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Developing a Health Advocacy Campaign for Cancer Patients

Essay Instructions:

For this section of your paper (approximately 3–4 pages in length) address the following:

  • Describe your selected population health issue and the population affected by this issue.

  • Summarize the advocacy programs you researched in this area.

  • Explain the attributes that made those programs effective.

  • Develop a plan for a health advocacy campaign that seeks to create a new policy or change an existing policy with regard to the issue and population you selected. Be sure to include in your plan:

    • A description of the public health issue and proposed policy solution

    • Specific objectives for the policy you want to be implemented

    • The means by which you will convey information to various stakeholders on the need for this policy change

    • Be sure your proposed need is substantiated by data and evidence.

    • Methods of establishing support for the policy, including how to influence policymakers

  • Explain how the attributes of the effective advocacy programs you researched could be applied to your proposed advocacy campaign.


Required Resources 


  • Milstead, J. A. (2013). Health policy and politics: A nurse's guide (Laureate Education, Inc., custom ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

    • Chapter 3, “Government Response: Legislation—Politics: Playing the Game” (pp. 45–71) (review)

      This chapter explores the multiple factors that influence the development of public policy through the legislative branch of government.

    • Chapter 9, “Policy Nurses Advance Policy Agendas in Many Arenas” (pp. 179–189)

      The focus of this chapter is the role of policy nurses within nurse associations and it highlights specific organization that specifically deal with policy nurses and advocacy.

  • Begley, A. (2010). On being a good nurse: Reflections on the past and preparing for the future. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 16(6), 525–532.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    In this article, the author reflects on the qualities of a good nurse in both the past and present. The article presents a 4-point framework that exemplifies the foundational qualities of modern professional ethics and conduct.

  • Davis-Alldritt, L. (2011). Presidential inaugural address: Advocacy, access, and achievement. Journal of School Nursing, 27(4), 249–251.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    This address explicates links between school nursing, school health services, and student success. The author uses personal anecdotes to teach lessons in advocacy, access, and achievement.

  • Deyton, L., Hess, W. J., & Jackonis, M. J. (2008, Winter). War, its aftermath, and U.S. health policy: Toward a comprehensive health program for America’s military personnel, veterans, and their families. Journal of Law, Medicine, & Ethics, 36(4), 677-689.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

  • Karpf, T., Ferguson, J. T., & Swift, R. (2010). Light still shines in the darkness: Decent care for all. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 28(4), 266–274.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    This article details the challenges of health care crises at the global, national, and local levels. The text proposes a values-based approach to health care that takes into account the voices of the population being served, rather than excluding them.

  • Paquin, S. O. (2011). Social justice advocacy in nursing: What is it? How do we get there? Creative Nursing, 17(2), 63–67.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    This text defines social justice advocacy and contrasts it to the patient-nurse advocacy model. The article also discusses social justice advocacy’s challenges and their potential solutions.

  • International Council of Nurses. (2008). Promoting health: Advocacy guide for health professionals. Retrieved from http://www.whpa.org/PPE_Advocacy_Guide.pdf

    This web resource documents the efforts of the International Council of Nurses to ensure quality nursing care for all, as well as sound health policies globally through the advancement of nursing knowledge and presence worldwide.

  • Vancouver Coastal Health. (n.d.). Vancouver Coastal Health Population Health: Advocacy guidelines and resources. Retrieved from http://www.vch.ca/media/Population Health_Advocacy Guideline and Resources.pdf

    This article presents guidelines, parameters, and resources for conducting population health advocacy.


  • Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012g). The needle exchange program. Baltimore, MD: Author.

    Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 14 minutes.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Developing a Health Advocacy Campaign
Student Name:
Walden University
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Many health challenges affects the population. Besides, the government and in particular the health sector, finds it hard to identify the root of the problem (Mahlin, 2010). Sometimes the way some campaigns are carried out are not in agreement with the population's interest. They may not address the basic and real needs of the majority of the population. Therefore, a health advocacy campaign plan is necessary to realize effective result.
The study herein focusses on the health campaign plan to a disease that disturbs not only the population but also the government. Cancer is a deadly disease that has consumed many lives. Currently it is the leading cause of deaths in the world (WHO, 2007).  However, it is worth to note that there are some policies that when effectively put in place would reduce its contraction. Such measures focus on the lifestyles that ensure healthy living. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to outline the problem, campaign plans, assess their impacts and sensitize stakeholders on its implementation.
Population Health Issue and Population Affected
Cancer affects the entire population. In fact, the whole population is at risk of contracting the deadly disease. The leading cause of the disease is the old age. According to WHO, (2007), people of age above 65 years are more vulnerable than those below the age. At the age of 65 years, scientists report that the level of damage of the genetic materials is extremely thus causing the difference. In spite of the age causage, lifestyle, is also a leading cause that cannot be easily ignored even among the nurses (Mahlin, 2010).
Lifestyle practices enhances the contraction of the disease particularly when unhealthy practices become the norm. such practices like smoking, drinking of alcohol, lack of exercise and direct and higher exposure to sunlight or ultra violet radiations cause the disease as described by the International Council of Nurses, (2008). It is important to note that the lifestyle practices can easily be controlled. The campaign plan will target the unhealthy practices to ensure that the population adopts the healthy practices.
Advocacy Programs Researched in this Area
In advocating for healthy lifestyle in order to reduce cancer infection rate, several programs will be used. The intention is to ensure that the entire population is reached with the information. The main idea is to sensitize them and make them aware of the risks they pose to their lives (Chesnay, 2005). As earlier said, many people live unhealthy lifestyles because of lack of knowledge. They are probably ignorant about the real issue of how unhealthy lifestyle catalyzes the growth of not only cancer,but also many other diseases.
Some of the programs that will be used include social media platforms. Nearly all the population spend time on whatsapp, facebook, twitter, Instagram and so many social media sources (Paquin,2011). Social media, therefore, forms the best avenue of reaching a great number of the population. Other platforms such as television channels and radio stations also will be used. Since, some people may also not be reached, by all the above stated programs, a campaign will be necessary.
Effective Attributes of the Programs
The health advocacy programs such as public sensitization on healthy living to be applied are effective in nature. According to Pew Research Centre(2015),as much as two thirds of the American population uses social media at one time or another. The communication media channels carry the day. Since the social media develops and improves almost each day, it is very effective. People seek information from the media sources bearing in mind that information is power. Besides, road walk and road shows, allow one on one interaction with individuals. They are given chance to ask any question and answers provided to them. therefore, they will be convinced and carry the information with them to others not reached yet.
Health Advocacy Plan
In this health advocacy plan, cancer disease will be the main focus. The plan aims to ensure the reduction of the contraction rate to ensure the population is sensized regarding the deadly disease. The government and the health sector will be supplied with the information to ensure that the population is well attended to. The idea is to ensure that there is no breach of conduct nor law in the campaign plan. Besides, the stakeholders will have a say at appropriate times.
The health advocacy plan is very important to any country worldwide. The ever-growing threat posed by cancer can never be ignored . The government spends a lot of money to curb the effects of cancer. Many hospitals are built. Research works are done to find the cure. However, no cure has yet been found.
Concerted Efforts in Continous Public Education
A change can be done through the development of education programs aimed at creating awareness and thereby helping reduce the problems thereof.In the process of knowledge creation and propagation,it would be important to take up a combined approach consisting of interactive,analytic as well as scientific edifices(Bryant,2002).Lifestyle practices necessitates the causage of the deadly disease. Such practices as poor diet, smoking of cigarretes and other hard drugs, drinking of alcohol, obesity and so on are the leading lifestyle practices contributing to the cause of cancer. It is worth noting that some people engage in these practices simply out of ignorance. Some are involved out of peer influence. Some people drink alcohol and smoke out of frustrations of various forms. To address the habit, the stakeholders will be involved. A questionnaire will be conducted.
In dealing with the plan, a lot of care will be taken in addressing the issue. Generalization may look good. However, it may prove dangerous. Social, physical and economic disparieties must form the key parameter in analysis. Lifestyle of a high class individual cannot compare to that of a low class. Similarly, lifestyle of a street child cannot compare to that of an ordinary child under care of the parents. The argument follows on to the variation in physical ability and inability of individuals.
Objectives for the Knowledge Creation and Propagation
According to Bryant(2002),the following are the objectives for the plan to enhance community awareness;
* To sensitize the population on the effects of cancer.
* To educate the population on the early identification on the signs and symptoms of the deadly disease for early medication care.
* To advocate for healthy lifestyle awareness among the population.
* To advocate for policy strategies from policy makers to enable close medical attention and improvement of the health sectors.
Communication to Various Stakeholders
Communication is very essential. It is the only tool that can ensure effective and accurate results (Bryant,2002). It helps in ensuring that the members of the community easily interact with the policy makers.To do this, each stakeholder will be addressed separately. Methods that ensure one on one touch are preferable. One on one communication are preferred because it allows for questionnaires to be filled promptly. Beseides, in case a party has any difficulty in filling the questionnaire, assistance can be accorded to realize accurate result.
First, communication addresses the population. The aim is to get to know of their lifestyles, how frequent they vist health centers to be tasted of cancer, eating habbit and any difficulty they encounter regarding medication. In conducting this interview, people of different social, economic, political, spiritual and physical backgrounds are questioned separately (Milstead,2013). The intention of doing this is to ensure that all classes of the population are represented. In the end, the result will reflect people of all categories.
The second party will be allowed to give their own view too. They are the health practitioners. In particular, the nurses. It is clear that the health practitioners are the people who carry the burden in fighting the disease (Karpf, Ferguson, & Swift, 2010). They know more of the effect of the disease, data on the level of contraction and the level of ignorance of the population. Besides, they also have challenges in their work. Some of these challenges may include demotivation, low pay, poor working environment, lack of or low standards of the medical facilities. They will each be given a questionnaire to fill privately to avoid fear of expression.
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