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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Database Schema (SQL) Allocation of ID and Datatypes

Essay Instructions:

Design a database schema for the proposed project goals and objectives included in your proposal in Topic 1.

If you do not have access to ER modeling software or a diagramming tool like Visio or OmniGraffle, you can simply create diagrams in a presentation tool like PowerPoint. This is an essential skill that is used in the field.

This assignment will be utilized again in Topic 5. Prior to Topic 5, review any feedback provided to you by the instructor.

Part 1: Diagram

Identify and list all relevant entities and their relationships. Include the following:

Select no less than five entities.

Provide a diagram.

Map this to a database schema.

Provide a data dictionary for all entity attributes.

Part 2: Discussion

Include the following discussion with your diagram:

Identify one or two areas of your design that seemed especially difficult to develop. What difficulty did you encounter in modeling or mapping to the schema?

Based on project needs and the schema, discuss hosting considerations.

Discuss the required resources and estimated budget for the project.

In addition, provide the rationale for the design chosen, its limitations, and its possible extensions.

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

Please Note: Assignment will not be submitted to the faculty member until the "Submit" button under "Final Submission" is clicked.

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Database diagram

Oct 24, 2018 22:47:09

Database Diagram.pptx

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation
The project was to develop a reliable SQL-Based database for a hospital information and management system. The following ER Diagram was established to meet the requirements of operations taking place at a hospital:
Figure 1: SQL Schema.
The diagram given above represents normal operations taking place at a healthcare facility. The Hospital as an organization is a complex environment in which several departments are working simultaneously aimed at providing reliable healthcare to the patients. The main actors in the diagnosis and prognosis procedures are doctors, paramedical staff, and the patient (Billington, 2011). Once the patient enters the premises of the hospital, it is the responsibility of the facility to provide reliable and efficient healthcare facilities. One of the challenges is to reduce the waiting for the patients which can be done that by automatically assigning them a unique identification number. There vital signs and initial diagnosis is performed and then they move on to the second stage of the treatment which is either treatment or later appointments.
The most challenging task in the design of a database is the efficient allocation of the human, pharmaceutical, and diagnostic resources to the patients (Billington, 2011). Moreover, the complexity increased if the same patient requires consultation from multiple medical resources. These challenges can be controlled by using automatic and synchronizing mechanisms in the database systems of the hospital. Once multiple resources are required, the system should be able to effectively communicate with the involved healthcare professionals and associated staff. A schematic including the nature and importance of data in a conventional hospital arrangement is given below:
Figure 2: Allo...
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