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Evaluating Peripartum Depression

Essay Instructions:

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Answer the following questions:

Identify the appropriate screening tool for Natalie to complete during her first visit and discuss why the selected tool is appropriate for the client.

Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) (Motrico et al., 2022). This tool was selected because it was specifically created to screen women who are in the postnatal stage. It consists of 10 self assessment multiple choice questions that allows for the provider to easily identify signs of depression (Motrico et al., 2022).

Natalie is diagnosed with peripartum depression. Identify the appropriate treatment for Natalie and discuss why the selected treatment is appropriate for the client.

Psychotherapy is an appropriate treatment for peripartum depression (Motrico et al., 2022). In Natalie's case psychotherapy can be paired with an antidepressant such as sertraline if it is not effective on its own (Motrico et al., 2022). Psychotherapy or more specifically Interpersonal psychotherapy, was shown to be most effective in the treatment of peripartum depression when implemented during the first year (Motrico et al., 2022).

Natalie has concerns about the stigma associated with seeking mental health care. Discuss at least two (2) strategies the PMHNP can use to address these concerns.

Two strategies the PMHNP can use to address these concerns are educating Natalie and building her trust. Educating Natalie can be done by teaching her about postpartum depression and normalizing it through the use of statistics (Lara-Cinisomo et al., 2018). It can also include symptom disclosure and ways for her to communicate her feelings to family and friends. Trust can be built through letting her know she is not alone and that confidentiality is included when speaking with the PMHNP. Psychoeducation by a trusted health care professional has been found to be effective at reducing stigma, increasing diagnosis, and promoting the use of effective treatments (Lara-Cinisomo et al., 2018).

Examine the resources available at Postpartum Support International Links to an external site. Links to an external site.Identify at least two (2) specific resources from the website that are appropriate for Natalie and discuss why the selected resources are appropriate for the client.

Two resources identified on the website that are appropriate for Natalie are the discussion tool and the online support group. The discussion tool will allow Natalie to identify and discuss the symptoms she is experiencing with her provider. The online support group will help Natalie to connect with other moms who understand and can connect with the way she is feeling. This is a great tool for her because it is clear at this point that she doesn't feel understood or comfortable with discussing her feelings with members of her family.

Screenings for maternal mental health disorders are under or ineffectively used. Discuss at least two (2) strategies for collaborating with providers in your community to offer screenings and appropriate referrals to mental health providers to promote better outcomes for maternal mental health.

Two strategies for collaborating with providers in my community include screenings at perinatal visits and infant well visits. Also the use and encouragement of digital media and advertisement (Zingg et al., 2021). Providers in my community should be educated on the use of screening tools such as the EPDS. This should be completed by expecting moms as well as postpartum moms up to the baby’s first birthday. Furthermore it does not substantially impede the visit time because it can be filled out in the waiting room by the patient only to be reviewed if necessary by the provider. Also with today's technology the provider can address the ones that show significant results and also keep track of changes in the EHR. Digital media such as pregnancy and postpartum apps help bring awareness to postpartum depression and the symptoms that are associated with it (Zingg et al., 2021). Encouraging patients to use these apps as well as placing posters and or business cards of mental health providers in the community such as myself are great ways to collaborate with other providers. Thus promoting better outcomes for maternal mental health

Lara-Cinisomo, S., Clark, C. T., & Wood, J. (2018). Increasing diagnosis and treatment of perinatal depression in latinas and African American women: Addressing stigma is not enough. Women's Health Issues, 28(3), 201–204. https://doi(dot)org/10.1016/j.whi.2018.01.003

Motrico, E., Moreno‐Peral, P., Uriko, K., Hancheva, C., Brekalo, M., Ajaz, E., Apter, G., Bramante, A., Conejo‐Cerón, S., Christoforou, A., Dikmen‐Yildiz, P., Evagorou, O., Fonseca, A., Lupattelli, A., Radoš, S. N., al Maach, N., Rodriguez‐Muñoz, M. F., Žutić, M., & Lambregtse ‐ van den Berg, M. P. (2022). Clinical practice guidelines with recommendations for Peripartum Depression: A European systematic review. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 146(4), 325–339. https://doi(dot)org/10.1111/acps.13478

Zingg, A., Singh, T., & Myneni, S. (2021). Analysis of Online Peripartum Depression Communities: Application of Multilabel Text Classification Techniques to Inform Digitally-Mediated Prevention and Management. Frontiers in digital health, 3, 653769. https://doi(dot)org/10.3389/fdgth.2021.653769

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January 21, 2023
The most challenging endeavor undertaken by humans is the study of the human brain. Because there is no definite solution to a patient's problem, psychology is still seen as being as ethereal as ever. Because of this, tests like the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale are used to evaluate the patient's depression, in this case, peripartum depression. Psychotherapy is thought to be the most successful method of treating this depression after the patient's issue has been evaluated. The patient's psychology is the primary emphasis, despite the fact that other factors like the significant other's lack of support or being unprepared for parenthood may also contribute to the depression (Miller, 2002).
Because mental health services are stigmatized as "not important" or "wasted money," people who are depressed are discouraged from obtaining psychiatric assistance. The best way to deal with this is to inform them and give them the impression that they are not alone; many other people have gone through similar depressions and sought treatment. "Stigma, Prejudice and Discrimination Against People with Mental Illness" states that stigma frequently results from a l...
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