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3 pages/≈825 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Speech-Language Pathology in the Public Health Sector

Essay Instructions:


In this SLP you will be examining the public health infrastructure available for your public health topic.


1 Address whether the workforce, communications and tracking systems, research and evaluation capabilities, planning, and laboratory facilities appear to be adequate.

2 What do you think are the most important needs in shaping and sustaining the infrastructure for dealing with this public health problem?

3 Would you recommend changes? If so, what would those be?

Assignment Expectations

Using the knowledge gained from your research activities on your topic, make an assessment as to whether there are appropriate resources available.

Length: The SLP assignment should be 3-4 pages long.

References: At least two references must be included from academic sources (e.g., peer-reviewed journal articles). Required readings are included. Quoted materials should not exceed 10% of the total paper (since the focus of these assignments is critical thinking). Use your own words and build on the ideas of others. Materials copied verbatim from external sources must be enclosed in quotation marks. In-text citations are required as well as a list of references at the end of the assignment. (APA format is recommended.)

Organization: Subheadings should be used to organize your paper according to the questions.

Format: APA format is recommended for this assignment.

Grammar and Spelling: While no points are deducted for minor errors, assignments are expected to adhere to standard guidelines of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence syntax. Points may be deducted if grammar and spelling impact clarity.

The following items will be assessed in particular:

Your depth of knowledge related to your topic and areas that have sufficient infrastructure available to support appropriate and needed activities.

Your depth of knowledge related to your topic in defining areas that have insufficient infrastructure available to support appropriate and needed activities.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Speech-language pathology in the public health sector
Speech Language Pathologists abbreviated as SLP defines highly trained professions who treat a broad range of disorder and delays. Just like any other health related career, S-LP study human anatomy and physiology on top of neuroanatomy, human and language development, genetics, psychology, linguistics, and acoustics. In essence, SLP deals with speech delays and disorders such as phonology, articulation and motor speech disorders. Further, in the content of language delays and disorder, SLP treat both oral and non-verbal expression and comprehension. They also tackle fluency disorders featuring stuttering as well as voice and character disorders. In adults, infants and children, swallowing and feeding disorder are addressed by SLP. Disorder linked to cognitive disorder includes social communication, reasoning, and problem-solving skills. Further, SLP deals with pre-literacy and literacy skills such as decoding, writing, comprehension and phonological awareness. Additionally, communication and swallowing complications connected to other issues for instance brain trauma, the genetic disorder, and neurological impairments (Johnson & Jacobson, 2007). Ideally, SLP plays a very significant role. However, inadequate infrastructures and workforce in this sector hinders effective service delivery as addressed by this paper.Inadequate workforce, communications and tracking systems, research and evaluation capabilities, planning, and laboratory facilities affects SLP
SLP assistants extend services of certified speech-language pathologists. Also known as communication aides, speech assistants’ provide operational services such as record keeping and data collection. Ideally, according to a report by ASHA, there are about 20 training programs for SLP in US alone. However, lack of national certification for communication aides in United State is a huge problem that limits their operation. Further, the same report indicates that speech assistance in US largely focuses on theoretical learning at the expense of the practical exposure. Further, the SLPs are subjected to improper planning. For instance in America, controversy regarding the use of speech assistance continues to build up. This argument is grounded on the notion that communication aides may displace the use of core certified, trained and licensed SLP. This in turn may lead to public confusion regarding who is liable for providing qualified SLP services. Although the number of nurses is on the rise, language and communication barrier hinders effective service delivery in the SLP sector. Of the most significant, inadequate of SLP infrastructures evidenced in the public health sectors limit access and result in poor delivery of quality servi...
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