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Nursing Assignment On Diagnosing and Treating Skin Wounds

Essay Instructions:

Skin wounds are sometimes challenging for health care providers to diagnose and treat as many have similar presentations. For advanced practice nurses, being able to identify various types of skin wounds, including whether a wound is a colonization or an infection, is critical because it impacts recommended patient care. In your role, you must be able to evaluate skin wounds, determine the diagnosis, and develop an appropriate treatment and management plan according to current evidence-based guidelines.

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Skin Wound Management Plan
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Skin Wound Management Plan
A wound is understood as a break that disrupts the continuity of the skin arising changed physiological condition which leads to negative impacts to a person. Management of such wound henceforth is critical to avoid delayed healing and other related infections to the skin which forms the first line of defense in the body. Based on sentiments, the essay elaborates on evaluation, diagnosis, treatment and management plans of wounds.
Evaluation of the wound
In evaluation processes, nurses frequently classify wounds as either chronic or acute. Cute wounds typically occur due to tissue damaged by trauma either deliberately in surgeries or due to accidents caused by electricity, heat, projectiles, chemicals, frictions or blunt forces. The acute wounds usually have regular healing patterns that entail phases of normal healing, takes a short time. They are identified as postoperative wounds, abrasions, minor burns, scalds, minor lacerations, or trauma wounds. On the other hand, chronic wounds have no healing pattern and have delays in healing, recurrent infections, and cellular senescence. The chronic wounds usually stay longer in inflammatory phase due to intrinsic and extrinsic factors such as co-morbidities, poor dressing, medication and poor nutrition among others (Dunk & Taylor, 2009).
The various considerations during evaluation and assessment of wounds include wound bed, measurement, edges, exudates, infections, pain and surrounding skins. Wound bed entails an evaluation of the granulating processes where the wound produces a deposit of red tissue during the repair process with moisture with formed collagen and networks of the capillary (Dunk & Taylor, 2009). This is followed by an examination of the epithelizing process where new epithelium covers the surface of the wound after granulation filling. It usually appears pink and reddish-white at the top of the tissue. After that, the sloughy process occurs due to the development of yellow tissue as a result of dead cells. This leads to necrotic that appears black or gray which prevents healing. Lastly, a hyper granulation occurs where granulation tissues develop on the wound margin especially when the proliferation takes longer time due to bacterial imbalance or due to other forces (Dunk & Taylor, 2009).
Other aspects of evaluation include measurement which involves the determination of the rate of healing and modalities of treatment. A two-dimensional assessment of the opening coupled with a three-dimension evaluation of cavity is required. In two-dimensional measurements, a tape is used to determine the length and breadth in millimeters as well as the circumference of the wound especially when the edges are irregular. This may entail photography, especially in chronic wounds. On the other hand, a three-dimensional measurement entails measurement of depth by use of a dampened cotton tip applicator (Moon & Nursing services, 2013).
On a separate note, the wound edges are evaluated through color observation, raising, rolling, sensation and contraction. Pink edges of the wound indicate growth of new tissue; erythema shows inflammation while dusky edges show hypoxia. Besides, elevation of the wound edges above the surrounding tissue shows pressure, and trauma among others while rolled edges especially downwards into the wound bed show stagnation (Moon & Nursing services, 2013).
The natural healing processes of a wound are usually evaluated when it exudates. This shows that there are nutrients and energy for growth and metabolism of the cells, and presence of white blood cells. Besides, it reveals epithelialization, moisture maintenance, and cleaning of the wound. At this point, it is essential to note whether the wound has an odor and whether it is too much or less to assess dryness, maceration, and degradation of...
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