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A Problem Statement: Retention Strategies In Nursing

Essay Instructions:

Length: 2000 words ENGLISH UK

Brief description: A report on one research topic including: A PROBLEM STATEMENT, TWO different types of research question, a search strategy, a table of relevant research and critique, two contrasting methodologies and designs.

The aim of Assignment 1: is to promote your skills in developing a research topic and in preparing to justify a research project.

1. Introduction (approx. 600 words): The topic I would like to research is RETENTION STRATEGIES IN NURSING

• Research rationale with problem statement, background and definition of key terms Show the significance of the research topic (the rationale) through the problem statement and its background. Your background should define key terms (using literature) so that non-specialist readers can understand the relevance of the problem; it should also include reference to the problem in practice and in the national and international contexts.

• Two research questions and research aim/s Write two different types of research question that could legitimately be used to address your problem, or part or your problem. One of your research questions must be able to be addressed using a non-positivist methodology involving qualitative data and the other able to be used with a positivist methodology where quantitative data is collected. Also, write an aim for each of the research questions.

2. The literature: • Search (approx. 300 words) Demonstrate that you have undertaken a systematic search by presenting your search strategy (i.e. search ‘string' with Boolean operators, delimiters and databases) and a summary of the search results. Note revisions to your strategy and where your strategy varied due to the database. A table (not included in word limit) may be used to outline the stages of the search and the number of articles found at each stage. • Table of relevant research literature (table not included in word limit) Construct a summary table of 10- 12 of the research articles most relevant to one or both of your research questions (some may not be very relevant). Order the articles with the most relevant ones toward the top so the final article in the table is least relevant. Your summary table should include the following columns: Author and year, Aim/ Purpose, Methodology /Study Design, Sample/ Participant characteristics, Data collection /analysis and Key findings. NOTE: you may use direct quotes in this table but they must include page number/s and the article must be in your Reference List. If quotes are not suitably acknowledged you will be referred for Academic misconduct.

• Critique (approx. 650 words) Based on an appraisal of each article from your table, write a short paragraph of brief critique per article. Begin each paragraph by citing the article's first author and year so the reader can easily find the article in the table. Each paragraph should demonstrate how the article is relevant to the research problem and use critique to show why the article does not fully address one or both your research question/s. Do not include a summary of the article or a full or even partial appraisal.

3. Methodologies and designs (two paragraphs, total approx. 450 words) In this section you are asked to outline your understanding of the differences between your chosen methodologies and designs using one paragraph for each type.

Outline each of the following:

a) the underlying assumptions of your chosen non-positivist methodology and a design involving qualitative data (paragraph 1)

b) the underlying assumptions of your positivist methodology and the quantitative research design (paragraph 2).

Note: in this assignment tables and reference lists are not included in the word count. Grading criteria for Assignment 1: Grading Proportions (%) A. Evidence of the following: 1. INTRODUCTION, including:

a) Rationale: Problem statement, background and definition of key terms 20

b) Research aim and question for non-positivist methodology / qualitative data 10

c) Research aim and question for positivist methodology / quantitative data 10

2. THE LITERATURE, including a) Search strategy (i.e. search ‘string' with Boolean operators, delimiters and databases) and summary of search results (i.e. numbers found for each stage of search) 10

b) Table of 10-12 relevant research articles 10

c) Brief critique of the 10-12 relevant research articles 20

3. METHODOLOGIES AND DESIGNS, including paragraphs outlining:

a) Non-positivist methodology with qualitative design 10

b) Positivist methodology with quantitative design 10

B. Evidence of presentation skills • Clarity and brevity of expression • logical planning and sequence • no repetition • tables used appropriately, labeled and briefly referred to in-text; • supporting documentation for arguments • acknowledgement of documentation using appropriate referencing APA 6TH Edition


