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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Role of the Professional Nurse in Health Policy

Essay Instructions:

Discuss the following:

-The professional nurse’s role in health policy.

-Identify an action plan for nurses to increase involvement.

Essay should be formatted per APA, incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within the essay.

Please add an additional page for abstract.

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Role of The Professional Nurse in Health Policy
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Health policy is essential to players in the healthcare sector. It benefits nurses and other medical professionals as much as it does patients. This paper sought to explore the role of nurses in health policy. Also, it identifies an action plan that nurses can use to increase involvement. Based on contemporary literature, there are various ways in which nurses can get involved in health policy. One of the ways is through their knowledge and expertise. As leaders, nurses can also influence policy decisions so that they address quality of care. Nurses are in direct contact with patients, which gives them an upper hand on what policies can better improve patient outcomes. Joining committees, taking an active part in local schools, and creating relationships with lobby groups are also ways nurses can influence policymaking. Still, by writing to legislators, nurses have a better chance of getting their interests and those of the healthcare sector heard. Nurses' involvement in health policy should increase, and the primary way to do this is by emphasizing it in schools. Nursing students need to be made aware of their role as policy influencers. Nurse faculty also need to act as role models to students by taking an active part in policymaking. Finally, policy centers must establish an open and participatory environment created in schools to stress policy importance.
Role of The Professional Nurse in Health Policy
Healthcare policy is vital within the healthcare system because it affects patients and practitioners alike. While the current healthcare system is deemed feasible, providers are always seeking ways of making it more efficient and affordable (Pollack Porter et al., 2018). Behind the pursuit for better healthcare are nursing professionals who advocate for healthcare policies that benefit both providers and patients. For nurses to be well-versed in healthcare policy decision-making, they need educational and professional experience in this area (Pollack Porter et al., 2018). This paper explores the role of professional nurses in health policy and identifies an action plan that nurses can use to increase involvement.
Nurse practitioners (NPs) have the knowledge and expertise required to present a case for legislation on healthcare issues. Knowledge and expertise on healthcare issues mean NPs are obligated to get involved in health policy issues (Pollack Porter et al., 2018). At the state and federal level, the individuals involved in formulating and passing policies are politicians and lobbyists. However, these individuals do not have the knowledge or expertise required in practicing medicine. Therefore, for the practice's interests, NPS should get involved in health policy and apply their field knowledge to ensure the passing of accurate and beneficial laws.
Nurses are always on the frontline of healthcare, where they treat patients with multiple needs. They, therefore, understand how legislation can impact their patients (Catton, 2019). Direct and intimate access to patients makes NPs the most viable candidates in presenting the interests of patients. NPs have a critical role in ensuring that the passed policies are in line with the patients' interests.
As leaders, NPs have to be involved in health policy. NPS engaged in health policy are likely to influence countless persons within their state and throughout the country (Turale & Kunaviktikul, 2019). Besides impacting people's lives, NPs can change the healthcare of different persons over years to come. One of the ways nurses can do this is by conducting quality improvement in their care. For the quality of care to be improved, research must happen. The research findings show areas of care that require added attention and how this is possible. Aside from using these findings as to the basis for quality improvement, NPs can also advocate for new policies within the state or national levels (Turale & Kunaviktikul, 2019).
NPs can also attend local meetings such as school board meetings and parent-teacher conferences and share their passion and interest in improving students' health. Healthcare policies also have to address students' and children's needs in particular (Turale & Kunaviktikul, 2019). Children need easier and better access to healthcare services. Currently, insurance companies that provide health insurance for children through their parents enable it. Still, in a country where child protection services are prominent, there need to be better healthcare policies that cater to children. For instance, NPs can advocate the passing of health policies that allow children to receive treatment compulsorily. It eliminates the need for children to receive treatment under their parents' insurance covers and can be very beneficial, especially to children whose parents cannot provide medical cover.
NPS can also affect health policy by writing to their st...
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