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Stages of Grief Paper

Essay Instructions:
Stages of Grief Paper Due Date: May 15, 2016 23:59:59 Max Points: 90 Details: Write a 750-1,000 word paper analyzing Woterstorff's reflctions in Lament For a Son. In addition, address Kubler-Ross' five stages of grief, as they are expressed throughout Lament for a Son, and respond to the following questions: How does Wolterstorff find joy after his loss? What is the meaning and significance of death in light of the Christian narrative? How does the hope of the resurrection play a role in comforting Wolterstorff? Include three sources including the textbooks, bible and other reliable/academic sources. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Rubrics 20 % Five Stages of Grief The paper does address all of the five stages of grief with detail and provides some examples. The paper shows a deep understanding of the connections between the five stages of grief. 20.0 % How Wolterstorff Find Joy After His Loss The paper shows a deep understanding of how Wolterstorff finds joy after his loss. 15.0 % Meaning and significance of death in the light of the Christian narrative is addressed and shows a deep understanding, including a detailed description and many examples. 15.0 % Explanation of how hope of the resurrection plays a role in comforting Wolterstorff is present, with detail and many examples, and shows a deep understanding. 20.0 % Organization and Effectiveness 7.0 % Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive. The essence of the paper is contained within the thesis. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear. 8.0 % Argument Logic and Construction Clear and convincing argument presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative. 5.0 % Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use) Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English. 10.0 % Format PS. Textbook "Lament for a Son" Read Lament for a Son by Nicholas Wolterstorff. http://gcumedia(dot)com/digital-resources/eerdmans-publishing/1987/lament-for-a-son_ebook_1e.php "The 5 Stages of Loss and Grief" Read "The 5 Stages of Loss and Grief," by Axelrod, located on the PsychCentral website. http://psychcentral(dot)com/lib/the-5-stages-of-loss-and-grief/000617
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Lament For a Son Name: Institution: Course: Date: Lament For a Son Introduction In the book Lament for a Son, Nicholas Wolterstorff brings to light some of the most basic feelings that are associated with the grieving process. When one loses a loved regardless of the way they died, there is an emotional turmoil that is associated with the loss. This tends to be embroidered in a process of feelings that develop after the loss (Wolterstorff, 1987). There is a sequence of feelings that start with one feeling very hurt by the fact that, they have lost someone dear to them. The fact that they will never again speak or interact with them and the feelings associated with the memories that they shared and wishes for a continuity of the same; and even the possibility of what future life would be like. The element of uncertainty associated with the loss can also be overwhelming (Bennett, 2009). Stages of Grief According to Kubler Ross, the loss of a loved one is associated with the process of grieve. This means that, at the start of the grieving process, one is overcome with the pain of losing someone that they love (Wolterstorff, 1987). However, as time goes by, they start to accommodate the void that is left behind and start to better manage the emotions associated with it. The five stages in this case are, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance (Axelrod, 2016). In the first stage after the death of a loved one, people tend to grapple with the fact that they are dead. As such, there is a phase where people tend to be embroidered with disbelieve that their loved are actually dead. As such, there is a denial of death and a general attitude that is associated with disbelieve. After this stage, there is anger that comes from accepting that the loved one is really dead (Bennett, 2009). This is anger that could be directed toward self as in the case of Wolterstorff, who is seen to be angry at himself, for not apparently preventing the death of his son (Wolterstorff, 1987). He feels that he could have held on and his son would still be alive. He also feels that he could have made better choices to prevent his son from falling and offer expected from a father to their children. This is then followed by the bargaining stage, where one tries to compromise and accept the truth along with the bitterness of the loss (Grief.com, 2016). Then the depression stage sets in followed by acceptance. At the last stage the person has accepted that they have lost a loved one and they are contented with the loss and void they left behind by finding solace in something more fulfilling. In the case of Wolterstorff, he found peace in his believe in God (Wiltshire, 2014). How Wolterstorff Find Joy After His Loss When Woterstorff lost his son in the climbing exercise, he was overcome with emotions. He was seen to blame himself for not having offered his son the right protection as a parent and more so, as a father and letting his son slip away from his grip and fall to his death (Wolterstorff, 1987). Towards the middle of the book, he is seen to argue with himself, bargaining with the aspect of love for his children. He seems to be co...
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