) Benefit to Target Population: logically outlines the benefits of the health message for the target population and logically describes how the benefits of the health message apply to the target population

(D) Best Practices for Social Media description identifies best practices that are appropriate and specific for implementing social media tools for health marketing

(E1)Stakeholder Roles and Responsibilities identifies stakeholder roles and responsibilities that are appropriate for the implementation of the social media campaign plan

(E2) Potential Public and Private Partnerships: identifies potential public an private partnerships that could be formed and logically describes how each potential partnership would aid the implementation of the social media campaign plan

(E3) Timeline: timeline is realistic and includes specific details related to implementation of the campaign

(E4) Evaluation: Identifies tools that are necessary for the evaluation of the campaign, logically describe the criteria for campaign effectiveness, and logically discusses how evaluation tools will be used in the determination of campaign effectiveness

(E5) Cost of Implementing the Campaign: identifies specific elements of the social media campaign that would require financial support to implement and logically describe the potential cost of implementing each of these elements

(F) Reflection on Social Media Marketing

How will your social media promote a healthier population?

logically discusses the benefits of using social media marketing for the community health nurse and logically describes one or more specific examples of how social media marketing supports the community health nurse's efforts to promote healthier population

(F1)Reflection on Future Nursing Practice

Reflect on how your social media campaign could apply to your future nursing practice.

one or more examples of how social media campaign could apply to the candidate's future nursing practice


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Community Nursing: Social Media Campaign
Student’s Name
Community Nursing: Social Media Campaign
(B) Community Health Nursing Diagnosis Statement
Obesity is a challenging health condition that involves an excessive amount of fat. This complex disorder is not only a cosmetic concern as it increases the risk of the individual in contracting diseases and health problems such as diabetes (Sahoo, et. al, 2015). Since the target population is children, the paper will highlight how childhood obesity is associated with numerous other factors, the interventions involved and will also include a social media initiative that will assist healthcare practitioners in combating the illness effectively.
(B1) Health Inequity/Disparity
Culture-related preferences for food associated with obesity are a huge contributor to obesity disparities. Studies focusing on investigating barriers to healthy eating among minority youth highlighted that these individuals cited the availability of fast food alternatives, cultural eating and family norms as hazards to healthy eating. Additionally, cultural views of health relative to body size are a contributor to childhood disparities (Taveras, et. al, 2013). Environmental factors such as differences in resources contribute towards childhood obesity. It is a well-known that ethnic minorities and also children from low-income families are highly likely to live in areas with limited options for physical exercises and healthy food.
Lack of proper physical activity can be due to insufficient exercise which may result from lack of a safe environment for exercising. This can also be due to a sedentary lifestyle such as excessively watching television. The Center for Disease and Control reported that childhood obesity among children is more relevant in those that emerge from lower-income families (Singh, Kogan, & van Dyck, 2008). It is therefore likely that this is associated with the disparity of obesity prevalence among various racial and ethnic groups.
(B1a) Primary community and Prevention Resources
All stakeholders involved from parents to the healthcare officials have created policies and programs that have facilitated the development of the healthy community food environment. Healthcare officials and the government have developed numerous strategies that focus on increasing physical activity for children. These include individually adapted health behavior change initiatives, enhanced school-based physical education and numerous public campaigns that focus on delivering the importance of healthy living (Sahoo, et. al, 2015). Healthcare organizations have emphasized that having more safe spaces to exercise and play for children that live in low-income surroundings would have a better opportunity to get the necessary exercise.
Healthcare officials have also developed a family intervention program that focuses on the reduction and prevention of childhood obesity. This is based on the evaluated motivators and barriers to health enhancement behaviors. This program is known as the Health-Smart program. This program involves experts from numerous disciplines such as physicians, dietitians, psychologists and members of the community (Sahoo, et. al, 2015). The program has been empirically assessed and the results have highlighted a significant increase in participation of parents and children supervised by their parents. This increased participation has also been associated with improved eating behavior and physical activity behaviors.
(B1b) Underlying Causes
Socio-cultural factors are heavily linked to childhood obesity. The society typically uses food as a reward and also as a means to control others. Such use of food encourages the development of unhealthy relationships with food and therefore this increases the risk of the development of obesity.
Today, numerous children spend a huge amount of time being inactive. For instance, the average child normally spends approximately four hours daily watching television. Such sedentary lifestyles are the contributors towards childhood obesity (Singh, Kogan, & van Dyck, 2008). Psychological factors such as depression and family stress can increase the risk of childhood obesity. Some children normally overeat as a coping mechanism towards issues or when dealing with instances of elevated stress.
Family factors are also associated with childhood obesity. The types of food available in the house and food preferences of family members can influence the food that the child eats. Children are highly vulnerable to their environment since they have little control over how they get around and also what they eat. Children, therefore, tend to have similar habits of eating and physical activity as those of their parents.
(B2) Evidence-Based Practice
Evidence suggests that the best period in the prevention of obesity in infancy and early childhood. This period is when the behaviors can be modified positively. The infancy and nearly childhood stages are highly promising and sensitive towards interventions as these are multiple care settings that the parent can access. This includes primary care, early education settings and child care. During this period, the parents and caregivers are usually sensitized towards the needs of the child (Reilly, 2012). Tastes and habits develop early in children and therefore, the establishment of the tastes of various foods, proper sleeping habits and regular active play, are all essential for future healthy behavioral patterns.
Obesity is the outcome of a chronic excessive positive energy balance. However, a small positive energy balance is needed for typical growth and development. Additionally, the magnitude of positive energy balance that is associated with contemporary populations of children can be much greater. Evidence of the magnitude of positive energy balance would be effective in the assessment of the manner that substantive lifestyle changes would lead to the development of preventive interventions (Taveras, et. al, 2013). These interventions are necessary and important in comprehending and examining obesity.
A socio-ecological framework must be adopted by healthcare professionals in guiding the prevention of childhood obesity. This framework would involve the assessment of children within the context of their families, cultures and communities. Additionally, the framework will emphasize on the associations between environmental, biological and behavioral determinants of health. Reilly, (2012) emphasized that this strategy needs a large-scale collaboration that will include peer support, the development of supportive social norms and also a collaboration between the public and private healthcare sectors.
(B2a) Identification of Data
Childhood obesity has become a huge public health issue which is currently the focus of numerous child health programs and policies throughout the United States. Florida, in particular, has experienced high rates of childhood obesity and irregular policies that an address the problem. Florida has the fourteenth lowest adult obesity rate in the entire country at 27.4 percent (Leng, 2017). However, the recent combined overweight and obesity rate in Florida for ten to seventeen-year-olds stands at 36.6 percent. States such as Alabama, Mississippi, Rhode Island an also Florida have obesity rates that exceed thirty-five percent.
Additionally, The State of Obesity indicates that in 2014, only 12.7 percent of two four-year-olds were obese and this stood at forty-one nationally. However, in 2016, 27.4 percent of adults in Florida were significantly obese, which was the thirty-sixth highest number in the United States. For most populations, a majority of obese individuals lived in the southern states (Leng, 2017). More than one in four residents of Florida are obese, including parents and most of these suffer from associated health complications. Florida is eleventh in the United States or the number of persons with diabetes and sixteenth nationwide, for those suffering from hypertension.
(C1)Social Media Campaign Objective
The purpose of t...
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