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Support for Families of Adult Cancer Patients

Essay Instructions:

i need to write about evidence-based strategies about how to support families of adult cancer patients.only I need to concentrate on the strategies and interventions of how to support them. evidenced-based literatures are required from me,, like systematic reviews and randomised controlled trials. in this part, cancer means oncology or haematology cases but it is better to not be specific on one cancer type,, i mean I need most literature talking about cancer patients as general.

Note: paediatric cancer patients should not be included.

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Support for families of adult cancer patients.
Course title:
The families with cancer patients are in constant need of support in order to cope with the distress that comes with the responsibility of caring for the sick. Evidence based support which is based on psychosocial support has been of great help to families with cancer patients. This paper analyzes the varied evidence-based support for those families in view of their scope and the achievements. It sheds light on such support strategies as systematic reviews and psycho-educational programs as well as support groups among others. This paper mainly dwells on adult cancer patients and is inclined to cancer in general as opposed to a specific type of cancer.
Cancer patients and their families
Being diagnosed with cancer cannot elicit anything less than distressing emotions. The distress is not only experienced by the patient but also by their families. The emotional experiences of both the patient and their families impact on their functioning in terms of behavior, cognitive, social as well as their spiritual dimension. When the cancer patients are emotionally distressed, they cannot cope well with the treatment. On the side of the families, when they have the emotional disturbance, they cannot care well for the patient. Wakefield, Mcloone, Butow et al., (2013) maintain that; the cancer patients can be so emotionally distressed such that they qualify for psychiatric diagnosis. Research has shown that emotional effects of cancer are the most unreported data and most severe in their impact to the cancer patients.
The distress is not only evident in the cancer patients. Mosher, Champion, Hanna et al., (2013) clarify that the families of the cancer patients, in realization of the pain and distress that their loved ones go through, also experience immense distress. Thus, there is a need for support to the families of the cancer patients. Those families undergo emotional distress ranging from being fearful, unhappy as well as anxiety. The symptoms of the distress of the families could be severe or chronic. It is always important to monitor how chronic or severe the distress symptoms are.
According to Marshall, Curran, Koerner et al., (2013); the need to alleviate the emotional distress in the families with cancer patients resulted to the need for the studies on psychosocial oncology which seek to provide the psychosocial support. This evidence-based support major on the consequences of psychological reactions on physiological aspects as well as the effects that are associated with it. For instance, how the family reacts to the news of the diagnosis of their loved one with cancer, how they cope with the strategies of minimizing pain to the patient and general adjustment of their lives so as to cope with the needs of the patient.
Research has shown that there has been improved use of the psychological therapies in both cancer patients as well as the families who realize the need for the psychosocial need in their lives following the sickness of their member. Lim (2015) observe that the cancer patients expect this to hasten their recovery while their family members expect to lighten their emotions concerning the sickness of their loved one. Psychological therapies to the families with cancer patients ensure that they do not get overwhelmed by the emotional turmoil that is associated with taking care of the cancer patients.
Lim (2015) asserts that; in applying the psychological therapies, the unique concerns of each family with cancer patient should be weighed. This aspect emanates from the fact that, despite the common factor of having cancer patients which may instill emotional distress equally in the families, different families have different aspects which determine how the family copes with the reality. It is therefore important to put in mind the unique requirements for each family so as to come up with successful psychological therapy. The factors that influence the impact of the intervention need to be monitored.
According to Shieh, Tung & Liang (2012); in the recent times there has been an increase in the use of psychological intervention as a way of offering support to the families with cancer patients. The proponents of this crucial intervention assert that other interventions psychological support may not be effective.
Support groups
These are groups that are aimed at providing psychological support to the families of cancer patients. The groups are usually made up of families that are undergoing similar experiences. The members share a common factor of having a cancer patient. Mosher, Champion, Hanna et al., (2013) note that; the groups are meant to offer the families a forum to share their experiences and learn from one another. A family that has adopted ways of dealing with the distressing emotions about their sick one can share with the rest of the group members. Such a family could, on the other hand, benefit from the sharing of experiences on the stress reducing exercises from another family.
Fujinami, Otis, Klein et al., (2012)disclose that; the groups are usually well organized with effective structures of ensuring frequent meetings as well as befitting atmosphere to allow free sharing of information by the group members. Such support groups could also come up with ways of assisting those who unable to sustain the needs of the patients in terms of finance. The support groups also recognize the special needs for any special case that may arise. For instance, a family could be having a patient of cancer who is a cripple by birth. This is a special case which may require more attention. The support groups could voice such concerns to the relevant authorities.
As Ling, Chen, Chang et al., (2013)...
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