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Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Health, Medicine, and Nursing: Regulating Professional Practice (07-u7-t-1-2)

Essay Instructions:

Annie Lewis, a registered nurse, takes a prescribed daily beta blocker to combat a rapid heart rate. Annie was running low with no refills on her prescription, so she called her primary care provider APRN, who provided her with a month’s supply. At the same time, Annie scheduled her yearly wellness visit. When Annie arrived at the APRN’s office, she was given instructions to access her records in the practice’s new electronic record so she, the patient, could receive results and messages in a timely manner. Annie was examined, had routine labwork completed, and requested a refill of her beta blocker, although she did tell the APRN that she still had some medication remaining, so she wouldn’t need the prescription called in yet. After about 2 days, Annie received her first email alerting her that there was new information in her electronic record. When she accessed the record, she found a narrative of her visit, with a diagnosis of dysuria. The next day another email arrived, and she found that her urine had been sent for a culture and came back positive, although she had no symptoms of a UTI. The day after that lab result, Annie received an - automated call from the pharmacy that her prescription was ready. Thinking that the APRN had filled her beta blocker prescription early, she was tempted to ignore the pharmacy call. However, Annie did call the pharmacy and she learned that the prescription waiting for pickup was an antibiotic, apparently for her UTI. Knowing that it was a hassle to call regarding this, Annie decided to pick up the antibiotic and begin therapy, because she knew how to read the lab tests and assumed she should be treated for the UTI, despite having no physical symptoms. Annie never had any phone conversations with anyone from the APRN’s office after her well-visit appointment. Another factor to note: the urine sample was collected in the APRN’s office, not the lab, where Annie had labeled the specimen container in the lavatory using a black marker .

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Health, Medicine, and Nursing
Student’s Name
Institution Affiliation
Regulating Professional Practice
The state board of nursing is concerned with the protection of the public's welfare and health by ensuring that the licensed nurses provide competent and safe nursing care. The BONs (Boards of Nursing) achieves this by issuing licenses and outlining the required standards to promote safe nursing care (Allsop & Saks, 2003). On the other hand, the professional organizations focus on generating essential energy for the practice, promote proactive work, and the flow of ideas essential in maintaining a healthy profession advocating for the needs of the nurses and the clients. Furthermore, the professional organizations are crucial in promoting the trusting the trust of the community.
There are various methods of credentialing in nursing. Some of the major methods include licensure, certification, and accreditation. Licensure ensures that the degree of the nurses' competency is maintained to ensure public health and welfare safety. It also ensures the competency of the profession is maintained (Allsop & Saks, 2003). Certification and accreditation serve as an assurance that the nurses have been trained and equipped with the relevant skills to provide quality service to the clients, thereby living to the objectives of the profession (Hickey & Lundmark, 2014). However, the credentialing might also present some negative impacts to nurses which are directly associated with the patient outcomes (Allsop & Saks, 2003). For instance, some of the credentialing outcomes that are likely to affect the performance of the nurse include burnout, occupational health, and nurse safety. As a consequence, the impacts are likely to trickle down to turnover or commitment of the nurse thereby affecting their participation which affects the safety of patient care thereby undermining the competency and goals of the profession regarding the provision of quality and safe healthcare (Ross-Kerr, 2014).
Case Study
What Might Have Transpired If Anne didn’t have a nursing background?<...
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