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Three Levels of Prevention and the Difference between HIPAA and FERPA

Essay Instructions:

1. Discuss the three levels of prevention. (These are Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Prevention). Of the examples given in your textbook, describe how one of each would be different based on the individual's age. The examples are:

Primary Prevention (eg flu shots, childhood examination. Safety programs like playground supervision, on-site community police officers).

Secondary Prevention (eg, screening programs like vision and hearing, body mass index, hypertension and risk appraisal. Teaching self-care such as diet and medication).

Tertiary Prevention (eg, rehabilitation programs. Inclusion of students with disabilities in regular classroom)

2. School nurses are called upon to collaborate with many different groups. Describes various laws on the school nurse. School nurses are impacted by the CDC more than any other agency. Discuss why that statement is true.

3. Describe the difference between HIPAA and FERPA and how they affect a school health practice?

4. Discuss the CAPTA and how it affects a school health practice.

5. Discuss the connection between School Health and Public Health,

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School Nursing: Essay Questions
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School Nursing: Essay Questions
Question One
The three levels of prevention are primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention. Primary prevention refers to measures that ensure that the disease process does not begin, thus ensuring that the disease never occurs (Kisling & Das, 2021). An example of primary prevention is immunization, such as taking flu shots. Flu shots differ based on the age of individuals. For instance, children aged 6 months and below cannot receive a flu shot while those above 6 months can receive inactivated influenza vaccines (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2021). Secondary prevention refers to those measures that facilitate early detection/diagnosis of a health condition in a healthy-looking individual (Kisling & Das, 2021). An example of secondary prevention is the screening of conditions such as hearing and vision. This also differs based on age. For instance, screening for vision using photo screening devices can be done in children above one year. Tertiary prevention refers to measures that reduce the seriousness of a health condition in an already symptomatic individual (Kisling & Das, 2021). These measures include rehabilitation or re-training of patients. Including children with disabilities in a regular classroom is an example of tertiary prevention.
Question Two
School nurses collaborate with many different groups and in doing so, they must observe various laws. At the federal level, school nurses must understand laws such as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and Rehabilitation Act, and other laws that ensure that children are provided with health services that facilitate free, appropriate education (U.S. Department of Education, n.d.). They must also adhere to privacy laws such as Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), among others. Specific state laws regarding health and education must also be observed, such as minority consent laws.
The CDC recognizes the role of school nurses in promoting health and safety in schools. It provides numerous resources to help school nurses achieve their goals. These resources help nurses in diagnostic screening as well as dealing with other issues that affect school-aged children. It also enhances the role of school nurses through programs such as the Whole School, Whole Community, and Whole Child model which focuses on enhancing safety and good health among students to help them succeed in their studies (CDC, 2019). By advocating for healthy schools through their Healthy Schools initiative, the CDC has increased the visibility of school nurses and their importance in building a healthier nation.
Question Three
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) are both federal laws that protect the privacy of individuals concerning their personal information. HIPAA protects the privacy of patient-identifiable information on their health records. It ensures that a patient’s health information is not disclosed to unauthorized persons because the patient has to give consent for disclosure (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 2019). HIPAA applies to healthcare providers who share electronic health information, healthcare clearinghouses, and health plans. FERPA protects the privacy of students concerning their education records. It ensures that personally identifiable information of a student is not disclosed without their parents’ consent (HHS, 2019). These rights are transferred to the student when they turn 18 years old. FERPA applies to education institutions or agencies.
K-12 student’s health records are considered education records and as such, their privacy is protected by FERPA, not HIPAA (HHS, 2019). Thus, most school’s health practices must be aligned with the provisions of FERPA. They must seek consent from parents before sharing a student’s health information that has unique identifiers. In a school setting, FERPA allows sharing of non-personally identifiable information without a parent’s consent for purposes such as research. However, schools that pro...
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