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Stetler and John Hopkin's Model

Essay Instructions:

Fall Risk Assessment Tool and Reduction of Patient Falls: Model Selection Based on the identified Issue or problem: Patient falls • Identify two Evidence Based Practice models: (1) Stetler model (2) Johns Hopkins Evidenced Based Practice Model • Explain how you will use each selected model to direct your research utilization project. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Include a minimum of 4 peer reviewed journal article references from the University Library and 700-900 words. *Please note: This new order is the second part of my previous order #00033858

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Fall Risk Assessment Tool And A Reduction Of Patient Falls: Stetler and John Hopkin’s Model
Stetler and John Hopkin’s Model
Evidence-based practice (EBP) is an approach to solving problems in the clinical setup where scientific evidence is integrated with the experiential that is available (Gallant & Johns Hopkins University, 2012). This approach considers the external and internal impact of the nursing practice, and it encourages the medical team to think critically when making decisions concerning the care given to patients. It helps in the application of practice that is evidence-based to the nursing care rendered to a specific patient, a system or a population of patients (Ignatavicius & Workman, 2015). EBP informs and supports the decisions that are made in the clinical, administrative and educational sectors. This paper describes the prevention of falls using two evidence-based practice models, the Stetler model and John Hopkins model.
Stetler model
EBP has led to the growth of new models that have been used in the nursing practice, and they include Stetler and John Hopkins evidence-based practice model (Goode & HYPERLINK "http://0-web.ebscohost.com.alice.dvc.edu/ehost/viewarticle?data=dGJyMPPp44rp2%2fdV0%2bnjisfk5Ie46bZMsKy2T7Ok63nn5Kx95uXxjL6qrUmzpbBIr6ueSrirt1KvqJ5Zy5zyit%2fk8Xnh6ueH7N%2fiVbOvtEquq7VJt5zqeezdu33snOJ6u9fugKTq33%2b7t8w%2b3%2bS7Sa6mtVCur65QpNztiuvX8lXk6%2bqE8tv2jAAA&hid=4112" \o "Alice Magaw: A Model for Evidence-Based Practice. " Alice, 2015). The model developed by Stetler was among the first ones to promote the use of evidence in the practice of nursing. This model was known for lack of using experience, and it reduced the emphasis that was made on unsystematic and ritual experiences in the clinical setting. This model was first made available in 1976; it was later refined an update was made available in 2001 according to Gallant & Johns Hopkins University (2012). There are five phases that are included in this model, and they include preparation, validation, decision-making, application/translation and evaluation (Ignatavicius & Workman, 2015).
Preparation is whereby the issue is identified and validated with evidence. Validation involves synthesis and critique of available proof. Decision-making entails synthesis of the findings that have been accumulated and making a verdict on the data that can be used. Translation and application are whereby the stage of application is decided on, and this can be a group, individual or an organization. Evaluation of the data is the final stage, and this can be informal or formal. The summative and formative evaluation of the outcome should be considered at this stage to include the costs.
John Hopkins model
This model is based on three cornerstones that act as the basis for the nursing profession. This includes research, education and practice. Goode &  HYPERLINK "http://0-web.ebscohost.com.alice.dvc.edu/ehost/viewarticle?data=dGJyMPPp44rp2%2fdV0%2bnjisfk5Ie46bZMsKy2T7Ok63nn5Kx95uXxjL6qrUmzpbBIr6ueSrirt1KvqJ5Zy5zyit%2fk8Xnh6ueH7N%2fiVbOvtEquq7VJt5zqeezdu33snOJ6u9fugKTq33%2b7t8w%2b3%2bS7Sa6mtVCur65QpNztiuvX8lXk6%2bqE8tv2jAAA&hid=4112" \o "Alice Magaw: A Model for Evidence-Based Practice. " Alice insinuates that practice is the basic constituent of the care rendered by nurses to the patients (2015). It is the means used to provide nu...
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