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Specific Social Context And Process of Gender Socialization

Essay Instructions:

Answer the following:
Why is an understanding of the specific social context important to understanding the process of gender socialization?
How might gender socialization be different across races or socioeconomic class?
Give an example from the chapter or personal experience.

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Gender Socialization can be defined as the process by which persons of different genders learn to align to the social expectations of their sexes. The consequence of such strategic alignments based on expected gender roles is a disparity, in general, behavioral perspective in males and females. Sociological studies have since linked the differences between genders to socialization process which can be viewed as the transfer of values, norms and beliefs from a group to another. Gender socialization has become more evident in the modern age of globalization where free movements of people and interactions over the social media platforms have facilitated information and knowledge sharing between different groups. The interactions have made various communities abandon retrogressive norms, replacing them with modern globalized views. Also, the approach has led to the emergence of the transgender group which comprises persons who believe in the non-existence of boundaries between the biological sexes.
The understanding of the particular social contexts is essential for complete understanding of gender socialization in various ways. Firstly, social contexts are defined by distinctive sets of norms and beliefs. Such standards range from religious and cultural to economic circumstances. A notable example is the dressing codes of Muslim ladies. The religion defines the strategic codes as a way of fostering morality within the girls. It is thus unlikely to find a Muslim woman going to the mosque in a short trouser or miniskirt. On the contrary, the Christian code of dressing seems to have undergone divergent evolution to accommodate different dressing codes.
Further, the social context reflects the specific gender roles. In many communities, the men are tasked with providing for family needs. Th...
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