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Statement of Research Gaps and Unanswered Questions

Essay Instructions:

Please use sources from previous writing.In this assignment you will describe the topic on which you wrote your synthesis essay, or literature review.You will then state what gaps you found in the research on your topic, areas in which further researchmight be appropriate on the topic, or any questions have opened up for you or remained unanswered as aresult of having researched this topic.This paper will be approximately 500-750 words.Organization of the PaperIntroductory paragraph:In this paragraph, you will explain the topic which you researched. The final sentence will be a thesis statementarguing for further research in specific areas.Body section of 2-3 paragraphs:This section would describe any one of, or a combination of, the following. You would want at least two areas inwhich you felt there were gaps, needs for further research, or new or unanswered questions as a result of yourresearch.-gaps you saw in the researchFor example, let us imagine you wrote a literature review on the effectiveness of one-on-one laptop programs inhigh schools. You may have noticed that little research has been done on how non-native speakers of Englishrespond to one-on-one laptop programs. No studies analyzed the effects of such programs on the writing, reading,and critical thinking development of non-native speakers of English. This could be a gap in the research that youwould point out in your paper.-areas in which further research could be conducted that would shed more light on an issueFor example, let us imagine you wrote a literature review on the effectiveness of one-on-one laptop programs inhigh schools. You may have noticed that research has been conducted on the impact of such programs on thewriting skills of non-native speakers of English. However, the studies did not focus on particular languagegroups. You feel that further study specifically on Chinese speakers and further study specifically on Spanishspeakers is warranted. This could be an example of an area in which further research would be warranted thatyou would point out in your paper.-questions that remained unanswered for you or new questions that opened up for you as you read thecurrent literature on your topicFor example, let us imagine you wrote a literature review on the effectiveness of one-on-one laptop programs inhigh schools. You noticed that, as you were reading through the literature, you had questions on how schoolsdetermined what types of laptops to purchase. Did they purchase Hewlett-Packards computers, Dell computers,Toshiba computers, Acer computers, or computers from some other vendor? You found yourself wondering howbusiness decisions with vendors are made when implementing a one-on-one laptop program. This could be anexample of a question that opened up for you as you read through the literature. You could note this question inyour paper.Conclusion:In one paragraph, summarize your points in the body section. Re-state and succinctly explain any gaps, areas offurther research, or unanswered questions.

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Statement of Research Gaps and Unanswered Questions
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Statement of Research Gaps and Unanswered Questions
As noted previously, obesity, particularly among children, is a serious global problem that requires urgent intervention. Research has shown the pandemic to have serious consequences not only for the children and families affected but also to the economy. Most studies carried out in the area have focused on the intervention strategies that can be used to combat it. Other scholars have dedicated their resources and time to examine its prevalence as well as causes. Despite a lot of literature being written in the area, there remain gaps and unanswered questions that can guide future research.
An obvious gap that exists that requires addressing by scholars is the impact of regional and national policies on childhood obesity. Most of the studies carried have focused on the effectiveness of prevention programs in schools. Pipas (2012) and Sharma (2011) are examples of scholars that sought to examine the impact of school-based programs on obesity among children. A research study that comes close to analyzing the impact of regional and national policies on childhood obesity is one done by Ng, et al. (2014). The paper sought to examine the pandemic’s prevalence on global, regional, as well as national level. However, there is no specific study that has examined how regional and national policies impact childhood obesity. As such, this is an area that requires an investigation by researchers.
There is also a need for a comparative study to examine the effectiveness of the different prevention programs that have been implemented across the US and other countries. As noted by Pipas (2012), there are different programs that have been developed to tackle the problems in schools. Some of these programs include SPARK, Planet Earth, and SNAP-Ed. There is a need for a study to carry out a cross analysis of all these programs and rank them according to their effectiveness. It is obvious that some of them can be effective than others. Therefore, there is no need for millions of dollars to be spent on programs that are less effective in place of others that can be more effect...
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