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Executive Summary: CHG 2% and SSIs

Essay Instructions:

In this assignment, you will select a program, quality improvement initiative, or other project from your place of employment. Assume you are presenting this program to the board for approval of funding. Write an executive summary (850-1,000 words) to present to the board, from which they will make their decision to fund your program or project. The summary should include:

1. The purpose of the program or project. ( To decreased the incidence of SSI (hospital associated surgical site infections) which is one of the nursing sensitive indicators that affects hospital reimbursement from CMS by providing a bottle of chlohexidine gluconate 2% to all the patients scheduled for elective surgery, along with education about how many times before surgery it should be use and the reason why it is beneficial to patients to comply with it .

2. The target population or audience. ( My target population for the project will be all the nurses from preplanning and ambulatory department, and surgeons external offices).

3. The benefits of the program or project. ( increase hospital reimbursement by having less incidence of SSI, increased patient satisfaction, decreased length of stay at the hospital,

4. The cost or budget justification. Establish an evidence based comparison between the cost of a bottle of CHG 2% and about 20 minutes of education for each patient and the average cost per patient of a SSI.

5. The basis upon which the program or project will be evaluated. Quick survey for patients upon admission to preop floor the day of surgery, using closed end questions inquiring about : usage of CHG 2 % before surgery , understanding the importance of it. Measuring the amount of SSI for over 3 month after implementation of these project

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Make sure to complete good introduction, body and conclusion

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Executive Summary: CHG 2% and SSIs
Your name
Subject and Section
November 19, 2018
Hospital-associated Surgical Site Infections (SSIs) are one of the most common infections that inflict patients after surgery. In some cases, SSIs could only be superficial, affecting the outer layers of the skin, while the infections in others could pose fatal risks to the patients themselves (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). In a recent study done in 2016, it was found out that the percentage of patients who are inflicted with the disease vary from “0.6% to 0.95%, depending on the type of procedure” (ECDC.EU, 2016). This amount is relatively high, considering that the availability of treatments, procedures, and medications that could ensure a sterilized workspace for the patients. However, while infections and diseases tend to be the most significant consequence of SSIs, it must also be noted that the number of cases affects every aspect of the healthcare itself. This includes economic and administrative policies of providers and their ability to provide quality healthcare. One example of these repercussions is the inability of providers to meet the nursing-sensitive quality indicators provided by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Systems (CMS), which makes it more difficult to ask for reimbursement for their services rendered. In line with this, this article would present the possible solutions to better significantly reduce the number of SSIs and increase providers’ capability of meeting CMS requirements. This includes the summary of the program, target population, benefits of the program, cost justification, and evaluation measures that would indicate success
Summary of the Program
Due to the number of adverse effects brought about by healthcare-associated infections, this program would prioritize the reduction of the incidences of SSIs in the area. On the one hand, attainment of the goals set upon in this program could improve the level of healthcare in the said facility. On the other hand, the reduction of these numbers could also lead to enable the facility to ask for compensation from CMS by meeting their requirements efficiently. This is important as funding is essential for the day-to-day operations of healthcare facilities. Specifically, the program would be conducted through the use of both pharmacological and non-pharmacological techniques intended to reduce the incidences. Pharmacological intervention would include being done by providing a bottle of chlorhexidine gluconate 2% solution for patients before the time of surgery. In a study done by Karki and Cheng (2012), they found out that the topical use of non-rinse CHG prior the surgical process significantly reduces the possibility of health-care-associated infections such, which include SSI, among others.
Aside from pharmacological interventions, this program would also utilize non-pharmacological interventions to provide a more holistic approach to the reduction of SSI cases. Notably, this would be done by educating providers, staff, and patients about the ideal usage of the solution before surgery. Additionally, this phase of the program would include reminding the stakeholders about the importance of adherence to these processes to reach the goal of SSI reduction.
Target Population or Audience
To achieve the goals of this program, intervention would be done to all the stakeholders affected. On the one hand, this includes all the nurses from pre-planning and ambulatory department as well as the surgeon’s external...
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