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Rights Of The Mentally Ill Discussion Board

Essay Instructions:

In this discussion board, we are going to talk about the rights of the mentally ill.

Below you will find 6 different cases or scenarios of mentally ill persons. Please select ONE as your top level post.

When answering the questions from your topic, write a brief introduction so other people will know which case you picked.

Discuss possible solutions for integrating those who are chronically mentally ill in our society. What can be helpful for all those who are mentally ill and dangerous to self or others? Is incarceration a solution? Does society show respect and knowledge to those who are developmentally challenged?

Select ONE:

1. Based upon your readings on the Mental Hygiene Law in the State of New York for hospitalization (harm to self and/or others), do you think that Judge Lippman should have required Billie Boggs to stay in the hospital? Why?

2. Based upon your readings and the concept of doctor-patient privilege (doctors not telling patient information to others), do you think that the psychiatrist treating Ms.Tarasoff's boyfriend had a duty to warn her and/or the police? Remember to think about it from the patient's side as well.

3. Based upon your readings on the Andrew Cho case (report is in required readings section), what do you think everyone's rights and responsibilities were in the Virginia Tech matter?

4. Senator Gabby Giffords was shot in the head and several other bystanders killed by 22 year old college drop-out, Jared Loughner. Research using the Internet or newspaper sources and read about Loughner's last few years. Was this violence reasonably foreseeable? How could it have been prevented?

5. If someone is convicted of being a sex offender and is sentenced to prison, do you think that they should then be admitted to a mental health inpatient facility for further treatment?

6. The parents of the "pillow angel" (article in required readings section) had surgery performed upon her to ensure that she would always stay small and easy to physically manage. Discuss the guardians' rights and responsibilities as well as the rights of those who are developmentally disabled.

Just need pick one and answer

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Rights of the Mentally Ill
Rights of the Mentally Ill
The question of whether convicted sex offenders should further be admitted to mental health institutions for further treatment is a hotly debated one. Most states within the U.S have ratified laws that require sex offenders, upon completing their jail term, to be further confined to mental institutions until they prove that they can no longer be a danger to the society. Partly, the process seems noble given that some convicted sex offenders have gone on to commit further crimes upon their release. However, this requirement seems to be putting much focus on punishment and not treatment.
Morgan (2006) argues that the law never constitutes a sound public policy. On most occasions, the people that are confined to mental institutions are never mentally ill. In fact, what the law does is to increase stigma on them and further risk the safety of those con...
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