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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Essay Instructions:
In accordance with your professional area of interest in the field of health education, you are to search the health education literature for 3-4 journal articles that address one or more behavioral risk factors from an epidemiological perspective, AND within a context that is of particular relevance to your professional goals/interests as stated in Module 1. Provide a summary of the 3-4 articles that you selected. See http://www(dot)nchec(dot)org/assets/2251/areas_of_responsibilities_and_competencies.pdf and below for a list of relevant National Commission for Health Education Credentialing (NCHEC) Competencies. Area I: Assess Needs, Resources, and Capacity for Health Education Competency 1.4 Examine Relationships among Behavioral, Environmental and Genetic Factors That Enhance or Compromise Health 1.4.1-Identify factors that influence health behaviors 1.4.2-Analyze factors that influence health behaviors 1.4.3-Identify factors that enhance or compromise health 1.4.3-Analyze factors that enhance or compromise health SLP Assignment Expectations *You are expected to consult the scholarly literature in preparing your paper; you are also expected to incorporate relevant background readings. *Your paper should be written in your own words. This will enable me to assess your level of understanding. *Proofread your paper to ensure that grammar and punctuation are correct, that reference citations conform to APA guidelines, and that each part of the assignment has been addressed clearly and completely. *Length: 3-4 peer-reviewed sources, cited and annotated; 2-4 double-spaced pages
Essay Sample Content Preview:
MHD508 SLP MOD 2 Name Institution Date The Relationship between Behavior, Environment, and Genetic Factors That Enhance or Comprise Health In designing a health education program in the field of psychology, my interests are to understand the factors promoting some of the harmful behaviors causing obesity. In my analysis, I would like to understand some of the behaviors that cause obesity among adolescents. Every year, approximately 300,000 people die worldwide due to obesity complications (Pate et al., 2013). Several research findings indicate that three quarters of American teenagers are exposed to unhealthy food every day, therefore, are likely to develop excessive weight (Pate et al., 2013). I am interested in analyzing some of the main factors that influence eating behaviors of teenagers including exposure to unhealthy foods and poor nutrition. My concern will be to understand other factors including advanced technological gadgets like video games are likely to influence teenagers eating patterns (Pate et al., 2013). Part of my professional goal is to develop a health education program that will generate positive behaviors among the targeted population. Health education programs are meant to motivate and enhance healthy practices to avoid some of the lifestyle diseases. Part of my coursework as a student is to encourage positive behaviors (Birch & Davison, 2001). Initiating a health education program will enhance my communication skills and improve my facilitation skills. Initiating a prevention program targeting teenagers will help me understand how to plan and implement behavior specify intervention. Coming up with health education initiatives will help me to meaningfully contribute towards the society by helping individuals develop healthy eating plans (Birch & Davison, 2001). The Needs, Resources, and Capacity for Health Education The Factors That Influence Health Behaviors Behavior is considered as an individual action; however, individual's choice of behavior is likely to be influenced by several factors. Some of these factors include social, environmental, and cultural factors. Factors lik...
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