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Sexual Sadism Disorder: Controversy and Professional Beliefs

Essay Instructions:

In 2–3 pages:

Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected disorder.

Explain your professional beliefs about this disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.

Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a patient that may present with this disorder.

Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to this disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.

This week you will be writing about a SPECIFIC paraphilia or personality disorder. You will notice the word specific is all caps, bolded, italicized, and underlined. Choose one, not a group, from either category. You will be writing 2-3 pages about the disorder. Make sure you incude the controversy surrounding your chosen, specific disorder; your professional beliefs about the disorder (support your rationale with at least 3 scholarly references - this will show how you came to your beliefs); strategies for maintaining a therapeutic relationship SPECIFIC to this disorder (not general strategies for building a therapeutic relationship); and, legal and ethical considerations that are specific to the chosen disorder. Please note that Dissociative Identity Disorder is not a paraphilia or a personality disorder.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

NRNP 6675 PMHNP across the Lifespan 2 1
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NRNP 6675 PMHNP across the Lifespan 2 1
Over the years, there has been a discussion regarding paraphilia due to the different individuals’ perceptions associated with it. Even though there are many types of paraphilia, the common one discussed is sexual sadism disorder. The person who has this disorder will enjoy inflicting physical or psychological suffering on another individual to stimulate the person’s sexual excitement and orgasm. This individual will be intensely repeatedly aroused through seeing the psychological or physical suffering of the other sexual partner, which can be through fantasies, or intense urges, among other behaviors. Some common sadistic acts include restraint through chains, ropes, handcuffs, whipping, spanking, imprisonment, biting, or whipping.
Over the years, there have been controversies that have been surrounding sexual sadism disorder. Individuals have been arguing that sexual sadism is okay as long as the individual has sadism disorder and the other party has consented to engage in this intense sexual intercourse. This group has mainly based this sexual act based on only consent rather than whatever will happen during this period. However, another group disagreed, highlighting that it is wrong despite both parties engaging in this sexual practice. This group has highlighted that since the sexually sadistic person has a disorder, the person should seek treatment rather than normalizing the sadistic acts. Furthermore, they have highlighted that the other party could have agreed to engage in this process since they also have sexual problems making them give consent. For example, if the person has sexual masochism disorder will allow the person with sexual sadism disorder to inflict physical or psychological suffering on them. The individuals have highlighted that both should seek treatment rather than normalizing this act.
It is critical to check varying professional beliefs to have an in-depth understanding of sexual sadism disorder. One of the common professional beliefs that have been prevalent is regarding the period this sexual disorder develops. Different research has highlighted that sexual sadism disorder develops in young adulthood. For example, Johnson & Becker's (1997) research showed a high degree of sexual paraphilia developing at a young age. Over the years, evidence has supported this research showing that some sadistic paraphiliae are adolescents.
Furthermore, the other professional belief regarding individuals with sexual sadism disorder is that there are some instances where these individuals fantasize about murdering their sexual partners as a form of sexual pleasure. Historically, research shows individuals reported to have this disorder engaging in murder. For example, in the 15th century, a French nobleman Gilles de Rais, was reported to torture and kill many children for sexual gratif...
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