100% (1)
2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 8.64


Essay Instructions:
Write a maximum of 2 pages, double-spaced, Arial font, 12-font size; references on page 3; address each of the 8 components listed below. It is helpful if you use the numbers 1 to 8 to identify your responses for each component. Please write clearly and succinctly. Describe the clinical issue/topic you are examining. Write a PICOT question. Which databases did you search (2 or more)? What kind of research study did you read; you can look at the hierarchy of levels of research evidence to help you determine what type of evidence is reported? Compare the data sets used in the research. What are the differences in clinical guidelines for intervention/treatment or understanding of the clinical issue? Examine any evidence for racial, ethnic, social, gender,, etc determinants of health disparities or disparities in treatment. Summary of prevalence, diagnosis, assessment, treatment options, challenges for the clinical issue/topic/disorder/disease. What did you learn? For academic writing, please insert reference in the text (name of first author, year) and provide a Reference list as page 3.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Type 2 Diabetes Management Student’s name Department: University Course: Course Code Instructor’s name Date 1 Clinical Issue/Topic and PICOT Question: The clinical issue under study is the strategies for addressing Type 2 Diabetes in older persons concerning diet management for achieving glycemic targets. The PICOT question is: ‘Recently, a decrease in glycemic control has been noted in older adults with poorly controlled Type 2 diabetes (P); to what extent will a low-carbohydrate diet (I) lead to better glycaemic control than a standard diabetic diet (C) in the next six months (T) (Doe & Smith, 2022)? 2 Databases Searched: The employed databases included PubMed and CINAHL only. These databases were used because they provide a vast amount of peer-reviewed medical and nursing literature. 3 Type of Research Study: The first type of primary research utilized was a randomized controlled trial (RCT), a study designed with a high...
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