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Risk Management Plan

Essay Instructions:

You are to develop a risk management plan for a medical facility ( a Medical Clinic) that also encompasses emergency management. This facility can be real or fictional-hypothetical. If the latter, be sure to describe in adequate detail.

Your paper should include the following topics (which should be identified by headings): 

Purpose of the RM plan

Goals of the plan


Definitions and acronyms


Roles of personnel

Sample RM plan

Emergency plans for the hospital

Contingency plans

Structure of the department



The plan should be in a well-written paper, 8 pages in length. You should use and cite at least two additional references

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ellen health clinic risk management
Ellen health clinic risk management
Purpose of the risk management
Ellen Medical Clinic has dedicated itself to offering essentially active leadership and conformity support in an effort to build up and maintain: a program to control human and economic losses arising from property damage and physical harm; a program to reduce the seriousness of injury arising from illness or accident, and to return the wounded to the health and normal roles promptly; a program of disaster and fire prevention preparedness to manage losses from explosion, fire, or other disaster. Also, the clinic is dedicated to underwrite the security, shield and welfare of personnel, patients, and property of Ellen Medical Clinic, by the control and prevention of physical misconduct and violence, sabotage or theft. Active participation, complete endorsement, and enthusiastic cooperation with this essential program are required of everyone. In a dedicated attempt to reduce its risk of possible claims, Ellen Medical Clinic has propagated this policy as a general guidance principle for each facility with the clinic.
The risk management plan will reassure that the highest attainable quality of patient care is conveyed all through the clinic and its satellites. It will improve patient care and trim down medical liability through the current evaluation of important elements of patient care. The plan will also correct and identify center-wide and departmental issues and ensure synchronization of all risk management activities by determining policies, implementing, and organizing program that will promote productive inter-links, and harmonize attempts efforts so that replication of attempts will be reduced.
Goals of the plan
The goal of this risk management program is to:
* Trim down unacceptable medical outcomes or injury; there have been a number of cases in the healthcare industry where clinics make medical errors or cause injuries to their patients. This program will come up with ways of reducing this risk.
* Trim down the risk of injury to patients, visitors, and Center staff. The plan will ensure that persons working or visiting the premises are free from any injuries.
* Avoid organization liability; sometimes there could be principles or activities which can promote corporate liability. The program will model ways of discouraging this liability.
* Avoid individual liability of officer, directors, staff, and clinicians.
* Ease the risk of loss of the Clinic’s property through theft or negligence
* Ease the risk of loss of Clinic financial assets.
Under the authority of clinic administrator, the risk management program will provide for cooperation among all departments and patient care experts in the clinic. The Risk management program will offer procedures, policies, and protocols to tackle occurrences which may create clinic-related liability, individual liability, and other complications. The acknowledgement, investigation, and control of injuries, accidents, and other possible compensable occurrences are a primary accountability under the risk management program. This process will be directed by the clinic administrators and other officials who are delegate to engage in the various elements of management serious events taking place on patients, organizational assets, and visitors. Risk management will persuade, influence, and educate leaders within numerous departments for purposes of achieving superior care in a safe environment and safeguard organization’s resources.
Definitions and acronyms
Internal facility- this is a well-qualified and inspired committee head who is appointed according to hospital bylaws and policies.
External emergency- it entails an incident beyond the direct boundaries of Ellen health clinic. This form of incident can result in influx of various casualties, including contagious or contaminated victims, which involve the emergency department. These forms of external emergencies include radiations, hurricanes, utility outages, and chemical incidents. These may not affect the clinic directly, but could call for a status alert for the clinic.
Mass casually emergency- it involves a huge influx of fatalities from an external or internal event calling for treatment like explosion, fire, train wreck or any other event that affects the clinic directly. The fatalities may get to the emergency department by ambulance or other emergency forms of transport. Any chain of events which builds an over load state in the emergency may call for the use of the emergency processes described in Mass Casualty plan.
Risk management- this refers to means by which a project controls its exposure to project risk. It involves an evaluation of specific risk prospective taking place. It also involves the evaluation of project effect of specific risks taking place.
Contingency plan – it is an action plan which is executed if an identified risk takes place.
The Board of Directors has the definitive responsibility of determining the clinic’s policies. They are however not engaged in the daily administration of the adopted principles. This role is delegated to the CEO. Even so, risk assessment is undertaken by the business manager and coordinator of performance improvement. The coordinator appoints sub-committee whose members is mainly physicians; the infectious management committee which is chaired by a doctor; the grievance committee, and the safety committee. It is the function of the infectious management committee to assess any clinical occurrence that may arise in a quarter. The safety committee on the other hand reviews incident information regarding accidents which are not clinical, involving thee patients or staff.
The committee also holds meetings on a quarterly basis. The grievance committee holds these meetings for purposes of reviewing any complaints which are filled by patients. The peer Review Committee comprises of provider conduct assessments of medical records of their colleagues. With numerous locations, the electronics health statement system eases this process. The reviews are undertaken quarterly. The three committees report to the committee of performance improvement board. Any policy modifications are approved by the committee before they are presented to the board of directors.
Role of personnel
* Clinic administrator- during emergency, the administrator assumes the function of Incident Commander.
* Incident commander- the role of an incident commander is to concentrate on the management of the clinic by assuming the responsibility of incident commander and assigning his deputy. He is also responsible for coordination of the...
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