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Retention Strategies in Nursing
Retention Strategies in Nursing
1 Introduction
1 Rationale
1 Problem Statement
There is a widespread shortage of nurses in the world; nurse retention has become a global problem (Upenieks, 2003). Over the years, more nurses have been leaving the profession while potential new entrants have been unwilling to take up the profession. Main causes of the problem are unsafe working conditions, work overload resulting from imbalanced nurse-to-patient ratio across the globe (Humphreys et al., 2017). Many governments have been working on strategies of retaining nurses to help improve the quality of health care that has deteriorated across the globe. Having effective strategies for nurse retention has become an important business strategy that hospitals must pursue to ensure their survival (Lasala, 2017). The study will look to determine factors that are responsible for satisfaction of nurses by first delving on issues that have contributed to the high nurse turnover.
2 Background
Nursing is faced with high turnover while the demand for health care services is on the rise (Aamir, 2017). There is a nagging question as to who would replace those working in the nursing. Even though there is a continued decline in the number of nurses, the population continues to rise, placing a high demand for health care services. Today, nurses need to attend to patients on a 24-hour basis. Besides, the number of nurses recruited annually has been declining, creating a distressing shortfall of nurses (Carpenter, Reddix & Martin, 2016). Several research studies have established that retention strategies aimed at providing a safe working environment and improving the quality of health care are more effective than giving more salaries or recruiting more employees. Today, close to a third of nurses working are over 50 years old because of few new entrants due to the negative perception of the profession (Sawatzky, Enns & Legare, 2015). Over the years, shortages of workforce of health workers have presented health policy makers with the greatest challenge. Nurse shortages are prevalent in most countries with the worst hit being developing countries more so in Africa. Retention struggles are as a result of inadequate policies.
Retention of nurses is at the top of the priorities of healthcare organizations. High nurse turnover can be costly. According to Dawson et al. (2014), the cost of nurse turnover can rise to twice the salary of the leaving nurse. The costs include overtime, advertising and recruitment, orientation and training of new employees, closed bets etcetera. High nurse turnover can lead to reduced quality of care and poor outcomes for patients (Evans, 2013). The purpose of this study is to determine effective strategies that can be used to ensure that there is retention of nurses. Information from this research can be used to improve the nursing profession and improve the quality of health care in a safe working environment to ensure that newly hired nurses are retained.
3 Key Terms
Retention: This refers to the act of continuing to hold onto something or someone.
Nurse: Refers to a person, male or female, trained to take care of a sick person especially in a hospital setting.
Strategy: This is a plan of action aimed at achieving a long-term aim or objective
2 Qualitative Research Aim and Question
The aim of the qualitative research question is to determine the role played by employee burnout in nurses’ turnover. The research will seek to answer the following question: How does nurse burnout relate with nurse retention?
3 Quantitative Research Aim and Question
The aim of the next research question is to determine to what extent compensation and rewards influence retention in nursing industry. The research will seek to answer the following question: To what extent do compensations and rewards influence nurse retention?
2 Literature
4 Search Strategy
A search strategy refers to a “structured organization” of terms that are used to lookup for the desired results in a database (Dundar & Fleeman, 2014). The workings of databases vary. There is need for people to adapt their search strategies according to the databases they use. The search strategy is used to retrieve studies that will be assessed for “eligibility and inclusion”. Quality of search strategies also affects the items that have been missed in the search.
Keywords and index terms can be used in the search. Keywords are used to broaden the search results. They help in searching for journal titles, article titles, author names, and article abstracts. Keywords can also be tagged to search all texts that are needed. Index terms help to ensure that searches are appropriate and help to look for items that have been specified through indexing (Dundar & Fleeman, 2014).
The database to be used in the search is nurse retention database. The search topic is nurse retention strategies.
The strategy is as follows:
“Retention” or “keeping”
“Strategies” or “Approach” or “Master Plan”
Below is a summer of search results:
Search Name

Number of results

Nurse retention strategies


Nurse retention approach


Nurse retention master plan


Nurse keeping strategies


Nurse keeping approach


Nurse keeping master plan


5 Table of References



Dietrich Leurer, M., Donnelly, G., & Domm, E. (2007). Nurse retention strategies: advice from experienced registered nurses. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 21(3), 307-319.


Jones, C. B. C. B., & Gates, M. (2007). The costs and benefits of nurse turnover: A business case for nurse retention. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 12(3).


Twigg, D., & McCullough, K. (2014). Nurse retention: a review of strategies to create and enhance positive practice environments in clinical settings. International journal of nursing studies, 51(1), 85-92.


Ellenbecker, C. H., Porell, F. W., Samia, L., Byleckie, J. J., & Milburn, M. (2008). Predictors of home healthcare nurse retention. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 40(2), 151-160.


Baker, B. H. (2010). Faculty ratings of retention strategies for minority nursing students. Nursing Education Perspectives, 31(4), 216-220.


Rocker, C. F. (2008). Addressing nurse-to-nurse bullying to promote nurse retention. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 13(3).


Mrayyan, M. T. (2005). Nurse job satisfaction and retention: comparing public to private hospitals in Jordan. Journal of nursing management, 13(1), 40-50.


Wilson, A. A. (2005). Impact of management development on nurse retention. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 29(2), 137-145.


Milliken, T. F., Clements, P. T., & Tillman, H. J. (2007). The impact of stress management on nurse productivity and retention. Nursing Economics, 25(4), 203.


Wieck, K. L., Dols, J., & Landrum, P. (2010, January). Retention priorities for the intergenerational nurse workforce. In Nursing Forum (Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 7-17). Blackwell Publishing Inc.


Van den Heede, K., Florquin, M., Bruyneel, L., Aiken, L., Diya, L., Lesaffre, E., & Sermeus, W. (2013). Effective strategies for nurse retention in acute hospitals: a mixed method study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 50(2), 185-194.


Buffington, A., Zwink, J., Fink, R., DeVine, D., & Sanders, C. (2012). Factors affecting nurse retention at an academic Magnet® hospital. Journal of Nursing Administration, 42(5), 273-281.

6 Critique of the articles
“Nurse retention strategies: advice from experienced registered nurses” by Dietrich, Donnelly & Domm is a well written article with a good abstract the states clearly the problem of the study. The introduction of the article is also thoroughly written. The article talks about nurse retention strategies and may help address the issues addressed in the research question. However, the article does not delve specifically on the topics of research and instead give a broader look on retention strategies.
“The costs and benefits of nurse turnover: A business case for nurse retention” by Jones & Gates has a good abstract that states the issue being covered in the research. The article makes a great case for nurse retention and looks at the benefits it has compared to turnover. However, it never talks specifically about the research questions addressed herein. Most of the...
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