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Gender and Socialization: Do you ever Get to Stop Being Gendered?

Essay Instructions:


Do you ever get to stop being gendered?
Socialization consists of the ways we learn to become a member of any group (constant process)
Gender socialization is the process through which individuals learn the gender norms of their society and develop an internal gender identity
Gender norms are the sets of rules for what is appropriate masculine and feminine behavior in a particular culture
Gender identity is the way in which being masculine or feminine becomes an internalized part of the way we think about ourselves
The cultural significance of gender is highlighted by cases of ambiguous sex at birth (intersexed individuals)
Intersexed children are individuals who, for various reasons, do not fit into the contemporary Anglo-European biological sex categories of male and female


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Gender and Socialization
The journal talks about gender and socialization. The author defines gender and socialization stating how the two combined defines ways whereby people learn certain gender norms of the society and develop gender identity which is internal. According to the author, gender identity is either being masculine or feminine, and these features are internalized affecting the way we think about ourselves.
In a situation when there is ambiguous sex at birth, meaning one does not have these features or have both features cultural significance become a concern. In such a situation, the children are referred to as intersexed children. These children at times might develop a certain genetic characteristic that makes it difficult to distinguish. These groups of individuals are always stigmatized affecting the data collection process. Most of them prefer hiding their gender status. According to research, 1 or 2 children in 2,000 children develop some genital reconstruction compared to albinism, cystic fibrosis, and Down syndrome.
Hermaphrodite is a Greek term, which was used to describe a figure that represented a man and woman; this term has become a common term used to describe individuals who do not fit in the biological categories of female and male. Intersex is not a new occurrence, but it has constantly sparked debates that its nature fighting nature. The pressure for parents wanting to choose the sex of a child is an indication of how gender is a powerful element in the society.
Anne Fausto-Sterling suggests that instead of having two categories of gender we should have five to be more inclusive .these should be male, male hermaphrodite, true hermaphrodite, female hermaphrodite, and female .this will limit the argument whereby sexual difference will no longer define gender.
Gender is a concept that comes about through internalized interaction with those around us after. According to behaviorism theory in psychology, a behavior is learned, but the concern here is how these behaviors are learned. Advocates of gender equality argue that behavior learning is fostered by a selective process. They further ...
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