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Classifications of Skin Burns: Midtern Assignment

Essay Instructions:
Hi, I need an essay for my \\\"medical terminology\\\" class. My handbook is \\\"medical Terminology Systems a body system approach\\\" sevent edition : Barbara A.Gylys Mary Ellen Wedding, My teacher really didnt gave me any instruction about the resources. There is all the information I got from my teacher. If you have any question, please let me know. Thanks! Midterm Assignment For your midterm assignment, you will be asked to provide a thorough, yet concise essay-format answer for the clinical scenerio listed after the following instructions. Please keep in mind the following: 1. Your essay should be formatted using the MLA Style of writing. For more information on MLA, reference \\\\\\\"Research and Library Tips\\\\\\\" in Course Information Documents. 2. Your essay will be graded on content (concise answers/explanations) not length. Essays should be limited to 2 - 3 typed written pages (double spaced). 3. Make sure that you are aware of college policy on plagiarism. You should submit your work by the following method: 1. Type your full name at the top of the page. 2. Skip a line and copy and paste or re-write the clinical scenerio and questions exactly as they appear below. 3. Skip a line and anwer the questions in essay form. 4. Submit your essay via the \\\\\\\"Drop Box\\\\\\\" which will be made available to you in Module 5. MIDTERM CLINICAL SCENERIO: Jose, a college student, seriously burned his arm with hot grease while working in a fast-food establishment. Examination of the burn shows that on the back of his hand the epidermis and part of the dermis have been damaged. However, on the back of his forearm both the dermis and epidermis have been completely destroyed. 1. How would these two burns be classified? About what percentage of his skin surface has been burned? 2. Which of the burned areas would be the most painful at first? What would be the prognosis for repair of the two burned areas? 3. What loss of function would occur in the area of the third-degree burn?
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Classifications of Skin Burns
Skin burn refers to the damage caused to the skin layers through the underlying tissues such as epidermis and dermis layers. Some of the causes of skin burn include electricity, chemicals, radiations, heat, hot grease and frictions among others. There are different classifications of burns depending on the degree of penetration and the damages caused to the layers of the skin. For instance, there is the first degree burn that damages the epidermis, which is the immediate layer of the skin. Another classification of skin burn is the second degree burns which are deeper as compared to the first degree based on the penetration of the burn into the skin. Such burns may result due to burn from hot substances such as hot grease. The second degree burn is classified into two categories, superficial and deep second degree burns. While the last classification of skin burn is the third degree burn that completely affect both the epidermis and the dermis layers of the skin.
Based on the examination results from the Jose`s skin burn, the two burns can be classified as the second and third degree burns respectively. For instance, the first result that shows the damage of the epidermis and a part of the dermis indicates that it is the second degree burn because it is deep but does not completely affect epidermis and dermis layers. However, the second examination results indicate that the burn falls under third degree burn because it is deeper and completely affects both tissues. T...
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