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Identify two Evidence Based Practice nursing model Stetler and Hopkins models

Essay Instructions:

Identify two Evidence Based Practice model: John Hopkins and Stetler

Explain how you will use each selected model to direct your research utilization project : Delirium in the ICU, Early Detection.

The paper consistent with APA guidelines. Include a minimum of 4 peer reviewed journal article references from the University Library or google scholar and 700-1,050 words. 

Note: the peer reviewed journal articles needs to be from 2009 to 2015.

Thank you!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Evidence-Based Practice Nursing Model: Stetler and Hopkins Models
Stetler and Hopkins Models
One of the most vibrant disciplines in human beings is health care, and a lot of money is spent on sophisticated research in order to improve this field. There are new and modern medicines, procedures and medical devices that are invented to give better services to people (Son, Song, Park, & Kim, 2014). Evidence-based practice is one of the popular techniques being used to handle the issues that occur in the clinical field and provide better services for patients. This technique demands the nurses to make use of credible evidence and apply it to varied situations as noted by Hain & Kear, (2015). This is done through the use of clinical judgments and consideration of the system resources and the values of the client. This paper describes the two evidence-based practice nursing models, Stetler and Hopkins and how each model can be used to direct research utilization in delirium in the ICU and early detection.
Models used in Evidence-Based Practice
Goode & HYPERLINK "http://0-web.ebscohost.com.alice.dvc.edu/ehost/viewarticle?data=dGJyMPPp44rp2%2fdV0%2bnjisfk5Ie46bZMsKy2T7Ok63nn5Kx95uXxjL6qrUmzpbBIr6ueSrirt1KvqJ5Zy5zyit%2fk8Xnh6ueH7N%2fiVbOvtEquq7VJt5zqeezdu33snOJ6u9fugKTq33%2b7t8w%2b3%2bS7Sa6mtVCur65QpNztiuvX8lXk6%2bqE8tv2jAAA&hid=4112" \o "Alice Magaw: A Model for Evidence-Based Practice. " Alice categorically states that Stetler model helps the medical practitioners to assess the application of relevant evidence and research findings that can be used in the nursing practice (2015). This model shows how evidence can be used to bring alterations in organizations. It also shows how medical practitioners can make use of research in casual settings and it can be included as part of reflective practice and critical analysis. Stetler model opens a channel of thought where practice based on evidence and research can be linked. The two concepts are different, and they have to be integrated to allow comprehensive research to take place.
This model is composed of five phases, and they include validation, preparation, decision-making/comparative appraisal, application/ translation and evaluation (Son et al., 2014). Preparation entails sorting a solution for a specific problem using resources that are relevant. Validation involves assessment of available evidence in terms of its applicability, operational details, and credibility. Decision-making pertains to a decision being made on the application of the findings in the nursing practice. The application involves the action terms of the findings, and this is done using statements of the summary. The evaluation involves clarifying the outcomes that are expected and how this will help in decision-making.
John Hopkins model is based on three cornerstones that form the basis of nursing and they include research, education and practice (Goode & HYPERLINK "http://0-web.ebscohost.com.alice.dvc.edu/ehost/viewarticle?data=dGJyMPPp44rp2%2fdV0%2bnjisfk5Ie46bZMsKy2T7Ok63nn5Kx95uXxjL6qrUmzpbBIr6ueSrirt1KvqJ5Zy5zyit%2fk8Xnh6ueH7N%2fiVbOvtEquq7VJt5zqeezdu33snOJ6u9fugKTq33%2b7t8w%2b3%2bS7Sa6mtVCur65QpNztiuvX8lXk6%2bqE8tv2jAAA&hid=4112" \o "Alice Magaw: A Model for Evidence-Based Practice. " Alice, 2015). The main component of the nursing profession is practice because the things learnt in class as theory is applied in practical. The nursing profession involves giving care to sick patients, and it forms a basic part of the health care organization. Education entails the acquisition of knowledge and the skills, necessary to make one competent in giving care to patients in the clinical setting. Research is a way of providing new knowledge that is found in science in the nursing profession (Schoville, Shever, Calarco & Tschannen, 2014). It ensures that the medical personnel are up to date with new ways of providing care, new equipment, and new skills, and these ensure that patients receive quality care.
How these models can be used in research utilization of delirium in ICU and early detection
Delirium is a syndrome that affects most patients who are admitted to the intensive ...
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