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Sex Talk Transcript

Essay Instructions:
For this assignment, you will need to write a transcript describing how you would talk to your children (or nieces or nephews or cousins if you don't plan to have children) about sex. It is up to you to decide at what age the child would receive this talk. You are also free to gear your conversation to either a boy or a girl. Please also realize that this exercise is meant to allow you to get comfortable discussing the topic of sexuality. To have the MOST benefit, you should have multiple conversations with your children over multiple months and years. You can choose to talk about human development, healthy relationships, sexual readiness, sexual diversity, sexual anatomy, protection, safety, consequences, pregnancy… you name it! This exercise is meant to be very practical and creative. I will be looking to see that you have put a great deal of effort and thought into creating a transcript that you could actually use in the future. In the first paragraph of this paper, please write the age and sex of the child to which you are “talking.” This paper should be at least 750 words long, but if you would like to write more, feel free. It should be 12-point Times New Roman font and should be double-spaced. Each student should utilize APA format to cite course material, the course textbook, etc. both in your references section and in text. You will need to cite TWO different sources. Sources of information include: class notes, textbook, websites, and academic articles. An example of a “Sex Transcript” can be found on eCollege. I have included an example to review. Required Textbook: Crooks & Bauer (2014). Our Sexuality (Twelve Edition). Wadsworth Cengage Learning, Belmont, CA. ISBN-10: 1-133-94336-5; ISBN-13: 978-1-133-943396
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Sex Talk Transcript Name: Course: Instructor: Date: I have been spending quite an amount of time with my twelve-year daughter with the attempts of getting closer to her and understanding her experience. However, my major concern was she was slowly maturing into a young teenager exposing her to different circumstances where she will make life-changing decisions. I have decided to give her the highly evaded “sex talk” to ensure that she does not have a negative image of sex that might affect her in future. The talk will be done in her room after a weekend of having fun and shopping together. I will engage her in a private conversation away from the rest of the family: Me: Angel, let us go up to your room for a while there is an issue I would like to talk to you about. Daughter: I will be up with you in a minute, mum. Me: I have delayed this conversation with you, but I have the firm belief it is time we talk about the changes that you have been experiencing physically and at the social level. My daughter it is important to understand that at your age you will be responsible for making heavy decisions regarding what to or not to do. You have been having your menstrual periods consistently for the last two years, and several other developments have started being pronounced in your body. This means that you are transitioning from puberty into a young woman and the changes are quite normal. However, you should not feel pressured if your breasts, hips and other body parts have not developed as fast as those of your peers (Crooks & Bauer, 2013). This is quite normal because we are all structured differently and our bodies respond differently. Daughter: It is true that I have noted some of the developments and have had some issues when comparing myself to other girls in my class. The changes and attention they attract has been quite disturbing, but I am glad that I have been having regular periods with little complications. What am I supposed to do when am teased by others about the size of my breasts? Me: The best solution to cases where you feel intimidated is to ignore those who taunt you, and give your body time to respond to the different changes. The main reason I am having this conversation with you, is to ensure that you are aware that I am always going to be there to answer any question you might have regarding your life. Daughter: Thank you, I will ensure I do. Me: My daughter, you are reaching the age where you have enormous responsibilities and decisions to make about your friends and relationships. You have to take charge of your life and make decisions on the path you would like to foll...
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