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Spiritual Assessment Tools Description Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

Investigate at least two different spiritual assessment tools and analyze the ease of use and comprehensiveness of the data collected. Report on the validity and reliability of the tool. Explain how the spiritual assessment would be used in a health assessment.
Write a 1,000–1,250-word paper on the items listed above. Include at least four professional references excluding your texts.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
10.0 %Spiritual Assessment Tools Description
Does not describe selected spiritual assessment tools. Assignment criteria has not been met.
Minimally describes selected spiritual assessment tools. Not all parameters are described. Lacks both scope and clarity.
Describes selected spiritual assessment tools. Includes rationale. Description is lacking in scope or clarity.
Clearly describes selected spiritual assessment tools. Includes brief rationale.
Thoroughly and comprehensively describes selected spiritual assessment tools. Includes in-depth details. Presents rationale for selection. Information and evidence are accurate, appropriate, and supported.
20.0 %Analysis
Analysis of each tool's ease of use and comprehensiveness of data collected is not outlined or is outlined poorly.
Ignores or superficially evaluates each tool's ease of use and comprehensiveness of data collected. Draws unwarranted or fallacious conclusions.
Surface level of evaluation each tool's ease of use and comprehensiveness of data collected is offered. Claims and ideas are supported.
Analysis is direct, competent, and appropriate. Examines each tool's ease of use and comprehensiveness of data collected. Some details are provided.
Thoughtfully analyzes and evaluates major points of each tool's ease of use and comprehensiveness of data collected. Draws warranted, judicious, non-fallacious conclusions. Information and evidence are accurate, appropriate.
20.0 %Validity and Reliability
Description of each tool's validity and reliability is either not present or incomplete. Assignment criteria has not been met.
Minimally describes each tool's validity and reliability. Data lacks details and/or is incomplete. Discussion significantly lacks depth.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Spiritual Assessment
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Spiritual Assessment
A higher percentage of individuals living around the world believe in religion. This refers to the spiritual attachment that this individual has in their lives. Research indicates that the spirituality of a person is related to his health condition hence an assessment on his or her belief might provide clues on the health situation of such an individual. Patients may at times prefer sharing their spirituality with health officers. The physicians state that they often face challenges at times when dealing with patients on matters concerning spirituality. The amount of time and experience is a question of concern. Also, it is difficult for the practitioners to identify the patients that are interested in discussing their spirituality. This assessment is critical because it provides the physicians with the relevant information that they might need to comment or conclude on the state of health of an individual. The physicians can keep the patient records that could be used during further treatments. This is a way of supporting the patients regarding health and ensuring that their needs are taken care off immediately they arise. Spiritual assessment plays a significant role because it enhances the existing relationship between the patient and the physician and giving the personnel an opportunity to get more experience when dealing with similar cases. Some spiritual assessment tools are used by doctors in the health sector. The HOPE questions, FICA, and Open invite are among the most common assessments conducted on the patients. This paper will discuss two spiritual assessment tools applied on patients and analyses how the data collected on each assessment can be easily used.
Spiritual Assessment Tools Description
As mentioned in the above introduction, there are some spiritual assessment tools that are used by clinicians in the evaluation of patients. FACT is one of the tools that are used by the health officers in conducting various analyses. It requires a well-trained practitioner to use this tool in evaluating the patient. This tool entails some questions that revolve around faith, availability, coping, and treatment. In most cases, it is believed that this tool is more effective when used in the form of a conversation rather than being used in the form of a checklist (Hodge, 2015). This is a very important tool who main three parts show the spiritual history while the other part is for assessment. This provides the clinician with an opportunity to understand the spiritual life of an individual and how these practices are affecting their capability to cope with the current. This leads to the conclusion of a well-informed judgment on how such a patient will be treated to the spiritual history that he or she has displayed. This is evident that an individual's religious behavior will affect his or her health in the long term.
Another spiritual assessment tool is FICA that was developed by Dr. Puchalski if incorporated a few physician in a bid to have a solution on the spiritual issues of patients. The acronym was developed and represented faith, importance, community, and address health care. Regarding faith, the health officer is mainly concerned if the patient is spiritual and if no he or she may be interested to know what b...
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