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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Bioethics: Rude Doctor and Impatient Patient

Essay Instructions:

Create a thread and post a CURRENT EVENT (within the last 1-5 years) in Bioethics.

Write a summary of the controversy and the ethical issues involved. Be sure to provide the link where you found your article.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Rude Doctor, Impatient Patient
Institutional Affiliation
Rude Doctor, Impatient Patient
There exists a high probability that one will encounter a rude physician in a lifetime one day. Medical professionals are also at a higher chance of meeting impatient or bully patient on a daily basis. I read a recent article by Bever (2017) in The Washington Post where the doctor shouted to the patient “Get the hell out…” This is only one in a million instances that have gone unreported. According to Bever (2017), the patient had booked an appointment for 6:00 p.m, but it was until 7:00 p.m and the doctor had not attended to her. When the doctor realized that the patient’s daughter was recording the incident on her phone, he grabbed the phone from her. Do you think that it is correct to open criminal investigations against the doctor?
Summary of the controversy and ethical issues involved
Medical professionalism is one of the things that a physician should strive to live by. The physician-patient relationship determines the quality of trea...
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