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Soldier’s Home Analysis of Legal and Ethical Issues

Essay Instructions:

According to Wasser (2020):

In 2016, the Massachusetts Legislature decided the Holyoke and Chelsea Soldiers’ Homes should be overseen by someone with at least five years of health care management experience, so lawmakers created a new position: an executive director of veterans’ homes and housing.

Four years later, that position remains unfilled. … [T]he coronavirus rages on, and the state-run veterans home in Holyoke experiences one of the deadliest outbreaks in the U.S. … The 2016 law was an attempt to ensure that someone with more medical management experience was overseeing the facilities. It arose after the Joint Committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs and the Executive Office of Health and Human Services asked the University of Massachusetts to write a report on veteran housing in the state.

Wasser, M. (2020). Mass. wanted someone with health care experience to oversee Soldiers’ Homes. It never happened. WBUR. Retrieved from https://www(dot)wbur(dot)org/commonhealth/2020/05/11/soldiers-homes-holyoke-chelsea-executive-director

In a 2- to 3-page paper, discuss the following:

In light of the law that was passed and not observed, consider the following (explain your rational for each response):

Do the nurses, physicians, and staff who contracted COVID-19 at the Soldiers Home have grounds to sue?

Do the residents have grounds to sue?

Do the families of members who died (during the COVID-19 pandemic) have grounds to sue?

Whose responsibility was it to ensure that the position was filled? What repercussions should this person suffer, if any?

Identify at least 2 or 3 ethical or legal principles that apply. Explain their significance.

Assignment Expectations

Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your strategic plan.

Limit your response to a maximum of 3 pages (title and reference pages are not included in page number count).

Support your report with peer-reviewed articles, using at least 3-4 references. Use the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals: http://www(dot)angelo(dot)edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php.

You may use the following source to assist in formatting your assignment: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/01/.

For additional information on reliability of sources, review the following source: https://nccih(dot)nih(dot)gov/health/webresources.

This assignment will be graded based on the content in the rubric.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Soldier’s Home Analysis of Legal and Ethical Issues
Institution/ Affiliation
The corona virus has not only exposed the unpreparedness of many healthcare systems but also inefficiencies and mismanagement. Ideally, numerous government institutions such as veteran homes are formed to cater the health needs of its citizens particularly those with special needs. Unfortunately, the principal objective of these departments have proven to be away from the goals as exposed by the coronavirus.
To improve efficiency and health care delivery, Massachusetts Legislature passed that Holyoke and Chelsea's Soldier Homes was to be managed by an experienced healthcare professional. As such, it was passed that the organisation was to be headed by an executive director. Unfortunately, the position remained vacant for four years till 2020, when the world started experiencing the coronavirus pandemic (Wasser,2020). Consequently, this situation has led to contentious debates on the management especially in the wake of rampant infections and deaths of soldiers as well as health providers. Therefore, this paper seeks to explore the rationale of the affected individuals seeking legal justice.
Nurses and Healthcare Workers Suing Ground
Health Workers play a crucial role in the provision of quality and safe care in any health care system. The World Health Organisation emphasizes an efficient healthcare system that prevents errors must be built in a culture of safety that incorporates the patients, health providers and organisation (World Health OrganiZation, 2021). Therefore, it is crucial to maintain a safe healthcare environment for healthcare professionals. Besides, the law guarantees health professionals including nurses the right to a safe environment for themselves as well as their patients (Pandit & Pandit,2009).
With this in mind, physicians, healthcare workers, and other staff have a ground to sue the Department of Veteran Services (DVS). Firstly, the nurses and staff in the Homes were more exposed to the virus because they regularly contacted the veterans. Although this might have been the common scenario in most health facilities across the state, nurses in this facility are more exposed to the virus due to someone's professional negligence and improper decision-making. Typically, poor decision making in health care facilities is associated with increased deaths, infections especially hospital acquired infections (Boyle et al., 2013).
In the wake of the coronavirus, many health facilities developed counter measures such as isolation, social distancing, masking to mention a few, with an aim to combat the spread of the infectious disease. However, some of these strategies were not necessarily adopted in the veterans home due to poor decision making by the committee. For instance, limited plans on isolating people affected with the virus were adopted. With no doubt, this amounts to professional negligence which can be directly contributed to inexperienced staff and management. As such, the nurses and other health care can sue the organisation particularly the committee for their failure to recruit the appropriate professions.
On the other hand, the health workers can sue the management for jeopardizing their career as well as exposing their families. For instance, in May 2020, about seventy-four veterans had succumbed to the covid-19 disease. Another seventy-seven of them and eighty-three staff members may have contracted the disease. This pandemic intensity attracted the attention of the media, making the nurses vulnerable to comments and threats of being incompetent in serving the patients in the hospital (Wasser, 2020).
Residents Suing Ground
The residents in the soldier Homes also have a right to sue the Department of Veteran Services to spread the pandemic that cost several lives. According to Morris et al. (2021), any healthcare facility has the obligation to maintain a healthy environment for patients and other stakeholders. As such, the veterans home has an important role to curb the spread of the virus. measures including social distancing, provision of protective gears, and proper disposal amounts to some of the effective strategies the organisation should have adopted. Nonetheless, these strategies were neve adopted due to poor decision making from the management.
Consequently, this led to personal exposure to viruses to the residents. According to, injury exposure entails negligence of the responsible people or intended actions that lead to another person's suffering. In this case, the management of the Home and that of the Veteran department can be directly linked to the whole disaster. For instance, the San Francisco federal court concluded that Princess Cruises was guilty of neglecting covid-19 safety measures that exposed passengers' lives (Schoenburg, 2020). Unlike other infections, coronavirus is difficult to track and know the exact person suffering from it unless the symptoms manifest. Hence, its spread may not necessarily be evident, and this may lead to increased spread rates. Therefore, imposing less or no measures is dangerous to people.
Besides, the residents can sue the management for professional malpractice. According to Wasser (2020), Bennett Walsh, a renowned officer in Holyoke Soldier's Home, was on leave when the pandemic had begun displaying severe outcomes. From a resident’s perspective, before the infe...
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