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Stakeholders and Organizational Culture: Georgia Department of Public Health (GDPH)

Essay Instructions:

You will continue to build upon the strategic plan. Update your strategic plan based on your instructor’s feedback from your SLP submissions in Modules 1 and 2. Once the plan is complete, add the following sections to your strategic plan in 1–2 pages:

Stakeholders: In this section, identify 4–6 stakeholders that are directly related to your strategic plan. Explain the importance of each stakeholder (e.g., consumers in rural South Carolina diagnosed with cancer, lead oncologist, etc.)

Organizational Culture: Develop (in 1–2 paragraphs) a cultural strategy that will assist with the implementation of your strategic plan.

Note: At this point, your plan should be at about 5–7 pages, not including the title and reference pages.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your strategic plan.

Support your report with peer-reviewed articles with 2 or 3 references. Use the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals: http://www(dot)angelo(dot)edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php.

You may use the following source to assist in your formatting your assignment: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/01/.

For additional information on reliability of sources review the following source: https://nccih(dot)nih(dot)gov/health/webresources.

This assignment will be graded based on the SLP assignment rubric.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Stakeholders and Organizational Culture
Author’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Professor’s Name
Stakeholders and Organizational Culture
Georgia Department of Public Health (GDPH)
The GDPH is a crucial stakeholder in my strategic plan since it has relevant statistics about heart disease, which can be essential when implementing telemedicine services for individuals with cardiovascular disease in Atlanta, Georgia. The primary benefit of including GDPH in my project is to get adequate resources to facilitate the success of the provision of quality telemedicine services. For instance, GDPH is a member of Million Hearts, which is a national health initiative introduced by the United States Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS) to prevent one million strokes and heart attacks by 2027.
Individuals in Atlanta
Another vital stakeholder is the target population. Indeed, people aged between 20 and 55 years are more vulnerable to heart diseases. That is why these individuals should be included in the strategic plan to understand their needs. Besides, the primary objective is to reduce the prevalence of heart disease in Atlanta, Georgia. The most significant thing about involving people in Atlanta is that it will be easy to include all the requirements of the target population in the app to be developed. That way, these individuals will get quality telemedicine services to manage and prevent cardiovascular complications.
Software/App Developers
Successful implementation of telemedicine care services requires skilled software developers. These experts play a crucial role since they ensure that the app developed meets all the stated requirements. Since telemedicine is meant to improve the accessibility and affordability of heart-related medical services, it should make it easy for healthcare professionals to diagnose and treat patients remotely (Kho, Gillespie, & Martin-Khan, 2020). As a result, software developers must ensure that the app is user-friendly and easy to navigate for medical practitioners and people in Atlanta.
Information Security Experts
During and after the development of the app that will facilitate the provision of telemedicine services, patient confidentiality and privacy should be prioritized. That is why it’s important to involve data security experts so that they can ensure that the app complies with the regulations set by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Moreover, these professionals will update and maintain the app to decrease the chances of information breaches by cyber-attackers.
Licensed Medical Professionals
Licensed healthcare providers are needed to offer telemedicine services for individuals with heart disease in Atlanta, Georgia. The significant benefi...
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