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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Describe School Nurse Role in Secondary School Setting

Essay Instructions:

How does the role of the school nurse in the secondary setting differ from that in the elementary setting? What are skills/expertise/ experiences most useful in the high school setting? What are the most common issues/concerns in this setting? What is different about organizational methods

and time management in the secondary setting?

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School nurse role in secondary school setting
Course title
School nurse role in secondary school setting
The national association of school nurses is charged with responsibility of ensuring that every child accesses the services of a professional nurse who is on a full-time schedule. The most notable role of a school nurse at any level of education, is to mediate between educational matters and healthcare. A school nurse is required to be equipped with skill in leadership, community health, improvement of quality, and care coordination (NASW, 2016). A school nurse coordinates emotional, mental, social and physical health needs of all the students with an express aim of offering the much-needed support to the learning process. Nurses come in handy in cases where students may have chronic conditions such as both types of diabetes (1 and 2), obesity, epilepsy, asthma and even mental problems (Edwards, Street, & Rix, 2016). This is so because they have first-hand information on how to arrest this condition whenever there is an attack. It is therefore of critical importance to engage a school nurse in ensuring that there is safety and health, in a school learning atmosphere.
A nurse at this level has the responsibility of ensuring that policies and procedure that assist the healthcare program for a school are developed. The nurse is expected to center his or her attention on an individual student in terms of practice that is backed up by evidence, and also factor in the performance aspect of data replicating care. As a display of ethics, the nurse is expected to preserve the autonomy, privacy, respect and other family related issues as long as he/she is within the precincts of the school (Edwards, Street, & Rix, 2016). It is therefore the role of the nurse to make sure that issues such as bullying, unnecessary violence and emergency incidences are addressed. The leadership role of the nurse at this stage is that one of a change advocate, promotion of health care and education. Therefore, their role is to improve the wellness of all the school’s community members, and more so, the students’ (N...
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