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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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BHA 370 MARKETING PLAN Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Continue to build upon and complete your strategic plan. Update your strategic plan based on your instructor’s feedback from SLP submissions in Modules 1–3. Once the update is completed, add the following section to your strategic plan in 1–2 pages:

Marketing Plan: Develop a plan to market your selected healthcare-affiliated program. This section should be created based on the Marketing Mix concept of 4P’s or 7P’s. Additional information on the Marketing Mix can be found at the following source: http://marketingmix(dot)co(dot)uk/

Complete Strategic Plan

The following sections/pages should be included in the final submission of your strategic plan:

Title Page

Table of Contents: Identify the sections and page numbers in your strategic plan.

Executive Summary (Topic Relevance): Using the topic relevance section that you created in Module 1 SLP, edit and expand this section into an Executive Summary of your Strategic Plan. This section should be no longer than a page and should briefly overview the sections of your plan.

Mission and Vision Statement

Strategic Map

SWOT Analysis

Strategic Plan Timeline

Short-Term Goals

Long-Term Goals

Operational Plan


Organizational Culture

Marketing Plan


Note: At this point, your plan should be about 7–10 pages, not including the title page, table of contents, and reference page. You should have 5–8 references at this point.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Marketing Plan
Student’s Name:
Unit Name & Number:
Date of Submission:
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc55329324 \h 3Mission And Vision Statements3Strategic Map4Swot Analysis5Strategic Timeline Plan7Organizational Goals8Short Term Goals8Long Term Goals8Stakeholders8Organizational Culture9Marketing Plan9References10
Marketing Plan
Executive summary
For the past two years, there has existed a significant need for quality home-based health care services within the Southeastern Texas region (Ginter et al., 2018). The high demand is due to the residents' inability to access immediate health care services due to the region's lack of a health care facility. Therefore, by hiring well-educated competent staff with skills and interest in providing quality healthcare services with a well-run and proactive management, we can become the home healthcare service agency of choice in the southeastern part of Texas. The leading consumer base target for Southeastern are the residents living within the southern and eastern part of the Texas region (Ginter et al., 2018). The facility will also offer services to patients referred by other health care facilities, physicians, and healthcare professionals. The majority of patients will be covered by the National Health Insurance Fund cover, while other private insurance companies cover a smaller portion. Southeastern health care will provide reliable and quality services with a high level of professionalism (Hinson et al., 2020). The facility will implement the following marketing plan that utilizes 4ps and the 7ps marketing strategy to attract more customers (Evans, 2006). That will enable it to outdo its competitions and to make more profit.
Mission and Vision Statements
Mission statement: Southeastern health care aims at providing quality public health care services in a sensible and skilled manner and to work in cooperation with the entire community and the Government to provide a healthy, lively, physical, social, and economic environment.
Vision statement; To uphold self –satisfactory families in safe and healthy communities (Bierbooms et al., 2014). The vision explains how the facility puts forth efforts towards providing quality services that will raise community independence in realizing safe and healthy results.
Strategic map
Provide Quality and accessible healthcare services
Provide polite&Ethical Treatment services.
Appropriate management of resources
Establish a reputation of excellenceImprove partnership &collaborationsProvide customer-focused health servicesManage the businessWorking to become the leading health services provider.Cooperate with the community stakeholdersDevelop and expand easy access to steer healthcare systemEnsure efficient source Management and administrative Process.
Hire the Right people
Observe ethics and accountability
Nurture a competent personnel

SWOT analysis


* The primary objective of the facility is on quality services to the community.
* Presence of qualified and skillful medical professionals
* Availability of modern medical equipment and spacious rooms for the accommodation of a large number of patients.
* The medical team and the entire facility workers are highly dedicated to providing quality healthcare services.

* Lack of enough funds and resources to purchase enough and up to date medical equipment.
* Insufficient training of the management and medical staff.
* Outdated equipment and technology
* Low patient turn up since most people have no information about the facility's presence.



* Come up with healthcare programs and initiatives to drive to reach out to the entire community.
* The facility shall offer simple tests such as blood pressur...
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