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Strategic Plan for the Introduction of Oncology Services and Cancer Care

Essay Instructions:

, you will select an existing healthcare organization that fits one of the following areas of opportunity and develop a comprehensive strategic plan for this change.

1. Option 1: Organization is Offering a New Service – Create a strategic plan that will guide the organization in bringing to fruition a new service, such as offering portable MRIs, starting a new urgent care clinic, opening a new outpatient surgery center, etc.

2. Option 2: Organization is Expanding an Existing Service Area – Create a strategic plan that will guide the organization in expanding an existing service to an underserved population that needs attention in this area. Examples include: population that has limited access to primary care services, population-to-provider ratio indicating a shortage, groups of persons who face economic, cultural, or linguistic barriers to healthcare in the local area and reside in a specific geographic area, and so on.

Remember to focus on one location, not an entire organization as a whole.

*** attached is the prompt****

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Strategic Plan for The Introduction of Oncology Services and Cancer Care at The Peterson Center on Healthcare
Institution Affiliation
A Strategic Plan for The Introduction of Oncology Services and Cancer Care at The Peterson Center on Healthcare
Phase 1: Introduction and Assessment
Peterson Center on Healthcare is a well-established healthcare organization that aims to improve the quality and affordability of healthcare for all Americans. The organization's vision is to create a healthcare system that is patient-centered, evidence-based, and continuously improving. The values that guide the organization include integrity, collaboration, and innovation (Peterson Center on Healthcare, n.d.). The organization has a structure that includes a board of directors, an executive leadership team, and various departments that focus on different areas of healthcare.
The project that precipitates this strategic plan is the introduction of oncology services and cancer care, including diagnosis, treatment, and support services. This project aims to provide high-quality cancer care to patients in the community and improve the overall outcomes for those affected by cancer. An appropriate analysis tool is a SWOT analysis which assesses the project's impact on the organization. This analysis will identify the project's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and help determine the feasibility and potential success (Challinor, 2023).
Internal and external factors that will be considered when evaluating the feasibility and development of the project include the current cancer care landscape in the community, the availability of resources such as staff and equipment, and the anticipated demand for the new service. Other external factors include the competitive landscape, reimbursement and payer policies, and regulations. Considering these factors, the organization can develop a comprehensive and realistic strategic plan for introducing the new service.
Phase II: Implementation and Communication Plans
* Implementation Plan
The target area for the new oncology services and cancer care will be the community served by the Peterson Center on Healthcare. The initiative's goals include providing high-quality cancer care to patients in the community, improving overall outcomes for those affected by cancer, and increasing the accessibility of cancer care for patients.
The timeline for the initiative will be as follows:
* 6 months: Conduct a feasibility study and secure the necessary funding
* 12 months: Hire additional staff and acquire necessary equipment
* 18 months: Begin offering the new service
The financial impact of the initiative will include capital expenditures for equipment and additional staffing. The organization may need to conduct fundraising to secure the necessary funding. There is potential for the new service to generate additional revenue for the organization.
Resources needed to implement the initiative effectively include additional staff, such as oncologists and nurses, and equipment, such as radiation therapy machines and imaging technology. The organization must also invest in IT infrastructure to support the new service.
Compliance with all federal and state regulations relevant to the proposed plan will be a top priority. The organization will ensure that the new service complies with all relevant laws and regulations, including HIPAA and state licensing requirements (Szalados, 2021).
Potential ethical challenges that may arise include issues related to access to care, treatment decision-making, and end-of-life care. The organization will have the plan to monitor behavior, practi...
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