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Sexual Abuse and Misconduct by Medical Professionals

Essay Instructions:

The 2018 trial of gymnastics doctor Dr. Larry Nassar has shone a light on sexual abuse and misconduct by medical professionals. After reviewing the background literature, discuss the following in a 3- to 5-page paper.

Choose a case focused on health care-related assault and/or sexual abuse from the background readings or from your own research and provide a brief synopsis of the case and the outcome.

After reviewing State Report Cards, provide an analysis of the current state of protections for victims as well as penalties for perpetrators for the state in which your case was located. Address the five main categories of review and be sure to provide specific examples to support your analysis.

State report cards retrieved from: Datar, S. (2016). State report cards: How well does your state protect patients? The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Retrieved from: http://doctors(dot)ajc(dot)com/states/

What are the ethical responsibilities of other professionals (colleagues, medical boards, employers, etc.) who may be aware of improper conduct by a medical provider? Be sure to discuss ethical principles covered earlier in the course.

While sexual abuse and assault can impact anyone, it disproportionately occurs to individuals who gender-identify as female. What impact can this have on equity and access to health care for these individuals when it occurs in a health care setting?

Assignment Expectations

Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to support your analysis.

Limit your response to a maximum of 3-5 pages.

Support your paper with peer-reviewed articles and reliable sources, and use at least 3 references. For additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals, see http://www(dot)angelo(dot)edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php and for evaluating internet sources:


You may use the following source to assist in your formatting your assignment: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/01/

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Sexual Abuse and Misconduct by Medical Professionals
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Sexual Abuse and Misconduct by Medical Professionals
Different offenses can be committed in every professional. When health professionals start to harm their patients sexually, it can be termed as an ethical violation. Professional sexual misconduct has extensive damage to the patients and health industry at large. Notably, when patients are sexually preyed on by medical practitioners, there are probabilities that they will never have confidence in them again. Confidence and trust are some of the entities that are vital in the medical profession. Patients have the right to know that the doctors attending to them will not harm them in any way. There are various cases of medical misconduct across America and the world at large. The objective of this paper is to review a case scenario on medical misconduct in Michigan state.
Synopsis of the Case
John Barto, a pediatrician doctor, was detained for more than 70 years due to sexual misconduct in Pennsylvania. John Barto abused more than 300 victims, and the case was termed as second of having the most significant number in history after Larry Nassar (Carome, 2019). He was a pediatrician doctor, and most of the time, he dealt with children. Before the case of sexual misconduct, the perpetrator maintained that he was doing appropriate medical procedures. However, Barto was judged with ten first-degree sexual misconduct. Some misconducts were penetrating young girls with figures and touching their breasts (the main complaint from all the witnesses). First-degree punishment occurs when a perpetrator engages in sexual affairs with someone between 10 to 15 years. Additionally, according to the jury, John Barto had authority in his profession, something he used to coerce the patients (Carome, 2019). However, in most cases, the sexual assault occurred in examination rooms or local hospitals.
State lawmakers play an integral role in ensuring that patients are protected. They provide laws that help end physician-patient abuse in all the states across America (Teegardin & Datar, 2016). Unfortunately, there are no laws passed in Pennsylvania to protect patients from being preyed on by medical practitioners. However, the laws are not practiced as required, and patients will rely on the courts to get a fair trial in courts. Surprisingly, unlike Michigan and several other states, Pennsylvania does not have legal requirements to end sexual abuse by medical practitioners (Skipper & Schenthal, 2012). For example, Doctor John Barto was accused of defiling young girls and fondling women’s breasts early in 2000, and no action was taken. Until the new cases of the 300 children came to the limelight after ten years.
Typically, the state has not set ...
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