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Sports Personnel and Bodybuilders

Essay Instructions:

The information covered in this week's lecture and reading assignments will help you with the following assignment. Your answers should be concise, complete, and typed in a Microsoft Word document. When you are finished, upload the Word document to be graded using the dropbox below.

This week's assignment:

What style of periodization do you feel would be best for optimizing a bodybuilder's physique? Defend your answer. Your answer should be at least 250 words.

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Sports personnel and bodybuilders often attribute much of their success to training. To realize the utmost success in training, values such as discipline, perseverance, and commitment are integral. In addition, there is a need for bodybuilders and sportspersons to be well organized and to plan their training sessions. This brings about the concept of periodization. It is a training organization model in which the training plan is split into specific time frames called cycles, with each cycle having specified goals. The different cycles of periodization are macrocycle, mesocycle, and microcycle. Training phases vary significantly in intensity depending on the period towards the actual event, and the athlete or bodybuilder utilizes periodization to acquire physiological abilities to promote training impact (Bompa & Buzzichelli, 2018). Different training coaches adopt different periodization styles such as linear, nonlinear, block, and reverse linear periodization (Bompa & Buzzichelli, 2018). The efficacy of the polarization model varies significantly. For optimal physique, nonlinear periodization workout styles would be the most appropriate.
Linear periodization style aims at equipping the athlete with physical strength and technical capabilities in a gradual manner. The concept of varying the intensity and volume linearly undermines the efficacy of linear periodization. This is because the body does not always respond to a stimulus linearly (Bompa & Buz...
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