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Issues in the Community and the Changing Role of Health Care

Essay Instructions:

I will upload information. It’s separate questions for each page. 1. What are the Issues and what is your community doing about them. 2.The Changing Role of Health Care.

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Module 1 Discussion Post
Institution Affiliation
Q1: What are the Issues, and what is your community doing about them
The issue addressed by Healthy People Objective PA-1 is the lack of physical activity among adults in the United States. It is an important issue because physical inactivity is a major risk factor for various chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. Additionally, physical inactivity is associated with poor mental health and a lower quality of life.
One federal program that helps support improvement in this health issue is the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, which the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services publishes. This program provides evidence-based guidance on the types and amounts of physical activity needed to achieve health benefits (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2018).
A state program that helps support improvement in this health issue is the California Physical Activity Strategy (CPAS). The CPAS is a comprehensive plan to increase physical activity throughout the state. It includes a variety of initiatives, such as the promotion of active transportation, the development of safe and accessible places to be active, and the implementation of physical activity policies in workplaces, schools, and communities (California Department of Public Health, 2018).
A local program that helps support improvement in this health issue is the “Fitness in the Parks” program, which the City of San Francisco offers. This program provides a variety of free fitness classes in city parks, including yoga, tai chi, and Zumba, and it is open to people of all ages and fitness levels (City and County of San Francisco, 2018).
Q2: The Changing Role of Health Care
Health care is being provided in new ways due to changes in the population and increased access to health care coverage. One of the new ways health care is being provided is through telemedicine. Telemedicine refers to the use of technology to provide medical care remotely. It can include video conferencing, remote monitor...
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